Your intention is to take Laascaanood and every single Dhulbahante town. Dhulbahante setting up border up posts in there is a natural response. You believe Buuhoodle is part of SL and support the city being erased yet you’re crying about DH setting up small military posts to stop SL invasion which you have been planning (and failed) since Goojacade.You people are addicted to lying wallahisince when is Buqdharkayn a dhulbahante tuulo? You attacked an Isaaq tuulo then turned around and claimed we attacked our own tuulo
dhulbahante don’t live in Bali cumar how did you end up there if you werent the aggressor. Are you this retarded or do you just believe your own propaganda
HJ has to relinquish this idea of trying to enforce SL on other people. Once they do that, there will be peace talks and the issue of clan border demarcation will be discussed. Eventually, they will learn the hard way.
Buqdharkeyn is not more precious than Laascaanood.