SSC recognition news

Honest question. How would Warsangeli lose out if some of their deegaans joined SSC? They’ll play a much more important role in SSC than they do in Puntland. Whatever investments they’ve made in PL will still continue to return for them as well; it’s not as if they’re abandoning their stake in PL as well. Numerous tribes in the south have their lands split between different states. Why can’t Warsangeli be the same?

Warsangali can have their own state in Sanaag. They don’t need to be claimed as dependent. They will have no stake in Puntland if Maakhir becomes a fully recognized state.
Warsangali can have their own state in Sanaag. They don’t need to be claimed as dependent. They will have no stake in Puntland if Maakhir becomes a fully recognized state.
With the Warsangeli portions of Sanaag only? We’re looking for serious answers here. Either they stay in Puntland or they work with Khaatumo and play a much greater role in that state. They’ll never have their own state in just Eastern Sanaag and it’s much better for them to work with their walaalo and pool their resources together. Going alone is probably the worst thing to do in a poor country like Somalia.
Anyone provided actual footage or source? I don't find it anywhere. I don't believe HSM has ever been fond of Harti to give them another federal state.