As a full fledged organization, not at all. I just call some of the oldies that lolhow strong is Ictisam within SSC anyway.
I can say life comes from Allah and not food, and he can take life away easily. Does this mean if I'm starving to death I can't eat pepperoni? No, islamic fuqahaa have unanimously agreed that you can.Victory comes from Allah and not money and he can take it away easily.
I'm not even going to dignify that with a response."As long as they're not harming other people" is the liberal mindset that Qomu Lud use when they engage in isgaraac activities. You're probably one of them.
Ok. That’s what I thought. Is the mayor the same guy who was mayor when SL was controlling?As a full fledged organization, not at all. I just call some of the oldies that lol
Yeah same dude.Ok. That’s what I thought. Is the mayor the same guy who was mayor when SL was controlling?
I would think this concert will go ahead regardless. Khaatumo is a secular state like other Somali admins. They were literally just yesterday fighting alongside khat dealers and CIA trained Somali soldiers. I am not even sure where this edict came from.
Exactly, all of this Shari'ah talk is just composed of slogans and hecklers as it always is. Their medieval vision of how the state should be run never comes to fruition. That's because this model of statehood is already practiced by Al-Shabaab and the Islamic State, and surprise surprise when these organizations call on these "Shari'ah" enthusiasts to come join their "Shari'ah" states, their calls fall on deaf ears.Ok. That’s what I thought. Is the mayor the same guy who was mayor when SL was controlling?
I would think this concert will go ahead regardless. Khaatumo is a secular state like other Somali admins. They were literally just yesterday fighting alongside khat dealers and CIA trained Somali soldiers. I am not even sure where this edict came fro
Ssc Alqaida state of Somalia
Would you rather be starving but your kids are not surrounded by fisq or be nourished and have your kids surrounded by fisq?I can say life comes from Allah and not food, and he can take life away easily. Does this mean if I'm starving to death I can't eat pepperoni? No, islamic fuqahaa have unanimously agreed that you can.
I use this analogy because our people in Las Anod, and SSC at large, are starving as we speak and you're worried about a concert, which you think is haraam, that is being conducted in a private venue by literal heroes who saved SSC khaatumo. See how stupid you sound?!
Hold on lol, I just realized you are completely contradicting yourself here like 5 messages after I passed it. You say these keyboard warriors who didnt spill blood are calling for shariah policies. Now hold just a minute, Arent the elders and leaders who led the command against Somaliland creating these policies? Is Los Anode' not 99.999% muslim? It is you who is the keyboard warrior, you shouldn't care about what happens in a muslim somali city if youre a keyboard warrior living in gov. housing. Curb your hypocrisy maybe?People didn't spill their blood only for Las Anod to become another Jilib. This guy and any other mayor on earth who wants their city to be successful shouldn't care what about what happens at private venues.
They just want to get themselves involved so people think they're getting things done instead of doing their actual jobs which is focusing on the security and economy of Las Anod. It's basically a distraction from the real issues the city faces. The youth are the ones who spilled their blood for this city and they should be able to do whatever tf they want if they rent out a private venue, as long as they're not harming other people. It's none of the government's business.
A lot of these keyboard warriors screaming Shariah state never wanted to make "Hijrah" when Al-Shabaab and ISIS were controlling LARGE swathes of territory enforcing "Shari'ah". They want us to become like them, because no doubt a fundamentalist Salafi Shari'ah state will attract all those nutjobs and then destroy our beautiful city. You are free to enforce your version of Shari'ah in your home and in the masjid, but you have no business enforcing your views on other people in the public sphere or on their private property.
Taliban are more pragmatic than IS and they differ hugely on what they deem as legitimate takfir. IS doesn’t hold them as Muslims and they’ve started a wave of bombings against them. Taliban looks like they want to develop Afghanistan whilst using Islamic but still respect neighbouring etc.Exactly, all of this Shari'ah talk is just composed of slogans and hecklers as it always is. Their medieval vision of how the state should be run never comes to fruition. That's because this model of statehood is already practiced by Al-Shabaab and the Islamic State, and surprise surprise when these organizations call on these "Shari'ah" enthusiasts to come join their "Shari'ah" states, their calls fall on deaf ears.
Why? Because fundamentally these guys don't want to die for their beliefs, they'd rather just sit and yell slogans and heckles from the comfort of their homes in largely secular states like the munafiqeen that they are. And then when these "Shari'ah" states fail they scream "HEY THAT'S NOT WHAT WE MEANT, they're extremist khawarij!" But we all know if these organizations were successful these hypocritical losers would be cheerleading for them like they cheerlead for the Taliban.
I'd 100% rather have my kids surrounded by fisq than to starve and live on less than a dollar a day. It's my job as a parent to raise my kids with proper adab and protect them from harmful influences. When they are sane adults, and they have the free will to choose, then it becomes a matter between them and Allah.Would you rather be starving but your kids are not surrounded by fisq or be nourished and have your kids surrounded by fisq?
Regardless of your answer, SSC is a competent government and can chew its proverbial gum and walk at the same time.
You are right the Taliban are more pragmatic than IS, and they're currently at war with IS. However, they are still operating like a draconian state from the middle ages. I mean just look at how they treat half of their population (i.e. women), prevented from education and forced into burqas. They also still haven't cut ties with Al-Qaeda as the leader of Al-Qaeda, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, was caught chilling in the heart of KabulTaliban are more pragmatic than IS and they differ hugely on what they deem as legitimate takfir. IS doesn’t hold them as Muslims and they’ve started a wave of bombings against them. Taliban looks like they want to develop Afghanistan whilst using Islamic but still respect neighbouring etc.
As for Somalia, it’s a failed state where people thinks banning some Eid party makes them a shariah state lol.
Good luck implementing this anywhere outside of Dhulbahante endscomparing khawarij to an actual muslim state implementing the laws Allah has sent down says enough about you honestly.
Somalia is a muslim country, if you want to free mix and dance at music parties we will not allow you to do this in somalia In Shaa Allah!
you are a kafir. dont speak on issues regarding a country thats no longer yoursGood luck implementing this anywhere outside of Dhulbahante ends![]()