Sspot member you want to fight in real life

I challenge @Karats

Chun Li

under construction 😈💖
I would like to send a hitman to @Milo ’s house for being a, hardcore, Anti-Semitic

@Captain Hoyada see her jewish instinct is showing now
she will lurreeeee u in and say under 1 or 2 conditions
and ofc like a Doqon we will say what?
amd then we will fall in the trap ader
see they are dangerous
And another way to know a Jewish online
is the way they type
they’re punctuation is perfect
always use capital letters for nouns and don’t EVER play games
Allah has cursed them in the Quran actually because allah has given them every they asked for and favored them over everybody in the world and they still disbelieved in him
@Captain Hoyada do u see the commas and full stops and bracket?
defo a jew
Man write in compound and simple and complex sentences
they were cursed fam
If u are going to pick Judaism over Islam then u have lost:kodaksmiley:
There is a story in the Quran were there was a village that had half Jews and half Muslims
and Allah sent a prophet there and the prophet said on the day of Saturday u can not fish
they protested because the day of Saturday day had the most fish
but after a while everybody settled but the Jews were a bit rowdy but life goes on
then one day the Jews decide to put a net in the water in Friday and take it out on Sunday so they catch the fish of Saturday but without fishing and they manipulated the deal
after nealy a month of doing so allah cursed them and during the night they turned to apes and monkeys
Tbh I think Arabs made me anti Semitic because my mum who is a really good Muslim says Muslims are closer to Jews than Christians because Jews kill animals in the halal way so it’s not the Muslim side or Somali side
but it was also said that u shouldnt sleep with Jews at night because the curse f Allah falls on them
Exactly :what1:
I don’t understand why he married a Jewish women

