Sspot member you want to fight in real life

This man really thought that was a roast :heh: He probably thought it sounded good in his head:mjlol:
Did I hurt your adolescent feelings?
This is u right now:
Which one lol he’s always reporting and disliking for weird reasons

I forgot what it was called but dudu boy was talking about xalimos asking for meher and then showed some pic of deformed legs. Then that Half ajnabi sheegato guy started chatting shit about xalimos being “jealous”:drakelaugh:of faxaars dating ajnabi girls and dared to say we were bottom tier after I told the dog how easy it was to just get ajnabi guys if faraxs dont want us:drakelaugh::drakelaugh:I had to put the deluded wecel in his place, till Dudu decided to complain:farole: