Standardized Dictionary


Greater Somaliland consists of 5 regions. You cant impose the standard dialect for Somalia Italiana region and NFD on the other 3 regions of GreaterSomaliland. I think it will be more practical for the Distinction/Standard dialect to become the standard for the other 2 regions, NFD/SomaliaItaliana. Once JSL and SFG reunite the Somali Republic, they should impose the Distinction/Standard dialect on Somaliaitaliana. In the name of integrating the reunified Somali Republic.

Once NFD is freed from Kikuuyustan, they will be glad to accept the Distinction/Northern dialect. They will be glad to be freed from Sawaaxilization

Look into the recent linguistic history of Germany and Italy.

They had bigger linguistic differences in the 1800s than Somalis do, but they imposed a specific dialect (High German and Florentine Italian) and it became the standard. The dialects are dying out in Italy and especially in Germany.

You need to have a high quality education system and a competent government to do that.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
@Apollo @Gadhwayne

We all admit that Siyaad Barre spoke in the Mudug accent and that Somali was standardised during his regime.

But what we disagree on is whether the standardised Somali was the Mudug dialect Barre spoke in or the SL one.

The question should be: Why would a dictator like Barre not adopt his accent as standard Somali?

Why would he choose SL Somali over the Mudug dialect that he and his tribe uses?


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
@Apollo @Gadhwayne

We all admit that Siyaad Barre spoke in the Mudug accent and that Somali was standardised during his regime.

But what we disagree on is whether the standardised Somali was the Mudug dialect Barre spoke in or the SL one.

The question should be: Why would a dictator like Barre not adopt his accent as standard Somali?

Why would he choose SL Somali over the Mudug dialect that he and his tribe uses?

The answer is that he didn’t. Barre had no reason to choose a dialect different to his as the standard and chose to use his.


The answer is that he didn’t. Barre had no reason to choose a dialect different to his as the standard and chose to use his.
no arrogance intended. but the central darod dialects (wardheer shilabo geladi abudwaq north galkayo etc) are the easiest to understand. they are more neutral than benadir dialects or middle shabelle.
@Apollo @Gadhwayne

We all admit that Siyaad Barre spoke in the Mudug accent and that Somali was standardised during his regime.

But what we disagree on is whether the standardised Somali was the Mudug dialect Barre spoke in or the SL one.

The question should be: Why would a dictator like Barre not adopt his accent as standard Somali?

We dont want to get into politics but he chose based on politics and his closesest loyalists spoke the Distinction/Wuqooyi dialect. His most best allies against rebels spoke that language. Idaajaa/Mudugian deferred to Aw Jaamac/Somaaliland when choosing the official court history/poetry of Dervishes

The question should be: Why would a dictator like Barre not adopt his accent as standard Somali?

Why would he choose SL Somali over the Mudug dialect that he and his tribe uses?

The Distintion dialect has subdialects

You have the eeyaahee variety spoken by mostly in the east/central JSL. A more relaxed hadduu Ilahay ku roonyahay varity towards the southeast JSL into Hawd which loses it's distinction as you approach Mudug. The huuno variety in Awdal and western DDS/Hararga upto Djibouti. The aga ina aayooy awoowga la gub variety as you go deep into northern Ogaadeeniya and they all blend into each other. Its better to call it the dialect of distinction. Distinction between xaar/feces and xaadh/clean. The difference between AfXaadh/Northern/distinction dialect and the southern/nondistinction dialects

Look into the recent linguistic history of Germany and Italy.

They had bigger linguistic differences in the 1800s than Somalis do, but they imposed a specific dialect (High German and Florentine Italian) and it became the standard. The dialects are dying out in Italy and especially in Germany.

You need to have a high quality education system and a competent government to do that.

Standardization would be so easy since Af MaxaaTidhi is already spoken by the Tunni,
AfGarre, Maay Tedhe, AfaanGadhle, Barwaani, Markaawi, Gosha, and other tribes with unique languages. Starting with getting rid of double vowels and then distinguishing between As in xabbad/xabbad for gun/single. The distinctions between the flapped D and rolled R garshould be maintained for words like gadh/beard gar/ dispute resolution

no arrogance intended. but the central darod dialects (wardheer shilabo geladi abudwaq north galkayo etc) are the easiest to understand. they are more neutral than benadir dialects or middle shabelle.

Among southern dialects I understand Mudug better but the dictatorship era was actually leading to Benaadir becoming the dialect of prestige. for Southerners Listen to Benaadir born Deni

The southern rebels saved southerners from Mudugians reerBari faking AfXamaarawi unless they spoke the real Xamaraawi dialect
As far as i am aware the most comprehensive Somali dictionary in Af Maaxa is:


This was was first put together in 2012 and there has been a republication of it in 2020 in paperback, so its pretty recent. And the quality is extremely good, and i don't think it lacks a lot of words either. They preface it in the introduction how much of a long and hard proccess it was to put this together and how many decades ago this project started, although with it's interruptions and setbacks.


It's been pretty much the standard go to dictionary and word listing for Somali language since it's publication.
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We dont want to get into politics but he chose based on politics and his closesest loyalists spoke the Distinction/Wuqooyi dialect. His most best allies against rebels spoke that language. Idaajaa/Mudugian deferred to Aw Jaamac/Somaaliland when choosing the official court history/poetry of Dervishes

The Distintion dialect has subdialects

You have the eeyaahee variety spoken by mostly in the east/central JSL. A more relaxed hadduu Ilahay ku roonyahay varity towards the southeast JSL into Hawd which loses it's distinction as you approach Mudug. The huuno variety in Awdal and western DDS/Hararga upto Djibouti. The aga ina aayooy awoowga la gub variety as you go deep into northern Ogaadeeniya and they all blend into each other. Its better to call it the dialect of distinction. Distinction between xaar/feces and xaadh/clean. The difference between AfXaadh/Northern/distinction dialect and the southern/nondistinction dialects

Standardization would be so easy since Af MaxaaTidhi is already spoken by the Tunni,
AfGarre, Maay Tedhe, AfaanGadhle, Barwaani, Markaawi, Gosha, and other tribes with unique languages. Starting with getting rid of double vowels and then distinguishing between As in xabbad/xabbad for gun/single. The distinctions between the flapped D and rolled R garshould be maintained for words like gadh/beard gar/ dispute resolution

Among southern dialects I understand Mudug better but the dictatorship era was actually leading to Benaadir becoming the dialect of prestige. for Southerners Listen to Benaadir born Deni

The southern rebels saved southerners from Mudugians reerBari faking AfXamaarawi unless they spoke the real Xamaraawi dialect
Huuno dialect starts west of Hargeisa (Gabiley region) not just Awdal.It's the dialect of the farmers from Western SL,and the population extending from Wajaale to Jigjiga.You must be a clueless reer bari


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Look into the recent linguistic history of Germany and Italy.

They had bigger linguistic differences in the 1800s than Somalis do, but they imposed a specific dialect (High German and Florentine Italian) and it became the standard. The dialects are dying out in Italy and especially in Germany.

You need to have a high quality education system and a competent government to do that.
Linguistic differences in Somali are not at all similar to Old German or Italian who’s various “dialects” where essentially languages and in some cases entire other language families who are not mutually intelligible.

Standard koonfur somali vs Hippie hargeisan are as close to eachother as say the various accents of Bavaria

