Star sign compatibility.

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Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Have you ever turned someone down because of their star sign? I whole heartedly believe in star sign compatibility. I don't believe in horoscopes though.
:chrisfreshhah:This stupid thread has ruined my ads.

I used to get ads about hot singles in my neighborhood. :lolbron:

you should give it up in that case. I'll give it to you if I can find it but there's a hadith about a man disbelieving in Allah and when asked how it's said he believes in "stars" (astrology)

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
The concept of compatiblity between star signs is bullshit. I'm good friends with people who I'm apparaently imcompatible with.


Kim Jong Fun
I only use qabil sign. My qabilscope says that I am totally incompatible with Hutus and that if an Isaaq crosses my path I will be cursed with bad luck for a week.


It's too damn HOT!
I don't use the star compatability sign, but instead I use the finger compatibility. If you can link your fingers in between each other's perfectly with no gaps and such then you are soul mates.
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