State a fact about yourself that people aren't aware of

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
There's a busy roundabout in that area next to the station and the university. It's good you didn't hit anyone else considering the traffic and buuq lol

Look at it this way. She got it much worse than you. I hope you at least got laid that night
Laid in hospital yeah with a filaabo hanging down my arm, laid kulaha almost laid me out in a casket trust me sex was the last thing on my mind.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
After seeing the airbags & flash of lightening as I stroke the tree sex miraculously evaporated from a niggas mind, I was praying to Allah wallahi :oh6b81q:

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
I make it rain using coins
I actually used to manage a strip club in the next town during my undergrad days before I got serious with my faith and life. Strippers :idontlike: I've never met a group of sad people I feel more conflicted about. I left when I witnessed my boss doing some unethical shit. :tocry:

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Johnson wallahi I almost died saturaday morning, in south London picking up some broads, jealousy is dangerous wallahi, this cadaan qumayo grabbed the stirring wheel while I was driving & luckily we crashed into a tree, all because I wanted to drop her off and bashaal with some xalimos I linked on the strip, I'm still in hospital recovering, they say what don't kill you will only make you stronger. View attachment 8865

I'm still traumatised wallahi, I'll never be able to have a in the passenger seat again :oh6b81q:

My swag was on :dzmxmmb: peep the trainers:2tjlv3e:View attachment 8866

Here's the enemy, she broke her leg in three places fractured her face black eyes nacaala you'll reap just what you sow.View attachment 8867
Where did you get your jumper from?

Lol your a savage... delete that girls pic.
Hahaha sure I did martial arts judo and tang soo do when I was younger.

daaaaaaamn :ohhh:
Excellent, I need someone to protect me from the mean streets of london :dabcasar:

I'm thinking about getting into judo, picking up ppl and dropping them on their heads sounds great lol. How long did you train for?
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daaaaaaamn :ohhh:
Excellent, I need someone to protect me from the mean streets of london :dabcasar:

I thinking about getting into judo, picking up ppl and dropping them on their heads sounds great lol. How long did you train for?

I did judo for 2 years and tang soo do for 4 years. I'm thinking of starting the Israeli martial arts Krav maga.

Judo is excellent for flipping and tossing someone and holding them in place - regardless of their size
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