Stepdad realizes he’s just an ATM


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
If you say so. Seems like you have a hatred for all things black. You remind me of an older conservative white Southern man in America who has been led by false notions of the America dream and rampant victim blaming devoid of historical context and how such a thing became that way.

I know that there is a whole lot wrong with the madow community, but I think you kinda take it to the extreme really and don’t understand the diversity of black people. Take for example the Igbo of the US, they’re incredibly wealthy and educated, yet they’re black African. Have you asked yourself why their trajectory seems different?

I shouldn't have included Eritreans, north/south Sudanese, and Somali Bantus.

You can be educated, financially well off, and still be a bad person, @Angelina. I find Nigerians to be among the worst when it comes to character.