Steroids for them a e s t h e t i c s gains

Bro what are you talking about lmao
Do you actually believe that all somalis who bench over 100 are on steroids? I bench 110 kg and i’m not on steroids? can you explain that? Anyways lets just stop acting like all somalis are skinny built i’m in no way an ectomorph i’ve always been big (Not fat) as a kid without even training. Not all somalis have shitty body building genes. Infact my dad looks jacked without even having been into the gym once in his life. Just like in every people there’s some strongly buit people and weak built people.

He thinks all somalis are built the same it dosen’t even make sense?
What are your stats? Being a 150kg fatty "powerlifter" with 25% bodyfat negates it:ufdup:


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
@Rooble44 did you go through with it and hop on the bicycle in the end sxb?
Corona came about at a bad time my bro, been doing keto for roughly 2 months and taking boron, zinc, multivitamins and vitamin D + good nutrition. Wanna see if I can try and max it naturally before I trade in my natty card.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
@Rooble44 How can I get Brock Lesnar muscles? I am making some progress but do i need roids to reach his level?

Good genetics + Juice + Hard work + Dedication brah. I'm positive Brock is enhanced or has been at some point. But no way your average Somali can get that physique just through hard work and dedication.

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
Bought the Athlean Xero bodyweight program for about 80 quid, the gains have been absolutely phenomenal. They're difficult though bare in mind. It came with videos and PDFs, its about 2gb. Cba uploading the whole thing but I can upload the PDFs for you if you want, just want my fellow somalis to get swole.

Edit: f*ck it, uploaded the PDFs; feel free to download if you're interested.
Been following this for a few weeks, to supplement the dumbbells I have. Shit is good. Thanks saxiib. :denzelnigga:


Hitting a legit 2 plates is probably my fav gym accomplishment. Even tho I had far more impressive lifts(315lb front squat atg, 265lb bench, 415lb deadlift), that 225lb bench was glorious.

My new goal is to hit 3plates (touch and go) on bench. Gonna have to start from the ground up since the gyms are closing. Hopefully I can 3plates at 155-160lbs. It'll take time, but it'll be a nice goal to set.

All time bench goal is to hit 315lb with a pause. I have yet to see anyone even hit 315lb irl with clean form , let a lone a pause.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
Hitting a legit 2 plates is probably my fav gym accomplishment. Even tho I had far more impressive lifts(315lb front squat atg, 265lb bench, 415lb deadlift), that 225lb bench was glorious.

My new goal is to hit 3plates (touch and go) on bench. Gonna have to start from the ground up since the gyms are closing. Hopefully I can 3plates at 155-160lbs. It'll take time, but it'll be a nice goal to set.

All time bench goal is to hit 315lb with a pause. I have yet to see anyone even hit 315lb irl with clean form , let a lone a pause.
Yeah man i can do 2 and a bit plates for bench, 1 plate for shoulders, 2 plates for squat and 3 plates for deadlift, and that's not my 1 rep max either, can do 6-8 reps on most tbh. I stopped progressing the weights now, don't want my body getting out of hand, I'm looking nice and aesthetic; currently weigh 95kg at 6'3ish. I just wanna maintain this, so I started doing endurance work on slightly lighter weights and picked up sprinting as well as BJJ for them functional gains. If I see myself regressing in terms of physique by the time I'm 40-50ish I'll trade in my natty card and hop on TRT.


Yeah man i can do 2 and a bit plates for bench, 1 plate for shoulders, 2 plates for squat and 3 plates for deadlift, and that's not my 1 rep max either, can do 6-8 reps on most tbh. I stopped progressing the weights now, don't want my body getting out of hand, I'm looking nice and aesthetic; currently weigh 95kg at 6'3ish. I just wanna maintain this, so I started doing endurance work on slightly lighter weights and picked up sprinting as well as BJJ for them functional gains. If I see myself regressing in terms of physique by the time I'm 40-50ish I'll trade in my natty card and hop on TRT.
facts. I'll do trt if my test is very low. I'm looking to get back into bjj actually and do some boxing. Do you train no gi or gi? Where do you live btw? Are you in Canada as well?


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
facts. I'll do trt if my test is very low. I'm looking to get back into bjj actually and do some boxing. Do you train no gi or gi? Where do you live btw? Are you in Canada as well?
I trained GI when I was younger, but for the past 4 years I've been doing no GI, I find tho no GI to be a lot more intense. I'm in Manchester, United Kingdom but I'm in the states quite a lot, been to Canada quite a bit as well, got family in Toronto. My natural test is already high in the 900s now without any exogenous hormones, I take vitamin D, Fish oil, multivitamin and ZMA religiously and eat a shït tonne of eggs; scroll up further up this thread I posted my hormone panel.


I trained GI when I was younger, but for the past 4 years I've been doing no GI, I find tho no GI to be a lot more intense. I'm in Manchester, United Kingdom but I'm in the states quite a lot, been to Canada quite a bit as well, got family in Toronto. My natural test is already high in the 900s now without any exogenous hormones, I take vitamin D, Fish oil, multivitamin and ZMA religiously and eat a shït tonne of eggs; scroll up further up this thread I posted my hormone panel.
ah shit i need to get mines checked. Good shit bro.

Respects for the Ju Jitsu post, I need to get back into it. My goal is to at least get a purple belt. One of long term goals. I wanna get into boxing, but I don't wanna deal with brain damage.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
ah shit i need to get mines checked. Good shit bro.

Respects for the Ju Jitsu post, I need to get back into it. My goal is to at least get a purple belt. One of long term goals. I wanna get into boxing, but I don't wanna deal with brain damage.
Yeah bro the brain damage instantly puts me off, I've seen some guys who are 25-30 with slight Parkinson's, the only thing they have in common is how many years they've been sparring for. Just do the training without sparring or competing.

