Stop looking at arabs as "brothers"


@Khaemwaset, are you trying to be a dictator so you can talk to 13 year olds :birdman:
Stop this defamation. She's not 13.
Have you seen the type of shit she's posting. Show me a 13 Yr who engages in gender war like this. My gender war at that age was arguing about if men are stronger and women are smarter with some femanist blondie who had it out for me.
Stop this defamation. She's not 13.
Have you seen the type of shit she's posting. Show me a 13 Yr who engages in gender war like this. My gender war at that age was arguing about if men are stronger and women are smarter with some femanist blondie who had it out for me.
Be careful sxb, the UK has strict laws


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Stop this defamation. She's not 13.
Have you seen the type of shit she's posting. Show me a 13 Yr who engages in gender war like this. My gender war at that age was arguing about if men are stronger and women are smarter with some femanist blondie who had it out for me.
First stage of grief is denial. Tyrone will be waiting for you in the xabsi
Can’t remember but gonna go out on a limb and say I disagreed with your statement brobro.

Maybe it was something anti-Arab because I love all Arabs <3

It was literally one of the most kumbaya statements I've ever made; it was sweet enough to kill a diabetic

This maid thing is not new to me but I haven't really heard anything about our maids getting mistreated.


I don't think we have programs where were sending them to Gulf though. Saudis are allowed to recruit xalimos though.
Theres a somali woman who went to dubai to do maid work. Her agency set her up with some arab. The arab requested a live in maid and said he had accomodations for her. She went to the property and it was in an apartment complex. She thought it was like a large suite for a family but when he let her in it was a tiny apartment with 1 bedroom and he lived alone. She was confused and asked where she would sleep and he said theyll sleep together in his room. She booked it out of there as soon as he said that. And since she had nowhere to stay (the predator definitely knew that since maids usually have noone) she contacted her family who put her in touch with my uncle bc shes also xawaadle and this is what she told him. She stayed with him for a while and dealt with her agency and eventually they got her with another family.

A lot of these dudes are weird and want a s*x maid. A lot of them are getting piped when the wife is gone and the maid hides it out of shame and also desperation to keep her job.. If she was a poor ethiopian or indian lady with no contact with anyone she might have spent the night with him and gotten molested. If maids take the dude to court she'll get deported after her visa runs out ☠️ and she probably struggled to get there in the first place
Oh yea also im not tryna make this an anti arab thing there are def somali dudes who molest oromo maids in galbeed and waqooyi. Its unfortunate.


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