Yes walaal
I don’t think the outlook is that gloomy though. Somalis 16-29 are almost in line with educational levels of other communities and factors such as health will improve when this group and Somalis in their 30-50s exercise more, live healthier and have access to better healthcare information. People reporting they have experienced FGM will go down and it will be alien practice in a few years. Somalis have a young population, so the unemployment data will take care of itself once this group enters meaningful employment. Even the report shows Somalis have a large student population.

In the census data down below you can see Somalis are over represented in social housing, however they are also slightly renting more on average. I think that is one of the biggest problems here. From one perspective, as the data shows, we are more likely to live in overcrowded housing, which has an impact on education and mental health etc. From another perspective, Somalis are exposing their children to seeing drug dealing and crime by staying in these areas, but I am not sure what the solution is there as it is a religious/cultural issue related to riba as much as it is economic. Our proximity to poor areas leads to increased crime rates and more men having mental health issues induced by drugs and stress. I anticipate the private rent number to go up as those in the student population move out to get married. Somalis might become the biggest private renting group in the UK. Somalis are creating groups like this so we know some things are improving:

On another note, there are some positives to be gained from having a Somali tick box even though we may take hit from far right headlines. One of them is that we can better record racism and Islamophobia specifically targeted against Somalis. A recent study found that Somalis were more likely to be attacked and suffer racist incidents after terror attacks or events like Brexit, despite this many authorities still collect Somali racist incidents under the black African incidents. We can also see many Somalis did not report racist incidents of violence and verbal abuse directed towards them pre Brexit. These types of data can help us analyse how many Somalis are going for interviews or not getting jobs they are capable of doing compared to their counterparts. We know there are still issues in the UK pertaining to racism in the work place, education and in the police force against Somalis. If Somalis were more likely to be report this than Nigerians as an example, it could be use to hold some of these organisations to account or even send representatives to meet with them etc.
There was a leaked WhatsApp group of police officers in a London borough recently and some of the comments related to smashing up Somalis guys”

Report for anyone interested:

I haven’t seen that box tho, the one I usually tick is black african and if they ever ask for my ethnicity it’s for all ethnicities
Yes, this was the early stages of the report. ONS specifically wanted the data of 4 ethnic groups: Jewish, Roma, Sikh, Somali. Their idea was for a specifically designated separate tick box for these 4 groups whereas everyone would have to tick black african or south asian (e.g.). It was later concluded that there would be a write in box for everyone to write in box for everyone to write in their ethnicity. Though the only ethnic group data that has been released to the public are the original 4 (sikh, somali, roma, jewish).
This was when the Tories were in power. Let's see if the Labour Party government continue this, if they do then Sonalis should stop voting for them.

Somalis should tick other ✅️ as we are not Black, for now, then we start doing well we should have our own tick box.
Originally, I had thought that the somali community had asked to be separated from the Black African label for the UK Census 2021. However, new information has come to light that has revealed that we were INFACT targeted by the Government!

View attachment 347842

Sikhs and Jewish people are the best performing immigrant ethnic group. Roma gypsies and us are the worst performing ethnic group!

The Government had a preliminary meeting with somalis to discuss their feelings on it.
View attachment 347839

This is the story of the somali community. High IQ somalis are shunned by the low IQ mooryaans. Look at this, I can't believe it!

Look at the first line on the second paragraph :ftw9nwa::)

Wallahi you couldn't make this up!

The Somali participants ticking ''Somali'' at the tick box instead of Black African has nothing to do with low IQ or High IQ. Again it has to do with immigration and cultural concept of race identity.

There is no concept of Black identity in Somalia and people generally see themselves as just Somali.

So you can see the confusion and conflicting identification when they immigrate to the west.


This is also the challenge and part of the reason why a seperate Somali category was made, it was to capture many Somalis who tick ''other'' & "Somali" in the census box.

You can't really compare this to Jews either, because they are naturalized multi-generational Europeans, they are not immigrants from Africa with a seperate race/identity concept.

Somalis are actually performing above expected. Far from worst performing as i have highlighted in a different thread
This is from a study published in 2020, showing that Somali employment in the UK has increased by almost 100% since 1998. It also worthy to point out like this study shows that that the figures don't account for Somalis employed in the ''informal labour market'' which will make it higher. This is mostly our parents generation and older millennials who had to overcome barriers and obstacles it speaks of in the last sentence.


These our stats in London schools and how Somalis are performing well and raising their educational attainment at higher rates. So if we are low IQ and backward , how we outperforming white/cadaan students ?

In many of the schools we outperform the national average

View attachment 347531

You and @AppleBoat398 Need to loose the facade it's not about what racists believe, its you guys have some grudge against Somalis. That's really what i boils down to, don't hide behind right wing talking points. You don't care about how much better Somalis are doing in spite of our obstacles.

I look at the gains & successes my people have made and i am truly inspired by it. And want to add on to it and improve on it.
The Somali participants ticking ''Somali'' at the tick box instead of Black African has nothing to do with low IQ or High IQ. Again it has to do with immigration and cultural concept of race identity.

There is no concept of Black identity in Somalia and people generally see themselves as just Somali.

So you can see the confusion and conflicting identification when they immigrate to the west.


This is also the challenge and part of the reason why a seperate Somali category was made, it was to capture many Somalis who tick ''other'' & "Somali" in the census box.

You can't really compare this to Jews either, because they are naturalized multi-generational Europeans, they are not immigrants from Africa with a seperate race/identity concept.

Somalis are actually performing above expected. Far from worst performing as i have highlighted in a different thread
Read my post properly. You have mis understood it completely. I did not generalise somalis as low IQ; you need to stop jumping the gun all the time.

Second of all, the stats you are posting on educational attainment show somali pupils to still be massively under performing. Are you not even reading it?

58% of Somalis achieving 5 gcses between A*-C compared to the average which is 83%?
It's an improvement from before but I wouldn't class it as somali kids doing very well.
Read my post properly. You have mis understood it completely. I did not generalise somalis as low IQ; you need to stop jumping the gun all the time.

Second of all, the stats you are posting on educational attainment show somali pupils to still be massively under performing. Are you not even reading it?
You are trying to infer that Somalis who tick Somali instead of Black African are low iq or uneducated when it's far from reality.

The only thing they probably most likely are not educated on is the racial grouping of Black, because it's totally absent in Somalia.

Also like i said you can't really compare this to Jews either, because they are naturalized multi-generational Europeans, they are not immigrants from Africa fleeing civil war with a seperate race/identity concept.
So of course they are going to feel like they are being singled out and especially conscious of their history of being persecuted. In Somalia, no Somali has a history of being singled out and persecuted for being Somali

58% of Somalis achieving 5 gcses between A*-C compared to the average which is 83%?
It's an improvement from before but I wouldn't class it as somali kids doing very well.

58% are stats from between 2007-2013 which was above the average of white british pupils

Now its actually above the national average, you can see the progressive increase year by year.

We are among the best performing, not worst.
