Street Concert Causes Outrage in Mogadishu


Stay on that side.
Shuyukh in Somalia are beyond useless, but what’s really new 🤣 I can find more lectures by them on hijab than on violence and theft/looting, the two deadly sins in Somalia. Do you know how bizarre that is?

They even have lectures addressing specific female politicians for ’inappropriate’ attire but none for the likes of Dahir Calasow or Kabtan Ayuub whos activities in public are far more dangerous for the moral fabric of somali society. I don’t even think there is a more useless class of ppl in Somalia.. these man are just .. there.

They even had a press meeting for the tv show ’arday’ LOL. Because they felt like the the show was ”misrepresenting” Somalia and corrupting the youth. Mind you around the release of that tvshow there were many bait girls in Somalia getting drugged, raped an filmed. No mention of this. The tv show depicts similar situations and *thats* what upset them ?!

I can’t wait for when we start valuing and respecting ppl based on their contributions rather than their title.
I 100% agree that all they talk about is girls who wear trousers, etc. Imagine if they focused that energy on guiding Somali politicians, which they don’t. Also, banning a street concert is useless when there are Qabil parties every other month. Will Madaale speak about the Hirshabelle State party the other month at the elite hotel, where they were blasting music and it looked like a club? Absolutely Not. I would respect them more if they spoke about FGM, femicide and r*pe, which is RAMPANT throughout Somalia. Why are street parties banned, but these sheikhs can’t ban FGM?
No one says that. You are lying.

Social media is dominated by diaspora and even they do not speak like that. It is only a minority of usually anonymous accounts such as yourself.

The trajectory went from openly secular less than a generation ago to one of the most religious societies.

You obviously know nothing of Somalia if you think the trajectory is away from religiousity based one a few tiktokers which is a minority of a minority and their bad behaviour, even they will eventually seek forgiveness and likely become more religious over time as is the usual trajectory with Somalis. That is if there is not a crackdown on that too soon before that.

Lol but you and your ilk can keep hoping and waiting for a day that wont come.
The sad part about superficially religious ppl like urself and these shuyukh is pretending like religion = hijab & banned concerts. Not you know people abstaining from major sins like murder, theft and rape. Somalis don’t have a moralcode, they are not religious, if they did half of the things happening in Somalia would not be happening. We wouldn’t have been the nr 1 most corrupt country on the planet 🤣 or known aid and welfare looters. Our diaspora would not be overrepresented in all crime statistics.

If degenerecy being normalised (drugs, promiscuity, death and destruction) but people wearing jalaabib is ur idea of religious then you might be right, we might be the most religious ppl on the planet

you’re worried about street concerts and
tv shows while we have an ever expanding underground sex trafficking rings who are now popping up in every big city and literal NOMADS are being introduced to alcohol. You live in a fairytale. Genuinely.

like I said, I’m eagerly waiting for their next press release about some trivial shit


Stay on that side.
The sad part about superficially religious ppl like urself and these shuyukh is pretending like religion = hijab & banned concerts. Not you know people abstaining from major sins like murder, theft and rape. Somalis don’t have a moralcode, they are not religious, if they did half of the things happening in Somalia would not be happening. We wouldn’t have been the nr 1 most corrupt country on the planet 🤣 or known aid and welfare looters. Our diaspora would not be overrepresented in all crime statistics.

If degenerecy being normalised (drugs, promiscuity, death and destruction) but people wearing jalaabib is ur idea of religious then you might be right, we might be the most religious ppl on the planet

you’re worried about street concerts and
tv shows while we have an ever expanding underground sex trafficking rings who are now popping up in every big city and literal NOMADS are being introduced to alcohol. You live in a fairytale. Genuinely.

like I said, I’m eagerly waiting for their next press release about some trivial shit
The craziest part is they don’t even follow the hijab rule correctly. It’s only forced hijab for women, but men are free to do what they want. When you go to Lido, all you see are shirtless boys with tiny shorts, but no one says anything.


The sad part about superficially religious ppl like urself and these shuyukh is pretending like religion = hijab & banned concerts. Not you know people abstaining from major sins like murder, theft and rape. Somalis don’t have a moralcode, they are not religious, if they did half of the things happening in Somalia would not be happening. We wouldn’t have been the nr 1 most corrupt country on the planet 🤣 or known aid and welfare looters. Our diaspora would not be overrepresented in all crime statistics.

If degenerecy being normalised (drugs, promiscuity, death and destruction) but people wearing jalaabib is ur idea of religious then you might be right, we might be the most religious ppl on the planet

you’re worried about street concerts and
tv shows while we have an ever expanding underground sex trafficking rings who are now popping up in every big city and literal NOMADS are being introduced to alcohol. You live in a fairytale. Genuinely.

like I said, I’m eagerly waiting for their next press release about some trivial shit

Keep crying. Crime is extremely low and rare in Somalia compared to most countries in the world. That is why any crimes that happens is big news and everyone hears about it. Whereas whatever degenerate western city you live in likely have tens of murders, drug epidemics, death and destruction as you called it and it probably is a footnote in the news due to the high levels.

I am talking about in Somalia. The corruption in government is due to them being the most corrupt people the west could find and put in place to serve them. They do not represent the people.

Like I said, you do not know anything about Somalia. Cry about it elsewhere.
Keep crying. Crime is extremely low and rare in Somalia compared to most countries in the world. That is why any crimes that happens is big news and everyone hears about it. Whereas whatever degenerate western city you live in likely have tens of murders, drug epidemics, death and destruction as you called it and it probably is a footnote in the news due to the high levels.

I am talking about in Somalia. The corruption in government is due to them being the most corrupt people the west could find and put in place to serve them. They do not represent the people.

Like I said, you do not know anything about Somalia. Cry about it elsewhere.
When ur filthy fobs show up in any scandinavian countries they are in the news for carrying out rapes 🤣 u have entire telegram groupchats dedicated to filmed rapes carried out around Somalia LOL where is safe? The society where 10 men can find eachother willing to rape a child, not even one assailant but TEN who are not even ashamed infront of eachother. Who are u fooling ?

the average somali supports every warlord that hails from their clan, no murder, illegal checkpoint or looted funds stops them from supporting them. Apparently that’s normal in a religious and morally upright society 🤣 walaal lie to someone who doesn’t know better

somalia is the epitome of social and moral decay, saying they are religious is an oxymoron


When ur filthy fobs show up in any scandinavian countries they are in the news for carrying out rapes 🤣 u have entire telegram groupchats dedicated to filmed rapes carried out around Somalia LOL where is safe? The society where 10 men can find eachother willing to rape a child, not even one assailant but TEN who are not even ashamed infront of eachother. Who are u fooling ?

the average somali supports every warlord that hails from their clan, no murder, illegal checkpoint or looted funds stops them from supporting them. Apparently that’s normal in a religious and morally upright society 🤣 walaal lie to someone who doesn’t know better

somalia is the epitome of social and moral decay, saying they are religious is an oxymoron

Keep lying to yourself and waiting for a day that will never come.

You will grow old waiting and enraged as the Muslim world including Somalia and even the world rejects your degenerate useless liberal world view.

It is also good you have cleared up the fact that your are obviously not Somali lool.

Like I said, keep crying about it.


Reformation of Somaliland
Nacala a failed nation and people chasing after concerts, drinking, parties, and khat and petty individual sins even in dunya and akhirah yet allowing for murder, fraud, looting from kids, elderly, poor, corruption. gossip, lying which are the worst sins in Islam both dunya and akhriah thrive and grow in your land and Diaspora but u chase after small sins which is to their nafs not others like the crimes that happened in your community.

What a failed people, I urge the UN, these ppl need to removed from earth either thru nuclear option or flood in a more sensible oromo.

We feel so ashamed we share a country with these people.
Advocating for genocide rather than dialogue. Same old Daarood mentality
Keep lying to yourself and waiting for a day that will never come.

You will grow old waiting and enraged as the Muslim world including Somalia and even the world rejects your degenerate useless liberal world view.

It is also good you have cleared up the fact that your are obviously not Somali lool.

Like I said, keep crying about it.
Failed reading comprehension ? Im not shisheeye dummy

I dont think u get it, they *are* liberal. There’s not a single sin that hasn’t increased tenfold since the civilwar. Whatever religious utopia u are imagining is not coming anytime soon. You fail to realize that there is far more to religion than garments. People can wear jalaabib as much as they like but murder, theft, sex and drugs are far more tolerated today than at any other time in our history as somalis

do you even know what the datingculture is like in Somalia? Do you know how normalized zina is?

Hell even the average diaspora kid is more religious than ppl back home

Also if u think the west is seriously rejecting liberalism anytime soon ur sadly mistaken, the faux conservatism that is on the rise is just performative 🤣 its just weird counterculture shit


Failed reading comprehension ? Im not shisheeye dummy

I dont think u get it, they *are* liberal. There’s not a single sin that hasn’t increased tenfold since the civilwar. Whatever religious utopia u are imagining is not coming anytime soon. You fail to realize that there is far more to religion than garments. People can wear jalaabib as much as they like but murder, theft, sex and drugs are far more tolerated today than at any other time in our history as somalis

do you even know what the datingculture is like in Somalia? Do you know how normalized zina is?

Hell even the average diaspora kid is more religious than ppl back home

Also if u think the west is seriously rejecting liberalism anytime soon ur sadly mistaken, the faux conservatism that is on the rise is just performative 🤣 its just weird counterculture shit

You are aleady having a meltdown.

Your lies dont change a thing. Like I said, cry about it elsewhere I am not interested in hearing your stories. You know nothing of Somalia.

You have a point. There is no point digging our head in the sand pretending that Somalia is an Islamic utopia.

Our society has slowly morally decayed, with killing, theft, rape, bribing, corruption, drug misuse spread all over Somalia. Its gotten even worse with access to the internet and social media. However, at the same time you have a lot of people who are conservative, God fearing and try their best to follow the deen.

It's a constant struggle especially with a state that has no moral compass or ideology. Is it a Liberal secular state or an Islamic state which purpose is to protect the peoples deen and akhlaaq?

Anyways, just a heads up but you can get your point across without attacking the shuyuukh in a distasteful manner. They are right to speak about the hijab, and other issues which corrupt a Muslim society, we shouldn't belittle that. And in regards to dahir culusoow I doubt many serious sheikhs even listen to him or know a lot about the madness going on social media. A sheikh is no doubt more preoccupied with learning, teaching Islamic knowledge and busy worshipping their Lord and calling people to Islam.

There is somewhat of a disconnect to the reality on the ground and a lot more could be done to be more vocal about contemporary issues that are plaguing Somali society(qabiil/murder/corruption/ drug use/foreign amisom soldiers/lack of sovereignty etc). Tbh since the advent of Alshabaab a lot of shuuykh are playing safe and keeping away from politics and things that affect us on a national scale. Even look at Sland what are the shuuykh doing there that fear God, shouldn't they have been calling for the Sland gov to fear Allah and restrain from killing their Muslim brothers in Lascanood?
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I am not opposed to going after Munkar, but we have to be honest with each other.

These wadaads have an extreme interpretation of Hijab, anything that is not Saudi style Jilabiib is considered naked.

As for the parties these are mostly happening in private places and not in the public spheres, most of these are symptoms of bigger problems. (halal made difficult and corruption)

We have far bigger and deadlier issues that plague us that require constant emphasis and attention, these are.

1. Corruption
2. Injustice
3. Xasad
4. Qabyaalad
5. Murder
6. Sixir

The top 2 alone is enough destroy any country. But the good thing is that if you solve just those 2, your 80% there.

When Allah sent Prophets, they dealt with the main problems that society/community had and most of the emphasis was placed on it.

For the people of Shuaib it was corruption, Lut homosexuality, Hud Idolatry and arrogance etc.

What's interesting in Surah Al A'raf when all these nations (including Salih's nation Thamud) were being destroyed, Allah went specially out of his way to state the following for the people of Shuaib, which he didn't for the others.

Those who rejected Shu’aib were ˹wiped out˺ as if they had never lived there

We have the traces of Thamud, Aad, Fircawn and the evidence of destruction that took place in Sodom, but Allah went out of his way to wipe out the traces of the people of Shuaib, their crime? cheating in business (corruption), and unlike the other Prophets, he didn't come with a miracle, reflect on that.

I lived in Somalia for a whole year attending Friday prayers and those topics above that the majority of people agree are the main issues was NEVER SPOKEN about, not even ONCE, yet the topic of Fisq as it related to parties and Xaalimo's not wearing the proper clothing attire was the most common topic, I heard it over 30x times, yet I have never seen a Xaalimo not wearing Islamic attire while there.

This is not the Prophetic way of Dawah, we both live in the West and the fisq that goes on here is far worse, yet the country is stable, there is peace and stability, even the fisq that goes on in the Arab lands and neighbouring African countries are worse, yet they are in a far better condition then us.

That's because those crimes are absolutely nothing in comparison to the multitude of crimes we engage in, there is no point putting the cart before the horse.

The reason why its tough to talk about those real problems is that you will offend the majority of the people, especially your business donors, friends and families.

Ibn Taymiyyah​

It is said that Allah allows the just state to remain even if it is led by unbelievers, but Allah will not allow the oppressive state to remain even if it is led by Muslims. And it is said that the world will endure with justice and unbelief, but it will not endure with oppression and Islam.”


I am not opposed to going after Munkar, but we have to be honest with each other.

These wadaads have an extreme interpretation of Hijab, anything that is not Saudi style Jilabiib is considered naked.

As for the parties these are mostly happening in private places and not in the public spheres, most of these are symptoms of bigger problems. (halal made difficult and corruption)

We have far bigger and deadlier issues that plague us that require constant emphasis and attention, these are.

1. Corruption
2. Injustice
3. Xasad
4. Qabyaalad
5. Murder
6. Sixir

The top 2 alone is enough destroy any country. But the good thing is that if you solve just those 2, your 80% there.

When Allah sent Prophets, they dealt with the main problems that society/community had and most of the emphasis was placed on it.

For the people of Shuaib it was corruption, Lut homosexuality, Hud Idolatry and arrogance etc.

What's interesting in Surah Al A'raf when all these nations (including Salih's nation Thamud) were being destroyed, Allah went specially out of his way to state the following for the people of Shuaib, which he didn't for the others.

Those who rejected Shu’aib were ˹wiped out˺ as if they had never lived there

We have the traces of Thamud, Aad, Fircawn and the evidence of destruction that took place in Sodom, but Allah went out of his way to wipe out the traces of the people of Shuaib, their crime? cheating in business (corruption), and unlike the other Prophets, he didn't come with a miracle, reflect on that.

I lived in Somalia for a whole year attending Friday prayers and those topics above that the majority of people agree are the main issues was NEVER SPOKEN about, not even ONCE, yet the topic of Fisq as it related to parties and Xaalimo's not wearing the proper clothing attire was the most common topic, I heard it over 30x times, yet I have never seen a Xaalimo not wearing Islamic attire while there.

This is not the Prophetic way of Dawah, we both live in the West and the fisq that goes on here is far worse, yet the country is stable, there is peace and stability, even the fisq that goes on in the Arab lands and neighbouring African countries are worse, yet they are in a far better condition then us.

That's because those crimes are absolutely nothing in comparison to the multitude of crimes we engage in, there is no point putting the cart before the horse.

The reason why its tough to talk about those real problems is that you will offend the majority of the people, especially your business donors, friends and families.

Ibn Taymiyyah​

It is said that Allah allows the just state to remain even if it is led by unbelievers, but Allah will not allow the oppressive state to remain even if it is led by Muslims. And it is said that the world will endure with justice and unbelief, but it will not endure with oppression and Islam.”

I agree all those topics are important but I dont appreciate bringing them up as whataboutism. The sheikhs do talk about it. Anyone can make threads on the issue as well instead of using it as an excuse to minimize or distract from another topic.

Your list is important, but the idea that you think those things do not occur in other countries to a much larger and deeper extent is where I think you are out of touch on this issue. All those issues, are much worse in many other countries. Only the propped up political class is extremely corrupt and that is no secret, everyone knows that about them. That is not the case amongst the people, where it is with most other countries.
I agree all those topics are important but I dont appreciate bringing them up as whataboutism. The sheikhs do talk about it. Anyone can make threads on the issue as well instead of using it as an excuse to minimize or distract from another topic.

Your list is important, but the idea that you think those things do not occur in other countries to a much larger and deeper extent is where I think you are out of touch on this issue. All those issues, are much worse in many other countries. Only the propped up political class is extremely corrupt and that is no secret, everyone knows that about them. That is not the case amongst the people, where it is with most other countries.
Its not whataboutism, its priorities, this has been ongoing for decades, and I seen it first hand in Somalia, this is the topic that is emphasised the most back home, its minor in the grand scheme of things.

On your second point I think your being extremely naive, yes there is no perfect nation, they all have those diseases but its nothing close to Somalia, not even close which shows how out of touch you really are.

These nations wouldn't even survive if they had 5% of the corruption of Somalia, or implemented just 5% of the justice system that exist there.

This is why it would do you a lot of good if you spent a year or two living in a third world country, you will learn a lot and understand why they are being punished and humiliated, the level of Xasad they have among themselves will horrify you, and you will quickly understand why no one gets ahead there.

Just the other day a diaspora Xaalimo starting a farm in Afgooye to help her country got brutally murdered due to Xasad and I could share 1000x such stories with you.

Every elite circle of a nation is corrupt, we aren't talking about them but about the nation, to get anything done in the third world nation its all about who you know in the government and even then you have to bribe them, can't get anything done without paying bribes something as simple as going through a checkpoint, as the hadith states, all parties engaged in this are cursed.

Tribalism virtually non existent in the west and murderers & Criminals are punished unlike Somalia were they walk free or kill an innocent respectful male from the other tribe as payback rather then killing the one who did the murder which they have no interest in doing, as what happened to poor pharmacist in Gaalkacyo not long ago.

You have no idea brother, go and live there for some time, you will come back being extremely grateful that Allah moved you out of that place, I had similar delusional conceptions that you had, ignored what everyone said, until reality hit me in the face.