Subhanallah:trully Muhammad is the final prophet

In the quran the word month(shahr) in its singular form occurs 12 times. The word day(يوم) in its singular form occurs 365 times in the quran. Subhanallah!

The phrase "that day"(يومئذ, referring to the last day) and the phrase "the last day(يوم القيامة) occur equally 70 times throughout the quran.
The word day in its plural(daysايام and 2daysيومين) occurs 30 times in total(days occurs 27 times, while 2days occurs 3 times) . Why is days mentioned 27 times? You will find that the word moon is mentioned 27 times also. Where as the earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours(once a day) the moon completes a rotation every 27 days. Its orbit around the other is also 27 days. What about the 3 mentions of days in the form '2days'? Actually, the specific rotation time of the moon is 27.3. Subhanallah! If you objext to this method, we can arrive at 27.3 in another method, subhanallah!Theres infact one more mention of the moon in the entire quran, but it is infact a special type of moon, crescent(اهلة). The crescent moon is when the moon is only a fraction, hence 27shahr and fraction(crescent) ,27.3. Subhanallah.

The word year in its singular occurs 7 times throughout the quran, and occurs 12 times in its plural for a sum total of 19 years. Why 19 years?
This perfectly correlates with the metonic cycle of 19 years. Subhanallah.!Furthermore the metonic cycle contains exactly 7 leap years and 12 common years. Allahu akbar!

In chapter 18, alkahf(cave)we find the story of the men who sought refuge in a cave. The verses that talk about these men are 18 in number. Verse #18 is the verse that actually talks about them entering and staying in the cave(the other verses were a backdrop of their story). god says that they stayed in that cave for 300 plus 9 years(309 years). Why didnt God say 309 years then? From the first mention of the word stayed(labithu)("and they stayed for a time") to the last mention of that same word("Say that Allah knows how long they stayed") IS EXACTLY 309 WORDS. subhanallah! There are two reasons that we know of as to why it is written 300 plus 9 rather than 309: the mathematical miracle of 309 words wouldnt have been produced if it were the short from, 300 solar years equal 309 lunar years. Subhanallah!
Allah glorified and lofty is he, says in his quran
And We have certainly given you, [O Muhammad], seven of the often repeated [verses] and the great Qur'an.
(Hijr v87)

This 7 oft repeated is the fatiha, the first chapter of the quran. It is comprised of 7 verses in total, and is the most recited chapter of the whole quran. In this chapter, all the verses end with either 'm' or 'n'. 3 verses end with m and 4 verses end with n(for an obvious total of 7). The total number of words that end with m in this chapter are 7 words. The total number of words that end with 'n' in this chapter are also 7 words. Subhanallah! This verse:
And We have certainly given you, [O Muhammad], seven of the often repeated [verses] and the great Qur'an.

Is itself composed of 7 words. The center word of it is من(m and n). M is mentiined a total of three times in this verse and n is mentioned 4 times. Subhanallah!
Why does God refer to al-fatiha as "the seven oft repeated", instead of anything else? We find the phrase "seven oft-repeated"(سبعا من المثاني) is directly linked to the chapter its referring to. The letters of the phrase "سبعا من المثاني " recur a grand total of 179 times in chaper fatiha. The number of verses of chapter al-fatiha plus the number words of chapter al-fatiha plus the number of letters of chapter of al-fatiha, by Allah's splendour equal a grand total of 179. Subhanallah al-azim! It literally IS the phrase "seven oft-repeated". Subhanallah!

If we do the same thing for only the word oft-repeated/المثاني(find the grand sum of the recurrence of its letters in chapter alfatiha) we get 114, the number of chapters of the quran. For although the fatiha is the most oft repeated in the quran, the quran as whole is the most oft repeated and memorised book in existence and the quran as a whole is mentioned in that same verse " and the great Qur'an".

Indeed, Allah is not timid to present an example - that of a mosquito or what is smaller than it. And those who have believed know that it is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, they say, "What did Allah intend by this as an example?" He misleads many thereby and guides many thereby. And He misleads not except the defiantly disobedient

(baqarah 27)
Chapter 16 of the quran is titled alnahl(the bees). What is the connection between bees and the #16. Amazingly bees have 16 chromosomes.

have a different number of chromosomes. Females, workers and queens have 32, 16 are contributed by the queen's eggs and 16 come from the drones sperm. Since drones hatch from unfertilized eggs, they only have the 16 chromosomes that were in the egg. Drones are haploid because they only have one set of chromosomes.

The queen bees period of gestation is 16 days(from egg to hatching).

The only verse in the entire chapter, and even the entire quran that contains the word 'nahl'/'bee' is verse 68 of this chapter. Amazingly there are 16 letters from the start of the verse to the last letter of the word al-nahl in this verse, right after which ,God says to the bee go and make colonies for yourself.

And your Lord inspired to the bee, "Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct.(alnahl 68)

وَأَوْحَىٰ رَبُّكَ إِلَى النَّحْلِ أَنِ اتَّخِذِي مِنَ الْجِبَالِ بُيُوتًا وَمِنَ الشَّجَرِ وَمِمَّا يَعْرِشُونَ (68)

What does the bee do once it hatches, after 16 days of gestation? Ofcourse it immediately seeks to build colonies in various places. Subhanallah!.

This verse 68, is comprised of only 16 letters of the arabic alphabet. Allahu akbar!

In this verse 68 there are 13 words. Multiply its words with its verse number we get 884. What is this #? Subhanallah, the world 'nahl' is the 884th word from the start of the chapter.

The the number of surah that contain a verse #16 is exactly 85. The sum total of all the words of those 85 verses is 884, which if you remember is the exact word order of the word "bee" in chapter of the bees. The letter count of these verses is also the same as the letter count of the first 884 words of chapter of the bees, 3769 letters. The first 884 words(until the word 'bees') of the chapter bees and the word sum of all the verse 16s of the quran not only are both the same(884) but the letters of both these groups are exactly the same(3769) subhanallah

@Samaalic Era @Abdalla @AussieHustler @VixR @PhySom @Life @Arma @PuntiteQueen @SOULSEARCHING

Wow. just wow
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