Sudan early christians samples

There's something called the Oromo expansions.Oromos dominated the Harar region for the last 500 years.His ancestors if not his great grandparents were Oromos
You’re coping man
No oromo proven yet
The only thing we have for now it’s Yemeni arab used to chill with karanle in harar region
I already met a few from Babile that were half Oromos...not surprising since you neighbour them Mr.Meditreanean Qoti
Damn you’re man calling me “ Mr.Meditreanean Qoti” cuz I said I ain’t gonna have SSA that much like yall 😂😂
Keep telling yourself that lmfao.Can't wait for your 40% Qoti G25 results
Lebron James Wow GIF by Bleacher Report
already saw someone result and got 0% oromo.
I’m not them nor did my forefathers mix with Oromo
The only eursian I’m gonna have is the ancient mix and Yemeni Arab that’s it nothing else :yousmart:
Why does it matter to you? Focus on the Oromos who are more relevant to your ancestry
You’re coping that I ain’t got no Oromo plus I didn’t ask u in the first place but since you’ve replied to my question who I asked another person
Tell me the Morden estimate
I don’t care who got more or low
Need the percentage between Oromo, afar and hasheba
@Step a side
How much ssa does the average oromo,afar and habesha (northern Ethiopia and Eritrea) have ?
We know the average for Somalis
Eritreans like Tigre, Tigrinya have very low SSA like 35% and it only increases as you go away from the Eritrean coast inland. Amhara are 40-40% SSA while northern Oromo as slightly higher followed by Somali who have it at 55%+ SSA.
we need more testing from reer sixawle
They’re more interesting to me
So far one got semetic hapalagroup
I wonder what’s next
I am testing either one Gidir or Sixawle and one Xaskul Hawiye. After that I will test one Kaariye Karanle and one Raarane Hawiye followed by a Gugundhabe like Jiidle or Baadicade or Jaajeele.
Eritreans like Tigre, Tigrinya have very low SSA like 35% and it only increases as you go away from the Eritrean coast inland. Amhara are 40-40% SSA while northern Oromo as slightly higher followed by Somali who have it at 55%+ SSA.
How much cadcad/barawnis have ssa?

Garaad Awal

Former African
Garaad why delete your comment ?
View attachment 294347
U might be the Qoti
10% Oromo yh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Imagine how far away my clan is from them (we are in Fafaan district & neighbouring Gabiley), same goes for the Gedo Marexaan who is similar. Somalis that are quite far from the Oromo borders.Prepare for a devastating result Mr.Med Qoti 🤣🤣

PS the Highest Arabian admixed pure Somali are fat from the Isaaq clan not Karanle 💀
Imagine how far away my clan is from them (we are in Fafaan district & neighbouring Gabiley), same goes for the Gedo Marexaan who is similar. Somalis that are quite far from the Oromo borders.Prepare for a devastating result Mr.Med Qoti 🤣🤣

PS the Highest Arabian admixed pure Somali are fat from the Isaaq clan not Karanle 💀
Isaaq can’t have higher Arabian. It’s against logic. That Isaaq guy is half Yemeni.
Imagine how far away my clan is from them (we are in Fafaan district & neighbouring Gabiley), same goes for the Gedo Marexaan who is similar. Somalis that are quite far from the Oromo borders.Prepare for a devastating result Mr.Med Qoti 🤣🤣

PS the Highest Arabian admixed pure Somali are fat from the Isaaq clan not Karanle 💀
So far there is few karanale with semetic hapalgroup more then isaaq has due to migration of Yemeni arab under Ahmed guray from Yemen to harar region.

karanle in those region have the highest eursian of all Somalia due to Yemenis (not Oromo or hasheba)
So how would that make sense 😂
He is using half Yemeni and half Somali to prove his point ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
He genuinely lost it now
I could use one of my cousin who is half Somali and half Syrian
If you’re asking he is older then me by 3 years
Interesting how I find out my uncle was living in Syria and Jordon before the Somalia civil war and ended up marrying into Syrian family who are cadaan passing to be fair. Interesting Syria might be diverse land
If you’re asking he is older then me by 3 years
Interesting how I find out my uncle was living in Syria and Jordon before the Somalia civil war and ended up marrying into Syrian family who are cadaan passing to be fair. Interesting Syria might be diverse land
They are diverse but on average 11% Caucusus HG, 23.6% Anatolian farmer, 3.2% Eastern hunter gatherer, 41.2% Levantine Neolithic, 21% Iran Neolithic

