Sudan early christians samples

Maghrebis have enough African ancestry to make them divergent from any western Eurasian cluster, the issue is they don't fit into any modern western Eurasian cluster they plot outside of it. I wouldn't consider Maghrebis like my son as western Eurasian, for Egyptians it's different they plot within the cluster and have a lack of African ancestry with a good amount of natufian

same run for my son and Egyptian I done earlier with distances, I don't think with distances like that you can classify north west Africans as western Eurasian and even if you did what group would they belong to
Maghrebis have their own cluster really and are a unique population. Maghrebis are a mixture of mostly western eurasian but have significant african ancestry that makes them distinct as you said. Even if they are mostly Eurasian you can't take away the significant african ancestry which makes them unique. They are a blend of those components.
One result is insufficient and to top it there is no evidence. There is a isaaq Habar yonis guy with Greece paternal haplogroup. I have evidence while you lack evidence, no results and no studies. You base your theory through assumptions that karaanle sub group sexawale or gidir live next to harari/semetic speakers so they must have elevated eurasian? So why are ogadeen living next to semetic speakers have one of the lowest Eurasian admixture in the somali group apart from NFD?
Ogaden don’t live near Semitic speakers. They are low land pastoralists. Hararghe Somalis are highland farmers.
Ogaden don’t live near Semitic speakers. They are low land pastoralists. Hararghe Somalis are highland farmers.
Ogadeen K5 live near afar and harar regions. I want to ask who are Hararghe Somalis. I thought Hararghe was a region in Harar. Secondly I thought shinille an ogaden region as more closer to the highland farmers than Hararghe.
Ogadeen K5 live near afar and harar regions. I want to ask who are Hararghe Somalis. I thought Hararghe was a region in Harar. Secondly I thought shinille an ogaden region as more closer to the highland farmers than Hararghe.

Nope, only Karanle and Oromo live around Harar. In fact Hawiye is native of Harar and has kebele, woreda and districts of Harar named after them. As for shiniile it’s mostly Ciise and Hawiye.


Gugundhabe from mieso with the L Ydna pointing to Ottoman roots

Thread 'Well this is Me'
His haplogroup is very interesting, very similare to the habar yonis guy, but his neanderthal is low at 79 variantes, could be an indication of low Eurasian mix, his haplogroup is outside africa like the J and T haplogroups but he still needs to do GEDmatch to see his Eurasian admixture. Nevertheless, it's not a usual haplogroup among somalis.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Karanle cluster with other Hawiye. Are they not Hawiye? Show me some genetic tool evidence like GEDmatch or G25.

There is no evidence so far that major clans including hawiye have recent Arabian admixture, the exception are minority clans such as cadcads, shanshi, barwanis, carab salax, somali bantu who can trace their lineage to foreign mixing eithier with Arabian/Asian or Bantu ancestry.

I like to learn more so if you are honest than show evidence, studies, posted results and maybe I will change my believe but as of now, all Hawiye including karanle are between 55% to 60% SSA and between 40% to 45% West Eurasain.
He has no proof. These guys just do crazy mental gymnastics and never test themselves
I already did a little research, she posted that one of her paternal grandparent is full Ethiopian. Where did the 1% come from? Again your assuming, its well documented that Hawiye and darood have tested their ancestry, infact majority of big Y-full is Hawiye and daroods, compared to isaaqs.
once again it’s the southern hawiye not
Harar Hawiye .
As far as we know we don’t have test for seexwale and gidir that lives in harar region but we have test for every isaaq sub tribe unlike hawiye . U can’t base what southern hawiye got on harar hawiye.

my second question is, what ratio of SSA to Eurasian mix you expect from hawiye karaanle?
Once again northern Somalis don’t have higher eursian then puntland carab salaax and few sub tribes of darood also it would make sense for harar hawiye to have higher eursian due to historically arab settlers in harar and in fact we already got semetic haplogroup harar hawiye.

my second question is, what ratio of SSA to Eurasian mix you expect from hawiye karaanle?
around 45-60%
45 the average and 50% above due to mix with hararis or Yemenis or maybe both.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Target: Fassi
Distance: 1.7154% / 0.01715424

Target: Moroccan_Morisco_Tetouan
Distance: 1.4209% / 0.01420923

Target: Moroccan_Morisco
Distance: 1.2802% / 0.01280155

Target: Wife_scaled
Distance: 1.7240% / 0.01723975
once again it’s the southern hawiye not
Harar Hawiye .
As far as we know we don’t have test for seexwale and gidir that lives in harar region but we have test for every isaaq sub tribe unlike hawiye . U can’t base what southern hawiye got on harar hawiye.

Every isaaq is not tested, there is sub tribes like tool -jeclo, isxaaq, sanbuuro, Abdula Sacad and etc that have not tested yet. Majority tested are garxajis, Abokor muuse of Habar awal and one or two Arap result and few Habar jeclo. Based on these results, 25% of my relative list of isaaq and dir have scored between 2 to 7 percent non SSA in 23andMe, this is significant. You can't find this in other regions.

Once again northern Somalis don’t have higher eursian then puntland carab salaax and few sub tribes of darood also it would make sense for harar hawiye to have higher eursian due to historically arab settlers in harar and in fact we already got semetic haplogroup harar hawiye.

around 45-60%
45 the average and 50% above due to mix with hararis or Yemenis or maybe both.

Carab salax ancient connections to mahra is only 1%, cause haplogroup make around 1% of your DNA, therefore it's insignificant for admixture calculator, Arab Salax have yemani ancient ancestry but score 100% somali, due to mixing back to somalis over the centuries their Eurasian mixture got diluted over time so they will score less than an amahra person. You can ask anyone with Great knowledge on this subject. Example of you marry a white lady and have kids, your kid will be around 70% Eurasian (45+95)/2. Your grandchildren if they start reverting back to marry somali than grandchildren will be 55% Eurasian similar to Beni Ameer (70+40)/2. Great grand children 50% similar to amhara (55+45)/2. Great Great grandchildren 47.5%, than 45%.

It's unlikely that hawiye harar will score above 50% Eurasian admixture, until proven I will stick with 40 to 45% West Eurasain and 55 to 60% SSA. To fully support your belief we need many to test their results on gedmatch/Vahaduo or any G25 calculators.
She is a girl, how did she get her paternal haplogroup? Secondly, don't believe unless the person's posts evidence, I could easily post a result and say I got paternal R1b without evidence. She posted her result 99.6% east African but she did not post her paternal haplogroup. Her results is no different to other somali results in fact I would argue I have results that might shock you from warasangle, isaaq, gabooye, yibir and dir.

Hi, i am thay 'girl' lol. I don't understand why i would lie about my haplogroup, is being J1 that bouchie? 😆
Hi, i am thay 'girl' lol. I don't understand why i would lie about my haplogroup, is being J1 that bouchie? 😆
why create new account sis :yloezpe: just to reply to my comment. Your account says joined 30 mins ago. I did not say you lie, i said i go with posted evidence, to make it simple, i meant I cant confirm without evidence.


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