Sudanese Woman calls South Sudanese women beautiful gets told she’s engaging in yt supremacy

It’s just cuqdad, these arabised nubians have been abusing ahl al janub for a long time and subjecting them to racism, discrimination, and went to war with them twice to subjugate and exploit their land and resources. naturally they’re gonna hate them!
It’s just cuqdad, these arabised nubians have been abusing ahl al janub for a long time and subjecting them to racism, discrimination, and went to war with them twice to subjugate and exploit their land and resources. naturally they’re gonna hate them!
she the one complimenting


Entitled uppity East African
It’s just cuqdad, these arabised nubians have been abusing ahl al janub for a long time and subjecting them to racism, discrimination, and went to war with them twice to subjugate and exploit their land and resources. naturally they’re gonna hate them!
The second girl is Nigerian lol


Anyway as I was saying, the northern Sudanese are cunsuris generally and they don’t like their southern neighbours, the user is probably like and reaction farming.
And they don’t like them and subjugated them because they’re dark skin? But Somalis are the ones painted as the most anti black Africans? Loool
And they don’t like them and subjugated them because they’re dark skin? But Somalis are the ones painted as the most anti black Africans? Loool
Bad ethnic group PR caused this if I’m honest. If all things are accounted for Somalis are either politely lukewarm towards cajnabis or hospitable regardless of creed or skin colour. you’ll seldom hear of a Somali killing someone because of their race or religion.
Plenty of Somalis in South Sudan and Uganda, but you’ll never hear the locals complain about their presence… yet the northern sudanese with their closet of skeletons are giving Somalis lectures on anti black sentiment, the mind wonders…
imagine having this much pent up anger she needs to seek therapy. She’s probably a loner in real life miskeen

