Sudano-Sahelian architecture


You lack the refined taste to appreciate the beauty of Sudano-Sahelian architecture

Africa and even mid-east r in their worst period thru out history, we r literally in the worst age of our existence. Famines-Wars-Diseasess none of this was ever reported orally in any african oral literature before european age began. They really need to restore their pride, dignity and honor their ancestors by progressing and stop seeking 'validation' from europeans like the east asians do.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
What do you think ablut this video? This could be the way forward for many Somali villages


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
There is insightful video on this topic which I recommend.

They made a whole field of race science just to justify there own biases against the “lesser races”.

Honestly i think this superiority comes from the Arab slave trade. Majority of slaves in this trade were black. So the first proper impression of Africans for centuries was them as slaves. Later when european started their own slave trade They picked the people they have always known to be slaves.

Its funny reading accounts of European travellers coming across African civilisation and not being able to comprehend that black people can create such civilisation and straight away attributing it to arabs or some other race.
They tried to claim the Great walls of Zimbabwe were built by Sabaens. Their delusions were unmatched.


Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
They tried to claim the Great walls of Zimbabwe were built by Sabaens. Their delusions were unmatched
That’s what happens when you think a group of people are sub human.

Mind you the Zimbabwe site is not even a superhuman feat like the pyramids of egypt. They just think madow people cannot create something greater than mudhuts.

