Sufism/Suni or Wahabi/salafi Islam?


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Why isn’t the practice of mawlid not allowed? I’m curious to know why since it got a bad reputation over the years and it isn’t celebrated in Qatar or Saudi Arabia (both countries are Salafi/Wahabis)
It is because Nabi Mohamed never celebrated his birthday, in fact according to islam, everytime we wake up, we reborn again. So what’s up point of celebrating birthdays? When every time we fall asleep, Allah takes our soul, and when we wake up, he returns the soul.
Waking up dua.
الحَمْـدُ لِلّهِ الّذي أَحْـيانا بَعْـدَ ما أَماتَـنا وَإليه النُّـشور
All praise is for Allah who restored to me my health and returned my soul and has allowed me to remember Him.
At-Tirmidhi 5:473
It is because Nabi Mohamed never celebrated his birthday, in fact according to islam, everytime we wake up, we reborn again. So what’s up point of celebrating birthdays? When every time we fall asleep, Allah takes our soul, and when we wake up, he returns the soul.
Waking up dua.
الحَمْـدُ لِلّهِ الّذي أَحْـيانا بَعْـدَ ما أَماتَـنا وَإليه النُّـشور
All praise is for Allah who restored to me my health and returned my soul and has allowed me to remember Him.
At-Tirmidhi 5:473
Ohhh I never thought about that. Most of us don’t celebrate it like a birthday. We read the Quran, make a dua, donate during mawlid

Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
Sufis also differs, some are indistinguishable from the average Sunni and prays with them while others pray at their own mosques and revered their Sheikhs.

Sufis was predominant amongst Somalis in the past but today they're a minority.
Sufis also differs, some are indistinguishable from the average Sunni and prays with them while others pray at their own mosques and revered their Sheikhs.

Sufis was predominant amongst Somalis in the past but today they're a minority.
What happened to them exactly?
“The real difference between Sunni and Salafi is that Sunnis believe Prophet Muhammad is Nur or enlightened soul to guide the Muslims whereas the Salafis believe he is a normal human being like me and you. ... The Salafi rely solely upon the Quran and the hadith or Sunah of the prophet narrated by his companions”

“Now come to Salafi and Wahabi Islam. Both are the same and followers of bidah. They are the followers of a hadith which was written 200 years later. Muhammad (PBUH) had forbidden the writing of hadith and his close companions followed the advice. Ironically, Salfis and Wahabis themselves reject some ahadith on the basis of other Hadith”

“Salafies do not consider sahaba’s order as authentic.

They consider their own interpretation of the Qur'an and hadees

Whereas ahlus sunnat wal jamat people consider sahaba ‘s order as authentic


- The three talaq by umar r.a.

The 20 taraweeh of ramzan by umar r.a.

The two (khutbas ) on Friday by Usman r.a.

There are many such examples where salafies do not follow sahabas whereas prophet s.a.w has ordered to follow sahabas because the correct interpretation of prophet ‘s hadees and Quran is known by sahabas and not you and me.”.

There’s a huge difference between Salafi and Suni.

where did you get this pile of crap from? :mjlol:

Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
What happened to them exactly?
Civil war and Islamist, majority mosques and dugsi today aren't owned by them so they don't have a huge reach to the Somali community like back then.

They're too busy doing siyaaro in their small towns.


Somali Arab
I am salafi we follow the Quran the sunnah and the salaf which basically means the first four rightly guided caliphs after the death of the prophet
Wahhabism isn't bid'ah as it became a sort of sect later on. It was started by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab RA who was a religious scholar. He noticed that alot of people where doing shirk, for example they would go to companions graves and seek blessings and also certain trees that people sought blessings from. This as we now goes against the principle of our deen which is Tawhid. That we should seek neither help or blessing from none but Allah سبحانه وتعالىٰ‎. If you want to know more about him read his book called Kitab At-Tawheed, which reverences a multitude of hadith. I think this is one of the examples of a man doing good but people making somehow a sect of his teaching.


Somali Arab
Wahhabism isn't bid'ah as it became a sort of sect later on. It was started by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab RA who was a religious scholar. He noticed that alot of people where doing shirk, for example they would go to companions graves and seek blessings and also certain trees that people sought blessings from. This as we now goes against the principle of our deen which is Tawhid. That we should seek neither help or blessing from none but Allah سبحانه وتعالىٰ‎. If you want to know more about him read his book called Kitab At-Tawheed, which reverences a multitude of hadith. I think this is one of the examples of a man doing good but people making somehow a sect of his teaching.
He was a great scholar but I’ve never heard of a sect calling them self wahabi it is something Sufis and shia call people who call against bidah and promote pure tawheed.

I also see people insulting him Which I find very strange

Omar del Sur

I remember I was on Foros Peru a while back (before they started charging people) and I tried to inform the people about Islam....

this guy started responding... I think he was from Spain.... anyways he started posting about "Muslim astrology" and he was promoting "Muslim astrology"....

so I basically told him "astrology is not part of Islam"

and then he said I was promoting "Wahhabism".....

that is basically how that term works..... if you want to pray to saints or do whatever kind of Sufi voodoo type stuff..... you just say "Wahhabism" if someone tries to say something......

extreme Westernized Muslims can use it too..... someone prays five times a day? they have a beard? "Wahhabi"

it's just a propaganda term... by using that term, you are implying that the person is following something invented by Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab..... so if someone doesn't agree with praying to saints, rocks or trees..... you can call them a "Wahhabi" and imply that they're following something Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab made up and that Islam prior to him was perfectly okay with worshipping saints, trees, etc.

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab lived at a time when people in the Arabian peninsula really were doing stuff like worshipping rocks and trees..... so it makes perfect sense that he taught against those things
Somalis are Sunni chafe' in. But, I accept more the Sufis since they were Sufis a long time during the contact of Somalia with Islam during the 12th century (I'm not talking about Zeilac) and they have produced one of the most notable Somali individuals who's Seyyid Muhammad Abdullah Hassan.

At the opposite, it is Wahhabism, an Islamic trend founded during the 19th century just as Zionism for Judaism.

The only thing Salafism as given to Somalia is destruction, terror, and Al-Shabbab.

Omar del Sur

Wahhabism, an Islamic trend founded during the 19th century just as Zionism for Judaism.

The only thing Salafism as given to Somalia is destruction, terror, and Al-Shabbab.

1- Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab lived and died during the 18th century. He was born in 1703 and died in 1792.

2- How is Salafism ("Wahhabism") Muslim Zionism?

Zionism wanted a Jewish homeland. The movement for establishing a Muslim homeland isn't Salafism. It was called The Pakistan Movement. It was led by Muhammad Jinnah and the Muslim League in South Asia.



DalJecel the DhafoorQiiq
Most Somalis are NonDenominational Sunnis

meaning they listen to all sheikhs that preach
Although majority of Somali sheikhs are Ikhwanis from Azhar or Sudan
1- Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab lived and died during the 18th century. He was born in 1703 and died in 1792.

2- How is Salafism ("Wahhabism") Muslim Zionism?

Zionism wanted a Jewish homeland. The movement for establishing a Muslim homeland isn't Salafism. It was called The Pakistan Movement. It was led by Muhammad Jinnah and the Muslim League in South Asia.

I was talking in relation to the influence they had to their respective religion

