Suicidal tendencies: fantasy or reality?

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There are those who commit suicide & those who don't. But what about those of us who contemplate it on a daily basis, yet have no intention to actually go through with it. I fantasize about overdosing, train tracks, leaping off of a tall building, but i'd never do it. How does one differentiate those at risk & those who fantasize about it?
Why do you think you're having these thoughts? Maybe if you can get behind the root issue you can figure out a way to overcome it? Idk

Never in my life contemplated suicide so I don't know how to help sxb, maybe see a professional


I second seeing a professional. Some ppl may contemplate it in a very trying sequence of circumstances in a period of their life, but every day seems chronic. I can't imagine. The problem with your reasoning is we don't always act on our intentions, so what you intend rn doesn't really mean anything. Seek help.
There are those who commit suicide & those who don't. But what about those of us who contemplate it on a daily basis, yet have no intention to actually go through with it. I fantasize about overdosing, train tracks, leaping off of a tall building, but i'd never do it. How does one differentiate those at risk & those who fantasize about it?

I recommend getting back into the deen. you need to feed your spiritual soul that you have been neglecting for all these years.

Also seek a therapist/psychiatrists as well since it could also be a deficiency in the brain.

Also make sure you always get your vitamins/diet/hormones in check.
Why do you think you're having these thoughts? Maybe if you can get behind the root issue you can figure out a way to overcome it? Idk

I couldn't even tell you. I do not have a specific point in my life that triggers thoughts, but I am unhappy in general. I have always been thinking of ending my life, since I was about 12. Usually happens when I am in deep thought.


Plus even if you don't think you will, what about your quality of life and wellbeing? I can't imagine any differentiation; they're both at risk.

There's this philosophy podcast (see most recent post for trial code) I listen to that advertises discounts and trials on all types of services like BlueApron, Meundies, Casper, and just a couple days ago they presented this therapy service called Talkspace with a free month trial on there. Try it.
I second seeing a professional. Some ppl may contemplate it in a very trying sequence of circumstances in a period of their life, but every day seems chronic. I can't imagine. The problem with your reasoning is we don't always act on our intentions, so what you intend rn doesn't really mean anything. Seek help.

Every time I build the courage to speak to someone, I chicken out by purposely missing appointments. The thought of losing control in front of a stranger terrifies me


Every time I build the courage to speak to someone, I chicken out by purposely missing appointments. The thought of losing control in front of a stranger terrifies me
See my above post. I think it might help you. Maybe it's providence I heard of it literally two days ago. Everything's remote nowadays. You don't have to be afraid.
I recommend getting back into the deen. you need to feed your spiritual soul that you have been neglecting for all these years.

Also seek a therapist/psychiatrists as well since it could also be a deficiency in the brain.

Also make sure you always get your vitamins/diet/hormones in check.

I am at a point right now in which I really question gods existence. I'm not agnostic or atheist, just confused. Coining myself a Muslim is comforting, however in reality I have not prayed in over a decade and I hold less than Islamic thoughts in my mind on a daily basis.


order 5-HTP from amazon. It induces the reputake of serotonin. I think you're chemically imbalanced if you've felt like this since 12. Avoid anti depressants. Try to detox increase your amount of excerise, and take vitamin D and b-12.

Give your self at least 2 weeks.

also, if you're eating habits are bad. Change that also. Toxicity can cause of mood disorders. Looking into your gut health.

The brain-gut axis
Plus even if you don't think you will, what about your quality of life and wellbeing? I can't imagine any differentiation; they're both at risk.

There's this philosophy podcast (see most recent post for trial code) I listen to that advertises discounts and trials on all types of services like BlueApron, Meundies, Casper, and just a couple days ago they presented this therapy service called Talkspace with a free month trial on there. Try it.

Man that is so real. There are days when I do not even bother with personal hygeine. Just lock myself in my room for days. I feel as though my whole life is falling a part but can't pinpoint where I need to go to start. I have set up a meeting with someone multipled times, only to get nervous or embarrassed.

Thanks for the resources. The reality is I know I need help, I just need to get myself there.
order 5-HTP from amazon. It induces the reputake of serotonin. I think you're chemically imbalanced if you've felt like this since 12. Avoid anti depressants. Try to detox increase your amount of excerise, and take vitamin D and b-12.

Give your self at least 2 weeks.

also, if you're eating habits are bad. Change that also. Toxicity can cause of mood disorders. Looking into your gut health.

The brain-gut axis

5-HTP is POSSIBLY SAFE when taking by mouth appropriately. 5-HTP has been used safely in doses up to 400 mg daily for up to one year. However, some people who have taken it have developed a condition called eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS), a serious condition involving extreme muscle tenderness (myalgia) and blood abnormalities (eosinophilia). Some people think EMS might be caused by an accidental ingredient or contaminant in some 5-HTP products. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to know if EMS is caused by 5-HTP, a contaminant, or some other factor. Until more is known, 5-HTP should be used cautiously.

Other potential side effects of 5-HTP include heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, sexual problems, and muscle problems.

5-HTP is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in large doses. Doses from 6-10 grams daily have been linked to severe stomach problems and muscle spasms.

Special Precautions & Warnings:
Children: 5-HTP is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth appropriately. Doses of up to 5 mg/kg daily have been used safely for up to 3 years in infants and children up to 12 years-old. As with adults, there is also concern about the potential for eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) in children, a serious condition involving extreme muscle tenderness (myalgia) and blood abnormalities (eosinophilia).

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking 5-HTP if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Surgery: 5-HTP can affect a brain chemical called serotonin. Some drugs administered during surgery can also affect serotonin. Taking 5-HTP before surgery might cause too much serotonin in the brain and can result in serious side effects including heart problems, shivering, and anxiety. Tell patients to stop taking 5-HTP at least 2 weeks before surgery.


+op MVLI
I couldn't even tell you. I do not have a specific point in my life that triggers thoughts, but I am unhappy in general. I have always been thinking of ending my life, since I was about 12. Usually happens when I am in deep thought.
I've had suicidal thoughts before. For me, it came from feeling trapped in my situation. Long story short, I got into self-love concepts. Don't be attached to your emotions (look at them objectively) , define your own happiness (distinguish between societal/familial pressures and your own driving forces) and realize that being true to yourself (the good and the bad parts) will make you a stronger person.

What I would like you to know is you're not alone. The prettiest, most charismatic, most successful people have dealt with this or are currently dealing with this. Trust me when I say when you analyze and examine your feelings in an objective manner, you will find a way out of depression. And if it's too hard for you to be objective, that's what professionals are for. Good Luck
order 5-HTP from amazon. It induces the reputake of serotonin. I think you're chemically imbalanced if you've felt like this since 12. Avoid anti depressants. Try to detox increase your amount of excerise, and take vitamin D and b-12.

Give your self at least 2 weeks.

also, if you're eating habits are bad. Change that also. Toxicity can cause of mood disorders. Looking into your gut health.

The brain-gut axis

I would to do some research on that first. Sounds intense.
I think you might be depressed. How is your vitamin d? Low vitamin d can cause depression/mental problems. Depression can be a dark place, talking about it is important. You need help and support to get out of it. Do you have someone you feel comfortable talking to? Sometimes its better talking to a doctor as strangers won't judge you.

I've suffered from depression when I was 17. It got so bad I developed agrophobia. (I've overcome it tho Alhamdulilah). I know what triggered mine. Do you know what's causing yours? You don't have to tell us if you don't want to but you have to find out so you can eliminate it. May Allah protect you and bless you amin.


5-HTP is POSSIBLY SAFE when taking by mouth appropriately. 5-HTP has been used safely in doses up to 400 mg daily for up to one year. However, some people who have taken it have developed a condition called eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS), a serious condition involving extreme muscle tenderness (myalgia) and blood abnormalities (eosinophilia). Some people think EMS might be caused by an accidental ingredient or contaminant in some 5-HTP products. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to know if EMS is caused by 5-HTP, a contaminant, or some other factor. Until more is known, 5-HTP should be used cautiously.

Other potential side effects of 5-HTP include heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, sexual problems, and muscle problems.

5-HTP is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in large doses. Doses from 6-10 grams daily have been linked to severe stomach problems and muscle spasms.

Special Precautions & Warnings:
Children: 5-HTP is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth appropriately. Doses of up to 5 mg/kg daily have been used safely for up to 3 years in infants and children up to 12 years-old. As with adults, there is also concern about the potential for eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) in children, a serious condition involving extreme muscle tenderness (myalgia) and blood abnormalities (eosinophilia).

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking 5-HTP if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Surgery: 5-HTP can affect a brain chemical called serotonin. Some drugs administered during surgery can also affect serotonin. Taking 5-HTP before surgery might cause too much serotonin in the brain and can result in serious side effects including heart problems, shivering, and anxiety. Tell patients to stop taking 5-HTP at least 2 weeks before surgery.

I've taken it for 6 months, was recommended by by a good friend. A professor in psychology. It helped me loads alhamdulilah, with no side affects. But, ethically it may differ on an individual basis.

Go for the holistic approach sis.

Thanks for the kind words.
I think its great that you're no longer in that state of mind. I hope that I can be there as well one day.

I think the issue for me is that I was already unhappy as a child. Fast forward to my teenage years and I was self-medicating. With drugs, with alcohol. I lived a destructive life and it only furthered me into a pit of helplessness. I told myself in January that I will begin fresh. Address all my demons. Some of them I do not want to rehash. But I feel it necessary.

Some days, I feel great and think "I'm cured", only for me to come crashing back down. I think if I get to the root of all my issues, I will be okay. I have an inkling about what in my childhood triggered me, but have never spoken on it.

I am sure I am depressed. I just haven't been diagnosed. I also had no idea about lack of vitamin D causing depression. I'm sure I lack all vitamins, have iron deficiency and am just not healthy in any way. I barely take care of myself. When I go out. I make sure to be well put togther, but getting my daily dose of vitamins has never been a thought of mine. Wow. You learn something new everyday

Also, to answer your question about knowing what has gotten me to this point. I have an idea. I've had a few traumatic incidents occur that have really shaped my self esteem and my relationships with others.

But I also worry that depression is not my only ailment. I also have a serious case of paranoia. I feel as though my mental health is failing me. I always feel like i am being watched or that someone is at my window or door. It's quite frightening
I've taken it for 6 months, was recommended by by a good friend. A professor in psychology. It helped me loads alhamdulilah, with no side affects. But, ethically it may differ on an individual basis.

Go for the holistic approach sis.

A lot of you ladies on the forum are very educated on this stuff. So many suggestions and things I didn't even know about. I will definitely research that.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Your low iman is because you have abandoned your salah. How do you expect to have a strong faith in Allah when you left the main thing that keeps your iman in tact? It's impossible.

The fact that you fantasize about suicide isn't OK just because you won't commit the act. What is so intriguing about ending your life that you dream about it? It means that your chance of repenting is over, you will be questioned in the grave, face Allah, and have to answer to Allah for taking your life! What exactly is worth fascinating over?
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