Suicide Bomb In Istanbul Busy Streets


I have come back to this thread to see many ajaanib blaming us… where are the racist trolls when you need them :noneck:


Again with this mentality that is nothing than insecurity. Each time especially the recent bombs, 2017 etc. the Turkish always send condolences. So what your problem when we also send ours?
You’re right sxb. I don’t know what i was thinking when i wrote that.
There are tons of Black Arabs in the Middle East and virtually all Arabs have a ton of SSA admixture. Like 15% of Saudi citzens are straight up Africans.

That woman's phenotype is fairly common, the only surprise is that an Syrian Afro-Arab sympathized with a Kurdish ethnonationalist group.
Are there Afro- Syrians that look like her??
Her look is very common among Gulf Arabia but not levantine Arabia


East Africa UNUKA LEH
There’s 8 dead and 81+ injured
They’re saying it’s either ISIS linked or Kurdish. She doesn’t look like a radical militant. Her name is Ahlam AlBashir and she’s Syrian.
It’s crazy how we have all sorts of people trying to pin this on us. From Arabs to other Africans.. I even saw Europeans trying to say the women is Somali. And the Somali trolls are nowhere to be seen in these circumstances
Idiot Facepalm GIF


It’s crazy how we have all sorts of people trying to pin this on us. From Arabs to other Africans.. I even saw Europeans trying to say the women is Somali. And the Somali trolls are nowhere to be seen in these circumstances
Idiot Facepalm GIF
Somalis don't know what staying on code means and they never will
This is whole thing smells like a false flag operation from the Turkish secret service imo.
How come less than 24 hrs after the attack the main suspect and more than 40 other suspects are already in custody?

There is general election in few months and Erdogan is facing a catastrophic economy that may cost him his job, this is a golden opportunity for him to deflect the public attention.


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