Suicide bombing in Xamar cafe, Multiple casualties AUN

Well they believe anyone who doesn’t follow their version of Islam is a kuffar so most Somalis are kuffar in their eyes. They don’t really think they’re killing Muslims.
Thats some twisted logic, I wonder which ulema promote these ideas. We don't talk enough about the ulema promoting these things.
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The other issue is why the Somali government doesn’t use the inverse of this messaging.

Any self-respecting leader would address the nation and say “these people hate us, no matter what qabiil, tol or background you are. They think we are all kaafir and will kill us if it means they get what they want”

Hammer that message on every available broadcasting medium.

But what do I know man.
Gov forces should be on high alert during word cups finals etc. instead, I am hearing a number of young men working for gov security and police agencies etc gathered to watch football. They should have been split in different cafes or told to watch it at their houses. When you are in war, you have act like you are @ war. There are also spies working for AS within the population for them to stage such attacks.


Thats some twisted logic, I wonder which ulema promote these ideas. We don't talk enough about the ulema promoting these things.
Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahabb, founder of Salafism:

“The second issue: To disbelieve in that which is worshipped instead of Allah, and this means to make Takfir upon the polytheists and the disavowal from them and that which they worship alongside Allah. So whoever does not make Takfir upon the polytheists of the Ottoman state and the grave-worshippers like the people of Makkah and (upon) others from those who worship the righteous and left the Tawheed of Allah for Shirk and exchanged the Sunnah of his Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) with innovations, then he is a disbeliever like them even if dislikes their religion and hates them and loves Islam and its people. This is so because the one who does not declare the polytheists to be disbelievers has not accepted the Qur`an. The Quran declares the polytheists as disbelievers, and commands to declare them as such and to show enmity towards them and to fight them."
Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahabb, founder of Salafism:

“The second issue: To disbelieve in that which is worshipped instead of Allah, and this means to make Takfir upon the polytheists and the disavowal from them and that which they worship alongside Allah. So whoever does not make Takfir upon the polytheists of the Ottoman state and the grave-worshippers like the people of Makkah and (upon) others from those who worship the righteous and left the Tawheed of Allah for Shirk and exchanged the Sunnah of his Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) with innovations, then he is a disbeliever like them even if dislikes their religion and hates them and loves Islam and its people. This is so because the one who does not declare the polytheists to be disbelievers has not accepted the Qur`an. The Quran declares the polytheists as disbelievers, and commands to declare them as such and to show enmity towards them and to fight them."
I know ibn Abdul Wahaab, I'm talking about ulema on todays mosque who inspire these terrorists.


I know ibn Abdul Wahaab, I'm talking about ulema on todays mosque who inspire these terrorists.
These ulema along with Al Shabab are Salafis, whilst other modern Salafis are less extreme. But both view ibn Abdul Wahabb as “Sheikh al Islam”.

These modern Salafis would label ibn Abdul Wahabb as a terrorist in 2024, but because they hold him and his movement in such high esteem, it inspired Al Shabab and ISIS to follow his path. There is a huge contradiction in the modern Salafi movement. If Al Shabab are disgusting khawarij, then disavow ibn Abdul Wahabb or else they will say you’re fake Salafis not following him properly.


Yet some people are suggesting we can negotiate with these heathens, even if we were in such a position to be forgiving I'd say no! It's our duty as Muslims to bring justice to the victims family.
Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahabb, founder of Salafism:

“The second issue: To disbelieve in that which is worshipped instead of Allah, and this means to make Takfir upon the polytheists and the disavowal from them and that which they worship alongside Allah. So whoever does not make Takfir upon the polytheists of the Ottoman state and the grave-worshippers like the people of Makkah and (upon) others from those who worship the righteous and left the Tawheed of Allah for Shirk and exchanged the Sunnah of his Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) with innovations, then he is a disbeliever like them even if dislikes their religion and hates them and loves Islam and its people. This is so because the one who does not declare the polytheists to be disbelievers has not accepted the Qur`an. The Quran declares the polytheists as disbelievers, and commands to declare them as such and to show enmity towards them and to fight them."
Sheekh Abdul Wahab may Allah bless his soul never said that nor did he call out against the Ottoman state ya mudalis.

Another thing ya mudalis Salafiyya existed long before the sheikh and it's honor to be called "Salafi" or "Wahabi" by the likes of you as I follow the words of Allah swt and his prophet عليه افصل السلام
Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahabb, founder of Salafism:

“The second issue: To disbelieve in that which is worshipped instead of Allah, and this means to make Takfir upon the polytheists and the disavowal from them and that which they worship alongside Allah. So whoever does not make Takfir upon the polytheists of the Ottoman state and the grave-worshippers like the people of Makkah and (upon) others from those who worship the righteous and left the Tawheed of Allah for Shirk and exchanged the Sunnah of his Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) with innovations, then he is a disbeliever like them even if dislikes their religion and hates them and loves Islam and its people. This is so because the one who does not declare the polytheists to be disbelievers has not accepted the Qur`an. The Quran declares the polytheists as disbelievers, and commands to declare them as such and to show enmity towards them and to fight them."
i’m not found of them but but majority of salafis or even wahabis aren’t takfiris or khawarij. Majority of Somali salafis are ictisamites or (ugh) madkhalis and those guys don’t harm a fly, they’re too focused on making money.

these guys are not upon any kind of fiqh and clearly twist religion to justify their actions.
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i’m not found of them but but majority of salafis or even wahabis aren’t takfiris or khawarij. Majority of Somali salafis are ictisamites or (ugh) madkhalis and those guys don’t harm a fly, they’re too focused on making money.

these guys are not upon any kind of fiqh and clearly twist religion to justify their actions.
They’re salafi jihadi, it’s a subset of salafis.

You can find Al Shabab sheikhs on youtube like xassan xuseen they have like 100k subscribers and are very popular.

You keep talking about these salafi subsets that are controlled by the rulers, but the founder of salafism said that the entire makkah were non-muslim, and he starved and put them under a siege and they died of famine and starvation. So isis and al shabab are just following his path. Likewise he said that only a few muslims live in al-sham, the people of the ottoman empire are non-muslim, he stopped muslims outside of his control from doing hajj as they were not muslim. What actions of ictisam and madkhali compare to that? They hold him in high esteem, but are fake followers of him unlike al shabab.


Sheekh Abdul Wahab may Allah bless his soul never said that nor did he call out against the Ottoman state ya mudalis.

Another thing ya mudalis Salafiyya existed long before the sheikh and it's honor to be called "Salafi" or "Wahabi" by the likes of you as I follow the words of Allah swt and his prophet عليه افصل السلام
According to Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahabb, you are a kaafir now because you didn’t make takfir on the Ottoman State.

You should redo your shahada.

الأمر الثاني: الكفر بما يعبد من دون الله، والمراد بذلك تكفير المشركين، والبراءة منهم، ومما يعبدون مع الله. فمن لم يكفر المشركين من الدولة التركية، وعباد القبور، كأهل مكة وغيرهم، ممن عبد الصالحين، وعدل عن توحيد الله إلى الشرك، وبدّل سنّة رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم بالبدع، فهو كافر مثلهم، وإن كان يكره دينهم، ويبغضهم، ويحب الإسلام والمسلمين ; فإن الذي لا يكفر المشركين، غير مصدق بالقرآن، فإن القرآن قد كفر المشركين، وأمر بتكفيرهم، وعداوتهم وقتالهم

Source: al-Durar al-Saniyya 9/291
Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahabb, founder of Salafism:

“The second issue: To disbelieve in that which is worshipped instead of Allah, and this means to make Takfir upon the polytheists and the disavowal from them and that which they worship alongside Allah. So whoever does not make Takfir upon the polytheists of the Ottoman state and the grave-worshippers like the people of Makkah and (upon) others from those who worship the righteous and left the Tawheed of Allah for Shirk and exchanged the Sunnah of his Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) with innovations, then he is a disbeliever like them even if dislikes their religion and hates them and loves Islam and its people. This is so because the one who does not declare the polytheists to be disbelievers has not accepted the Qur`an. The Quran declares the polytheists as disbelievers, and commands to declare them as such and to show enmity towards them and to fight them."
tablighis believe similar things and they don’t blow people up, rather they do dawah in the countryside like Ibn Wahab did.
They’re salafi jihadi, it’s a subset of salafis.

You can find Al Shabab sheikhs on youtube like xassan xuseen they have like 100k subscribers and are very popular.

You keep talking about these salafi subsets that are controlled by the rulers, but the founder of salafism said that the entire makkah were non-muslim, and he starved and put them under a siege and they died of famine and starvation. So isis and al shabab are just following his path. Likewise he said that only a few muslims live in al-sham, the people of the ottoman empire are non-muslim, he stopped muslims outside of his control from doing hajj as they were not muslim. What actions of ictisam and madkhali compare to that? They hold him in high esteem, but are fake followers of him unlike al shabab.
ictisam aren’t technically salafis they’re hururis, but they’re useful to any future or current Somali state because they’re highly educated and are multiclanal, the fact of the matter is that salafism isn’t the cause of AS, anymore than the FARC drug cartel in Columbia is driven by communism, rather its the crisises in the country that cause it.


tablighis believe similar things and they don’t blow people up, rather they do dawah in the countryside like Ibn Wahab did.

ictisam aren’t technically salafis they’re hururis, but they’re useful to any future or current Somali state because they’re highly educated and are multiclanal, the fact of the matter is that salafism isn’t the cause of AS, anymore than the FARC drug cartel in Columbia is driven by communism, rather its the crisises in the country that cause it.
There won’t ever be a future Somali state because of Al Shabab, all due to the spread of Salafiyah after 1991.

You keep talking about how other moderate Salafis are different, but that doesn’t change the fact Al Shabab have taken the path of war like Ibn Abdul Wahabb.


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