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If birth and death are controlled by GOD, then why does He punish those who commit suicide?
* If birth and death are controlled by GOD, then why does He punish those
who commit suicide?

This has been a questioned asked by someone, and the best answer i had can be found down below.

Allah Almighty controls the time and cause of every human's birth and death. He brings people to life and He takes away their lives through different causes and at fixed times for reasons only known to him. We can not delay or advance the appointed terms of our life and death. Only Allah Almighty has the full control over everything, because He is the only Creator of everything.
Also, committing suicide unjustly is prohibited in Islam. We must always give life a chance and trust Allah Almighty and His Mercy. We are not programmed. Humans have the power and control to make their own decisions in life, and every good and evil act will be recorded for and against the person for the Day of Judgement.

If one commits suicide, he/shes faith has been written, one cannot delay or post his/her death.
Although people are given the option of free will, this power gives us the chance to think and examine before committing.
You know what I personally believe as a 'Creationist' and a 'Muslim'? Allah just makes puppets of all 'Humans' for his sport and amusement, his cruelty and viciousness makes all sense for me. He wants all his beautiful creations to be tainted by despair and terror, and to me that's very normal and Ying-Yang like!

So yeah... Allah never punishes worthless mortals but simply toys them. Why are bloody intestines so bloody colourful? Why are there too many cruel moments in Wildlife? Why are 97% of Natural Phenomenon extremely deadly to us? Why is most of the Universe inhospitable to us?

You know the answer for all of that? Allah enjoys this and so do I! lol
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Astaghfirullah, how are you going to attribute cruelty and viciousness to Allah?

Death, suffering, cruelty and viciousness is all around you and Allah makes it happen!

And just he says "کُنْ فَیَکُوۡنُ" , and like that Allah commands the universe to be cruel!
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On Hiatus
Death, suffering, cruelty and viciousness is all around you and Allah makes it happen!

And just he says "کُنْ فَیَکُوۡنُ" , and like that Allah commands the universe to be cruel!

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “When Allah decreed the creation, He wrote in his Book with Him on His Throne: My mercy prevails over My wrath.
Source: Sahih Bukhari 3022, Sahih Muslim 2751

Don't attribute to Allah that which He did not attribute to Himself.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Khattab you're one sick individual lmao

Let me remind you that love is from Allah swt and hate is from Satan


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Allah is justice. Not everyone who commits suicide will be punished for doing so.

A Muslim may be affected by mental or physical illness that affects his mind to such a great extent that he does not know what he is saying or doing. If this results in him killing himself, he will not be with the sinners who have fallen into the major sin of suicide. Rather he will be excused because there was an impediment to his being accountable, namely his loss of reason.
Only depressed and people with mental illness commit suicide. So I don't understand why they should be punished for their illness or will we say mental illness is a choice we make like homosexuality?


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Only depressed and people with mental illness commit suicide. So I don't understand why they should be punished for their illness or will we say mental illness is a choice we make like homosexuality?

The mentally ill are not punished for committing suicide, but not everyone who commits suicide has a mental illness. What about suicide bombers?


The mentally ill are not punished for committing suicide, but not everyone who commits suicide has a mental illness. What about suicide bombers?
Do you normally y throw a dot and speak randomly without proper knowledge? Anyone who commits suicide will be punished, it doesn't matter whether one is mentally ill, or whatnot. This life is borrowed, he above is the only one responsible for taking it. Diiinta si fcn u aqri wll


They're homicide bombers.
Anyone who commits suicide shall be punished. Terrorism is associated with Wahabism. This means every single suicide bomber in history is now suffering in hell. You can't take your own life. That's insane


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Do you randomly throw a dot and speak randomly without proper knowledge? Anyone who commits suicide will be punished, it doesn't matter whether one is mentally ill, or whatnot. This life is borrowed, he above is the only one responsible for taking it. Diiinta si fcn u aqri wll

I think it's time you take your own advice because you have a habit of trying to mold the deen to fit your own personal beliefs. I provided you with proof that the mentally ill are not held accountable for their actions. What kind of God do you worship? Because my Allah is merciful and just. :ayaanswag:


I think it's time you take your own advice because you have a habit of trying to mold the deen to fit your own personal beliefs. I provided you with proof that the mentally ill are not held accountable for their actions. What kind of God do you worship? Because my Allah is merciful and just. :ayaanswag:
Let me get off my phone and get back to you qofyahy
Anyone who commits suicide shall be punished. Terrorism is associated with Wahabism. This means every single suicide bomber in history is now suffering in hell. You can't take your own life. That's insane

Those who thought of committing suicide because of mental illness is in double digit percentages.

Do you think it's fair if people with mental illness who committed suicide should be punished?


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
They're homicide bombers.

Are you coming up with your own definitions now? lol Kiling yourself in battle is haram. Having a mental illness and ending your life is completely different.
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HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Let me get off my phone and get back to you qofyahy

I suggest you crack up your dusty Quran and give it a read. I very much doubt you've ever read the Quran in its entirety because my 6 yr old cousin has a better understanding of Islam that you do.
Are you coming up with your own definitions now? lol Kill yourself in battle is haram. Having a mental illness and ending your life is completely different.

It's haram of course to strap explosives to kill others. But they do it because it's the easiest way to kill. Not because they want to off themselves only. It's inaccurate to call them suicide bombers.
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