Sultan Osman Mahmud II of Majeerteeniya and his young son. Aug. 9, 1911

Internet Nomad

Bhutan that small country next to India
Yeah that’s where a lot of culture comes from Somali merchants used to travel up Asia all the time and over time they picked something’s up. Like did you know before 1900s 2% of Somalis were Buddhist monks? During a mass dawah most of them became muslim or left.
Yeah that’s where a lot of culture comes from Somali merchants used to travel up Asia all the time and over time they picked something’s up. Like did you know before 1900s 2% of Somalis were Buddhist monks? During a mass dawah most of them became muslim or left.
War maxa tiri?

Internet Nomad

War maxa tiri?
Yeah they are extinct now but during their height 50% of Somalis were Buddhist and their was shaolin temples all across Somalia.

