Superiority of Arabs? :Ivers:

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Gaalkacyo Gangster
Shia? You don't believe in the shariah, you're a gaal bradar, take your shahada
Nice takfir, bro. If you believed in hudud you should offer yourself up to be lashed for all the zina you'v committed and all the muslim, non-mahram females you've disparage and attempted to sully. Munafiq.

Why am I taking you seriously, you're a troll.:drakekidding:


Gaalkacyo Gangster
There's nothing superior about the prophet's (pbuh) lineage. His ancestors were pagans. So was his father, so was his beloved uncle. He himself was special, but his lineage was not. Why was Abu Bakr chosen as Khalifa after he died and not Ali, if his lineage is above all others? He wasn't, that's a shia belief.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nice takfir, bro. If you believed in hudud you should offer yourself up to be lashed for all the zina you'v committed and all the muslim, non-mahram females you've disparage and attempted to sully. Munafiq.

Why am I taking you seriously, you're a troll.:drakekidding:
If you don't believe in the shariah then you're a gaal, you're suffering from cognitive dissonance, you can't pick & choose some parts of the religion while discarding the rest, I hate to break it to you but it's really all or nothing


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
There's nothing superior about the prophet's (pbuh) lineage. His ancestors were pagans. So was his father, so was his beloved uncle. He himself was special, but his lineage was not. Why was Abu Bakr chosen as Khalifa after he died and not Ali, if his lineage is above all others? He wasn't, that's a shia belief.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) lineage is blessed, that's why he's descended from prophets like Solomon, Abraham, Adam, zackria, idrus, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, john, Moses, Jesus, David...
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