Many haters we got
I swear she didn't live in Somalia even a yearSays that Somalia is a Muslim country , that every man has 4 wives because it’s allowed in Islam and that divorced women were ostracised and the husband always took the children .
the best a divorced woman could ask for is it become apart of another mans harem
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My experience would be different and wider than yours when it comes to family matters in our communities because my father is the imam people generally approach when it comes to family issues/marriages etc. Generally this stuff is kept a secret because its scandalous and a few get out when the families get involved and let it slip out but for the most part this stuff is kept hidden. I say lover because the marriage to the other individual isn't accept since she hasn't been divorced by the pervious husband. This however is a lot more rampant in the Asian communities and is the main reason acid attacks take place. The husband does this nonsense to get back his "honour".No offense but I fail to believe that is true and if it does happen only once in a very blue moon. I've only heard of one case and I didn't even know the person and it was a massive scandal as even randoms were gossiping about it and randoms like me found out about it. A woman in the West doesn't need to run away. She can get a house, pay her own rent ect.
It hardly ever happens in the West, in my 20-something years and bearing in my mind i'm in my late 20s pushing 30. We're a conservative community. Right now you're talking about extreme situations and trying to present it as a norm that happens to Western Faraxs. That is insane walal. This isn't me defending Xalimos Wallahi, its just that what you're saying is mad since i'm from London and live in a heavily Somali area. Women bouncing with the kids and moving to a new house? Yes normal. Women running away with a lover? Crazy and such stories end up circulating London because of how rare and crazy such a situation is. We're not gaal walalo and we don't have high rates of Xalimos committing adultery. At this point you're slandering the Somali community in the UK. Shocking.
Didn't read Xaar you wrote past your first paragaraph.She left her Somali husband went to the USA modeled then married a NBA black player who beat her up for a few years / divorced / married WHITE BOY Bowie who is known to have a sexual relationship with Mick Jagger of the rolling Stones SO SHE MARRIED A BI GUY /
Didn't read Xaar you wrote past your first paragaraph.
Mick Jagger and Bowie were definitely gay.
Gayest music video Ive ever seen.![]()
But you directed it so i don't understand why you are so mad .
wonderful song @AbdiFreedom favorite song
But you directed it so i don't understand why you are so mad .
wonderful song @AbdiFreedom favorite song