@suxuufi soo gal

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You fucking coward why did you deleted your thread. You took your fucking time to dedicate an insulting post to xaliimos but yet you deleted it. Dhaadhaanyahow people are friends because they've got things in common whether it's watching the same TV shows to going to same places. But what do you know about this nigga your social life sucks I bet you aint even a got a friends forget about having something in common with them.

You sure are obsessed about xaliimos siil and Tyrone. I'm sorry but it aint xaliimos fault that you are suffering from napoleon complex nigga don't blame xaliimos because of your short man/ small dick syndrome.

@Duchess girl where are you? Come teach these niggas a lesson they will never forget.
These girls out here slinging their ** to pagan road men and get made when we tell em facts :childplease: . But hey, after they're done they like :coolphone:aboowe wala iixasuqay, will you marry me
@AbdiJohnson why was my thread deleted immediately? And why's my account so slow for the past week and half:drakewtf:, I can barely use it or even type a full response before it crashes. But when i view spot without sigining in it works fine. Wallahi I think i'm being cyber attacked by an angry female:damn:
Fellas, I think suxuufis days here are numbered :eminemdamn:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
@Suxuufi you should have done an appreciation thread instead of insulting em and f*ck all those who say dont gass these chicks

Just Maybe if they thought of themselves like "beauty queens" than most likely that'll attribute to them having self-pride.In other words,they wouldnt be "s".
@Suxuufi you should have done an appreciation thread instead of insulting em and f*ck all those who say dont gass these chicks

Just Maybe if they thought of themselves like "beauty queens" than most likely that'll attribute to them having self-pride.In other words,they wouldnt be "s".

:cosbyhmm:From the second half of your quote I can see that you agree that there is a problem with many xaliimos. I only karbaash these stupid ones that ruin our name, not the proud xaliimos. They get nothing but love and cambuulo from me:denzelnigga:
@Suxuufi you should have done an appreciation thread instead of insulting em and f*ck all those who say dont gass these chicks

Just Maybe if they thought of themselves like "beauty queens" than most likely that'll attribute to them having self-pride.In other words,they wouldnt be "s".

To be honest Somali Girls in the west should look for their Self-Worth/Pride in some place else other than their genitals and their subjective outward appearance.

We men should hold them to standards that isn't shallow like simply being ''beauty queens'', but rather being cultured, intellectual, modest and pious. These are the attributes we should praise and appreciate.

Putting value in shallow and materialistic things will make them promiscuous ,obnoxious, immoral & attention seeking.
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Suldaanka Gobyare
Kkkkkkkkkkkk A real Xalimo knows herself and would never get angry or bothered at Somali s getting made fun of. Unless of course.....
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