coolioAnyway folks Duke puts his money where his mouth is. Here it is the thirsty HJ single mother aka Zulaikha begging me to meet her.
Asking me to meet her in Liverpool street station, I decline it and find some excuse (I have a appointment)
Asking me to meet her in Hyde Park
Admitting she became cuckoo after divorce "Then I tried online because I
knew I'd never possibly meet people in real life, being the way I am" . It is
one of the reasons she puts half pictures of her face across the internet in
the hope of finding a partner in the internet.

Loooooooooool if this isn't some BS
I know @Zuleikha in real life and she definitely hasn't got a kid wasakhyahow beenta badan. She's from Birmingham plz tell me why on would she meet u in Liverpool station. Wallahi I honestly don't think you're normal, markay hooyoda ku dashay armaad dhulka ku dhacday.
Walee kani cadi maha waxba u yara dhiman
Just because my girl aired u on pm u don't have to act like this, rejection is part of life... Move on.