syria gdp before war and after


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Langaab Alawites should've stepped down instead of fumbling it for the majority by clinging onto power and accept the revolution.
I got now clue about the syrain what who are Alawites and what does assad got to do with it


Entitled uppity East African
I got now clue about the syrain what who are Alawites and what does assad got to do with it
Alawaite are what Assad is it’s some sect that came from shias long time ago but they’ve got their erm own thing going on.I saw one on twitter calling Prophet Muhammad(SAW) a liar and citing his uncle Abu Lahab…
I got now clue about the syrain what who are Alawites and what does assad got to do with it
Alawites/Nusayris are the ruling of minority of Syria since 1970 and even before that as French auxillaries under the French mandate of Syria. The Assad family are from that minority and have been terrorising the Syrian Sunnis since the spark of the Syrian revolution which led to the Syrian civil war to subdue Sunnis.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Alawaite are what Assad is it’s some sect that came from shias long time ago but they’ve got their erm own thing going on.I saw one on twitter calling Prophet Muhammad(SAW) a liar and citing his uncle Abu Lahab…
Nigga shias run Iraq and now Syria?? Christians in Lebanon and Jews in Palestinine? Bring back Saluhaddin Ayyubi asap

Langaab Alawites should've stepped down instead of fumbling it for the majority by clinging onto power and accept the revolution.
I heavily disagree. If it was me I would have went on National TV and told the entire country that I will never be overthrown and that I would rather burn every single last thing to the ground than give up power. Fight until the very bitter bloody end.
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They aren’t considered Shias by Shia themselves their beliefs are so different from Shias :jcoleno:.I’ve got a question what’s your opinions on Alevism 🤔🤔🤔🤔
They're considered a shia sect and all shia sects have takfird each other as they saw themselves to be the true followers of ahlu al bayt and since nusaiyris are a breakaway from shia 12ver sect, the disappeared Lebanese-Iranian cleric Musa Sadr issued an fatawa or proclamation that sect is a shia "muslim" community and Khomeini also issued similar fatawa hence why relations between Assad's Syria and Iran is very close.