I find it funny that the Baathists pan Arabs have Somalia in their propaganda map of the Arab world
They are proud African Nationalists.

I find it funny that the Baathists pan Arabs have Somalia in their propaganda map of the Arab world
It's weird how they include Eritrea in their Map.I find it funny that the Baathists pan Arabs have Somalia in their propaganda map of the Arab world
If you know anything about Islam. You wouldn't advocate on supporting the rebels.I don’t know what’s worse. That are Somali qashin here who support a man who murdered more Muslims than mongols and tartars or the fact they are enjoying the suffering of women and children fleeing from assadist rapists.
just yesterday I saw an assadist digging the grave of a city they just invaded. Not even the dead are safe from them.
lanatullah on people who back assad
If you know anything about Islam. You wouldn't advocate on supporting the rebels.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“The best among your rulers are those whom you love and they love you in turn, those who pray (make supplication) for you and you pray for them. The worst of your rulers are those whom you hate and they hate you in turn, and you curse them and they curse you.”
Someone asked:
“O Messenger of Allah! Shall we confront them with swords?”
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“No, as long as they hold prayers among you. If you see from your rulers what you hate, hate the action they do but do not rebel against them.”
[Sahîh Muslim]
Hudhayfah b. al-Yamân asked the Prophet (peace be upon him):
“O Messenger of Allah, we were living in an evil (atmosphere) and Allah brought us good (Islam) and we live in it now. Will there be evil after this good?”
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Yes.”
Hudhayfah b. al-Yamân said: “And any good after this evil?”
He said: “Yes.”
Hudhayfah b. al-Yamân said: “And any evil after this good?”
He said: “Yes.”
Hudhayfah said: “How will it be?”
He said:
“Rulers after me will come who do not abide by my guidance and Sunnah. Some of their men will have Satan’s heart in a human’s body.”
Hudhayfah said:
“What should I do, O Messenger of Allah, if I live to see that time?”
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“You should listen and obey them even if the ruler smites your back and takes your wealth.”
[Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“There will be rulers over you. You will agree with some of what they come with and reject some of it. Whoever rejects what must be rejected will maintain his innocence and whoever hates it will maintain his innocence. However, those who accept (what should be denied) and follow the ruler will be sinners.”
The Companions said:
“O Messenger of Allah, shall we fight these rulers?”
He said:
“No, as long as they pray.”
[Sunan al-Tirmidhî]
So you believe in the western propaganda, do you also believe Assad threw chemical bombs at his people. Everything around you is false. You should never rebel against your leaders. Look at Libya or Iraq. Yemen rebelled because their leaders were puppets, their leaders advocated for slaves. While the people despised it. There was so much corruption, that they rebelled.rulers? The rulers at the time were Muslims. Not alawites nussyris of the current lot in Syria.
which explains why bashar thugs can rape women in front of their husbands or fathers?
I mean have you ever heard of Quraysh the enemies of the prophet raping Muslim women? And the prophet fought them
what do you think the prophet would do if men killed his family raped his daughter la samahallah?
You know nothing
So you believe in the western propaganda, do you also believe Assad threw chemical bombs at his people. Everything around you is false. You should never rebel against your leaders. Look at Libya or Iraq. Yemen rebelled because their leaders were puppets, their leaders advocated for slaves. While the people despised it. There was so much corruption, that they rebelled.
Syria, Iraq and Libya rebels had the support of the USA.
Yemen didn't and now millions are going to die of hunger. The war on Yemen was initiated by the USA, Saudi are just doing their bidding.
Please enlighten me, how its better for the people to rebel. What happened to the kurds and Yazidi people in Iraq. When the government is gone, no one is going to stop Isis and every terrorist group to kidnap Christian women and sell them in Saudi Arabia or Kuwait or UAE or Qatar. Be careful of what you ask for.
So you want America to take over, if America is providing assistance to your rebellion, it means nothing good will come out of it.Western propaganda? You just destroyed your worthless credibility on the spot? I guess when bashar thugs chopped the balls of kids like hamza al khattib and dumped his body to his family, it was all cgi.
Warya you are holo. I feel sorry for the muslims murdered by Assad daily to see they can’t even get peace from people like you.
If you know anything about geopolitics, you would understand that syria is worth a lot to the Russians. Syria is very important to Russia because of location and the gas pipeline going through. So important that Russia was about to go to war with USA because it was advancing too much into Syrian/Russian military bases.f*ck you you worthless piece of cow dung. Not everything on earth revolves America. If Syrians decided to rebel against the house of assad, it ain’t got shit to do with Americans. f*ck the Americans. Obama actually sold Syrians out so he could get a deal with Iran.
If America truly wanted bashar out they would have send the b1 lancers like in Libya in 2013 when he used chemical weapons in ghosts.
Assad would met gaddafi fate. So before you spout your garbage go and learn how to speak Arabic and meet some Syrians in real life. Otherwise gtfo
Wait, you just gave me an idea. I believe USA didnt just spontaneously give up on the Kurds. They saw it from both sides, and understood Isis will always be their loyal dog compared to the kurds. So thats why Isis are free from the camps. They are free men, doing their masters work.If bashar wins, what will happen to isis wives camps and isis prisoners?
Kurds are allied with USA, they were controlling the isis wives camps and prison.
Mashallah, you're very knowledgeable.If you know anything about geopolitics, you would understand that syria is worth a lot to the Russians. Syria is very important to Russia because of location and the gas pipeline going through. So important that Russia was about to go to war with USA because it was advancing too much into Syrian/Russian military bases.
World War 3 would have happened because USA was too arrogant. No one invited the USA military to Syria. They came and they have lost. They backed up almost every rebel faction.
USA was so bad at handling their backed up terrorist, so much so ISIS and every terrorist group became useless.
Why you ask? They were fighting each other. Pentagon backed up terrorist were fighting CIA backed up terrorist.
For years I couldn't make sense on the war in Syria, on why every rebel group was fighting each other and the ultimate enemy Assad. Its because mad men dont make good soldiers.
Syria is rebuilding, so stop encouraging the idea of rebellion. When there can be peace. No ruler lives for ever. Its better to have Siad Barre than to have America and its Amisom soldiers. Ask any person in here, what would they choose. Everyone would have similar answer.
A)A somali dictator, a ruthless one. One who only cares for the growth of Somalia.
B)A democratic puppet, who works for other nations.
It was ruined from the start. Anything haram inevitably produces something worse. Siad barre was an highly intellectual mad man. His flaw was believing that Somalis would accept a Dictator. He knew that and took power from other Qabils and gave it to his supporters. Him favouring one qabil over others is what started the rebellion.Mashallah, you're very knowledgeable.
Can you tell me about why Somalia got ruined?
I have been thinking about it for so long.
Don't like Assad but him winning is better overall for Syria.
Better for us too. Because they not done with the 7 countries listed including us. It's better if they struggle with syria and iran before they come back for the rest on that list.
It's better for us all if Allah frustrates their plans. God knows what they plan to do when iran and syria fall. Perhaps the third temple will be built.
f*ck these white supremacists. Assad for the win.
I find it funny that the Baathists pan Arabs have Somalia in their propaganda map of the Arab world
If you know anything about geopolitics, you would understand that syria is worth a lot to the Russians. Syria is very important to Russia because of location and the gas pipeline going through. So important that Russia was about to go to war with USA because it was advancing too much into Syrian/Russian military bases.
World War 3 would have happened because USA was too arrogant. No one invited the USA military to Syria. They came and they have lost. They backed up almost every rebel faction.
USA was so bad at handling their backed up terrorist, so much so ISIS and every terrorist group became useless.
Why you ask? They were fighting each other. Pentagon backed up terrorist were fighting CIA backed up terrorist.
For years I couldn't make sense on the war in Syria, on why every rebel group was fighting each other and the ultimate enemy Assad. Its because mad men dont make good soldiers.
Syria is rebuilding, so stop encouraging the idea of rebellion. When there can be peace. No ruler lives for ever. Its better to have Siad Barre than to have America and its Amisom soldiers. Ask any person in here, what would they choose. Everyone would have similar answer.
A)A somali dictator, a ruthless one. One who only cares for the growth of Somalia.
B)A democratic puppet, who works for other nations.