Syrian in Somalia are fully assimilated…


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
No more somali politics unless something big is happening or a final result that will determine Somalia and somaliland
Never made sense to me in the first place. Why should I hate a fellow muslim and somali because they are from a different tribe? From now on anyone I see promote qabyalad dhuunta ugu istaaga yfm sis? Diinta ha lagu dhaqmo
Cursing a country that is at least half Muslim, what a fool.
He shouldn't curse but saying it is half Muslim is irrelevant. Muslims hold no power in Ethiopia and are oppressed by the state - a state that was and remains hostile to Somalis and other Muslims.

We will have no peace unless this state is reformed it is an existential issue for us
He shouldn't curse but saying it is half Muslim is irrelevant. Muslims hold no power in Ethiopia and are oppressed by the state - a state that was and remains hostile to Somalis and other Muslims.

We will have no peace unless this state is reformed it is an existential issue for us

It isn't irrelevant, because regardless of their status, they are still Ethiopians and cursing the entire country entails cursing those who haven't harmed you/them/etc, which includes millions of fellow believers; no?
You guys need to first stop get over clan loyalty and stop fighting along clan lines. No one can harm you or exploit your divisions, if you were united and those divisions didn't exist in the firs tplace.


Forza Somalia!
Syrians and Assad family been good to us. They were handful nations that we could get visa on arrival.

Insha allah those ties will grow stronger and so both ends can benefit and over come challanges.

Syria did good to us, Assad is more like a mafia boss. That family took Syria from good position to be relying on aid and donation e.g. from Gulf states. Syria was very modern and democratic when they took it, Damascus used to have trams, now it barely have functioning public transport. Oil refineries are owned by a close family to Assad.

If you want to be kind to Syrians, don't mention Assad in a good way, he is their butcher.


Forza Somalia!
Yeah. Syria was one of the few Arab countries who welcomed Somali refugees without restrictions and provided us with education and healthcare for free. Somalida abaal maleh we paid them back by joining ISIS and attempting to overthrow Asad family. Aside from him being a minority Shia and butchering his own people he was surprisingly welcoming of Somalis. Have a lot of relatives who lived and studied in Syria before migrating to Europe.
Syria used to take not only Somalis, but also Iraqis and Palestinians. And Assad family used to get hundreds of Millions from UN and UNRWA. Many projects was done by these two entities for hosting refugee. But yes, Syria had socialistic and Arab Nationalism tendencies, a legacy from Nassir


Forza Somalia!
Haitians gave sanctuary to Arabs and Jews in the 1920's.
These groups then took over the Haitian economy.
Made Haitians third class citizens and became the oligarch overlords.
The richest man in Haiti is a Jew billionaire and criminal (
They fund the gangs and criminals.

Somalis are retarded they don't understand the dangers of inviting migrants when the country is not stable, has no structure and has no zero institutions or rule of law.
That is a lie, Haiti economy was destroyed by the US.
Yeah that should be shut down, but other than that I appreciate the Syrian refugees.
Calling me self hater, when there are clearly kaffirs on this site trying to gatekeep the Arabic the language of the Quran from Somalis, no it should be compulsory to learn and read in Arabic in every Somali school and having native Arabic teacher is perfect
Cursing a country that is at least half Muslim, what a fool.
Ethiopia is a Christian country it’s not 50 percent officially the Ethiopian downgrade how many Muslims there are in Ethiopia, they say it’s only 30 percent, so quit touting that half number when the official number is not that


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