Syrian refugee in Mogadishu assulting a Somali lady causes uproar

A Somali sister coming out of hormuud center was racially abused by a Syrian beggar after the somali sister refused to pay Sadaqa to the Syrian. The Syrian lady then says to her "my shoe is worth more than you" as she physically assaults her. Some Abdis then clutch in to protect the Syrian :silanyolaugh:

Internet Nomad

Some of you niggas talk so big about mass deportation of ethnicities because of the action of a single person yet you live in a western nation where somalis routinely do crime.

The irony is not lost on you?

Anti-Arab derangement syndrome needs to be classified as a mental illness.
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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
The reason why a lot of people think we bend over to Arabs is that they think many of us treat Arabs differently to Africans.

This Syrian woman abuses a Somali lady, and people are talking about “Syria was nice to Somalia, one bad apple here”.

Ajnabis see this and also see how when an Oromo or Bantu does something in Somalia, we suddenly say “Get these people out, they’re infiltrating”

The average ajnabi doesn’t know the intersocietal dynamics of Somalis v Oromo or Somalia v Ethiopia.

What they see is when an Ethiopian or Kenyan insults Somalis, we insult the entire country but when it’s an Arab, we suddenly only insult the individual.

Personally, I think we should always just criticise at an individual level regardless of who they are. Show consistency to the wider public.
words like "coon,,slave" being thrown around over a street begging destitute syrian. i dont think even she knew she was that important, you would think her ancestors had us picking cotton.

Yusuf M

Central Somalia is the same place, where clan wars rage day and night, but they can't take out a few dacas wearing Bantu rapists. If this isn't a curse, I don't know what is.
They always turn into Rambo when fighting other Somalis, but complete coward coons to shisheye. The foreign bantu is terrorizing a village that belongs to a clan that is the common denominator in almost all the clan violence in Central Somalia. Yet they bow down and tolerate this crap. Wa yaab.


Forza Somalia!
The people on this website are so intellectually weak. Saying deport a whole ethnicity of people, simply because one woman did something wrong is crazy. What have the rest of the Syrians living in Somalia done, it's only this one woman.

Are we forgetting that Syria was one of the countries that accepted many Somali refugees in 91. Which were then given free education and treated very well.

This is why Somalis are so messed We can't separate an bad apple and the rest of the tree. Fix up guys
They act like 4chan losers or rightwing lunatics in the west, while they themselves are from immigrant background.

