Thank you for seeing it from out point of view, when a somali woman wants to get married she treats him like a king bug after marriage comes all the headache arguments about bullshit untill you finally lose your mind and divorce her. As soon as science develops realistic vaginas the world population will drop alot.
You would know, gawmu jalaatoyahow.Most men from any religious background would like a second wife. It's easier than cheating, something that many men do
This subject confuses me. When a Somali man or Muslim man seeks a second wife. One side of me feels angry for the first wife, how could he disregard her feelings and seek another stranger to marry, throw away all the trust that they were building, the home they built. The other side of me wonders, if this man was really happy in his home and satisfied with his wife, would he selfishly seek a second wife? If a man is happy in his home, gets treated with respect, I don't expect him to marry a second wife. As I got older I realized that most men are not happy in their home. Either the wife selfishly stopped taking care of herself and husband and put the kids first without realizing it. Or there's no LOVE in that home. I finally understand the need for Somali men to seek a second wife.
What do you think of this?
Why pretend? you'd still be against it even if he did it the right way. Honestly there's nothing in our diin that asks women to be in favor or tolerate polygamy it's all about the individual choice. You only have to recognize its halal and not ruin the chances of less fortunate women to be married and have kidsThere are ways to go about it. Marriages are not meant to be done in secret and hidden from the rest of the world. When it's done that way, it's haram, deceitful and the women feel cheated.
Why pretend? you'd still be against it even if he did it the right way. Honestly there's nothing in our diin that asks women to be in favor or tolerate polygamy it's all about the individual choice. You only have to recognize its halal and not ruin the chances of less fortunate women to be married and have kids
Don't talk to me about halal and haram when the marriage is done in secret and hidden from the world.
"It's all about individual choice" you say but I guess that only applies to men, eh? You act like women don't have a choice in the matter. They do and they have every right to not want to be a participant in such an arrangement. A woman can even prevent her husband from seeking another wife explicitly in her marriage contract.
I'm all for charity and helping the less fortunate, that's why I volunteer at a soup kitchen during the Christmas holidays, but f*ck I look like sharing my husband? If she wants kids or a man, she can go adopt kids or pursue the other 3.5 billion men in the world.![]()
Its exactly what i said nothing in our diin force women to tolerate or accept polygamy it's her choice. Read before you post
The man doesn't have to inform his first wife. I don't see the reason not to inform the first wife though, unless the man is hiding something. Nonetheless, there's no shari' evidence to support the claim that the first wife must be informed. The woman can negotiate with her suitor before the marriage is consummated and prevent them from seeking a second wife as part of the marriage contract, that part is correct.Don't talk to me about halal and haram when the marriage is done in secret and hidden from the world.
"It's all about individual choice" you say but I guess that only applies to men, eh? You act like women don't have a choice in the matter. They do and they have every right to not want to be a participant in such an arrangement. A woman can even prevent her husband from seeking another wife explicitly in her marriage contract.
I'm all for charity and helping the less fortunate, that's why I volunteer at a soup kitchen during the Christmas holidays, but f*ck I look like sharing my husband? If she wants kids or a man, she can go adopt kids or pursue the other 3.5 billion men in the world.![]()
Whether it's secret or not you'd still be against it. majority of women don't want to share their husbands and it's perfectly halal and within her rights. The reason why I said that because I see alot of men use the diin to bully their wife to accept him pursuing another .Okay, so what's the point of your post then? I pointed out a very troubling issue with many polygamous Somali relationships that questions the very validity of these secret marriages. I've even heard of men denying women they've married to their first wife and only admitting it after the marriage contract was shown to them. These are serious issues and must be addressed.
The relationship breakdown is the responsibility of the man.
The relationship breakdown is the responsibility of the man.
I agree women are passive in a perfect world it's the man who start and end the relationshipThe relationship breakdown is the responsibility of the man.
Four wives is our right as Muslim men, alhamdulillah.
You keep repeating that as though it means something.
It's like me saying it's my right to be a trillionnaire, sure you can have four wives but will you get four wives?![]()
You're disgusting.Women are simple creatures just pretend to care about their bullshit and they get attached. Ofcourse it helps being 6 foot and well endowed