Taliban bans the sound of women’s voices


Plotting world domination
TFor real, if the Taliban is bad, people will lose it the moment Al-Shabaab gets in. Concubines, you name it—Somalis will face the humiliation of the century within months if Al-Shabaab were to take over.

Test Boom GIF

With the help of @abdi_ me and him will be nuking the place before they even get a chance of humiliating us. A couple mill will perish but who gives AF, our birth rates are high we can replace these niggas.

The day all shabab takes over the government is the day I pull up guns blazing.
Rambo Mania GIF
Yes, abusing the very same women who also abused and r-worded by American soldiers is a W indeed.

No group that mistreat their women will get far. The collective duas and anguish of said women will finish them altogether.
Woah I’m just the messenger :wow1:


Coping through the 1st world
The word Taliban literally says ban at the end of their name. How are we shocked that they’re banning everything?

most Islamic scholars agree that the women’s voice is awrah and she shouldn’t speak too softly in front of non mahrams since it can lead to temptation however the taliban took it too far banning them from talking is crazy 😭
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most Islamic scholars agree that the women’s voice is awrah and she shouldn’t speak too softly in front of non mahrams since it can lead to temptation however the taliban took it too far banning them from talking is crazy 😭
ill just use chat gpt:

Islamically, a woman's voice is **not considered *awrah* (something that must be concealed)** in the general sense. This is the position held by the majority of scholars across various Islamic schools of thought. Here are the key points:

1. **Definition of *Awrah*:** In Islamic jurisprudence, *awrah* refers to the parts of the body that must be covered and protected from non-mahram (those whom one could potentially marry). The concept primarily applies to physical modesty.

2. **Women's Voice:** The majority opinion among scholars is that a woman's voice does not fall under the definition of *awrah*. This means that it is permissible for a woman to speak, teach, and recite in the presence of non-mahram men.

3. **Guidelines for Speaking:** While the voice itself is not *awrah*, scholars emphasize that women (and men) should maintain modesty and decorum in how they speak. This includes avoiding a seductive tone or behavior that could be considered inappropriate in Islamic teachings.

4. **Public Roles and Education:** Throughout Islamic history, women have held roles as scholars, teachers, and leaders, which involved speaking publicly. This historical precedent supports the view that a woman's voice is not inherently something that needs to be hidden.

5. **Exceptions and Cautions:** Some more conservative scholars or communities may impose stricter guidelines based on cultural practices or their interpretation of Islamic teachings. These guidelines might suggest that women should avoid raising their voices in mixed-gender settings, especially in certain situations like when reciting the Quran, but these are not universally agreed upon.

### Conclusion
The voice of a woman is **not considered *awrah* according to the majority of Islamic scholars**. Women are generally permitted to speak, teach, and recite in public, with the emphasis on maintaining modesty and proper conduct. The interpretation may vary based on cultural and community practices, but the mainstream Islamic view does not categorize a woman's voice as *awrah*.
ill just use chat gpt:

Islamically, a woman's voice is **not considered *awrah* (something that must be concealed)** in the general sense. This is the position held by the majority of scholars across various Islamic schools of thought. Here are the key points:

1. **Definition of *Awrah*:** In Islamic jurisprudence, *awrah* refers to the parts of the body that must be covered and protected from non-mahram (those whom one could potentially marry). The concept primarily applies to physical modesty.

2. **Women's Voice:** The majority opinion among scholars is that a woman's voice does not fall under the definition of *awrah*. This means that it is permissible for a woman to speak, teach, and recite in the presence of non-mahram men.

3. **Guidelines for Speaking:** While the voice itself is not *awrah*, scholars emphasize that women (and men) should maintain modesty and decorum in how they speak. This includes avoiding a seductive tone or behavior that could be considered inappropriate in Islamic teachings.

4. **Public Roles and Education:** Throughout Islamic history, women have held roles as scholars, teachers, and leaders, which involved speaking publicly. This historical precedent supports the view that a woman's voice is not inherently something that needs to be hidden.

5. **Exceptions and Cautions:** Some more conservative scholars or communities may impose stricter guidelines based on cultural practices or their interpretation of Islamic teachings. These guidelines might suggest that women should avoid raising their voices in mixed-gender settings, especially in certain situations like when reciting the Quran, but these are not universally agreed upon.

### Conclusion
The voice of a woman is **not considered *awrah* according to the majority of Islamic scholars**. Women are generally permitted to speak, teach, and recite in public, with the emphasis on maintaining modesty and proper conduct. The interpretation may vary based on cultural and community practices, but the mainstream Islamic view does not categorize a woman's voice as *awrah*.
Bro read what I said I never said women can’t speak I said most scholars agree a women’s voice can lead to temptations
People must be brain dead to think that women’s voice is awrah. Please explain how women spoke to the Prophet s.a.w? How did Muslim women conduct business? How did they communicate with shop keepers? How did they advocate for themselves in court?

My biggest issue with some extreme Muslim men is the fact that they’re incredibly ahistorical. They create a narrative that is devoid of facts and try to create a lifestyle that even the female Sahabas didn’t even lead. How was it possible for Aisha to teach Hadith, how was it possible for Nusaba to fight in battle and defend the Prophet s.a.w. How was it possible for Umar R.A to appoint Shifa and Samrah both women as some sort of controller of the market which was obviously a role that meant they’d be out of their homes and using their voices to interact. How did the battle of the camel even happen? We all know that was an event that shouldn’t have happened, but Aisha was indeed the one that was part of this skirmish/battle. How did it even happen in the first place if women were under lock and key with a voice that’s awrah?

The only way, you can say that the way the Taliban conducts itself is Islamic is by denying history, deny the role of women we see in the Seerah ect.

Telling women to be soft in speech and to not flirt doesn’t mean women’s voice is awrah. The two aren’t even the same.
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Why is every Islamist insurgency so hateful towards women and how can Muslim men expect Muslim women to support any so called Islamic group when we’re the first group to be mistreated?

Wallahi this is definitely impacting the imaan and the morale of women. No women even the most practicing is ever going to be happy living under those terms.

The funny thing is it's women who keep Islam going. Women take their kids to dugsi. If Muslim women lost their iman; Muslim countries would rapidly become secular within 2-3 generations.


You’re a joke. They literally used a fatwa saying that teaching women to write is not good.

You either believe this to be true or you’re a liar.

I never knew you hated women this much.
that wasnt statements from the official taliban minsitries. but as usual youre spewing youre neo-feminist mumbo jumbo. they are noble people who fought the crusaders.
Yes, abusing the very same women who also abused and r-worded by American soldiers is a W indeed.

No group that mistreat their women will get far. The collective duas and anguish of said women will finish them altogether.

Muslim women have a very difficult test in this world, shaydaan's little minions who style themselves as "Muslim men". Their sole purpose is to make Muslim women feel like unwanted guests in the world and especially in their own religion. They try to break women down psychologically, to make them feel like unwanted guests in their own religion, and it's incessant.

Islam is way less hard around non-Muslims than it is around these freaks. A non-Muslim will just ask why you wear a hijab at best, and at worst, try to attack you, but at least your fight or flight instincts will kick in.

They actually think they will get away with it too.
Muslim women have a very difficult test in this world, shaydaan's little minions who style themselves as "Muslim men". Their sole purpose is to make Muslim men feel like unwanted guests in the world and especially in their own religion. They try to break women down psychologically, to make them feel like unwanted guests in their own religion, and it's incessant.

Islam is way less hard around non-Muslims than it is around these freaks. A non-Muslim will just ask why you wear a hijab at best, and at worst, try to attack you, but at least your fight or flight instincts will kick in.

They actually think they will get away with it too.
This isn’t just in the Dunya, they also mock Muslim women by creating laws that abuse us in this world and then mock us by saying we’re most likely to go hell. So hell on earth and hell in hereafter.

I just need people to take a second and to truly think about how such people can really argue that worship Allah who is all merciful for all of his creations.
in theory muslim women should have it easiest of all the women including non muslim women bcz islam teaches us provide and protect our muslim queens