Taliban bans the sound of women’s voices

Has anyone seen the usual suspects on here constantly rambling about this banning of education? Which education is more important and which one would actual Muslims care about more? Or atleast some equal energy put into both? That would be understandable but nothing. What does that tell you?

Essays crying about math and science and I doubt there is a peep about this either.

What an obvious joke. Stop pretending to speak for Muslims and be honest like some of the others attacking Islam and Muslims on here.
Has anyone seen the usual suspects on here constantly rambling about this banning of education? Which education is more important and which one would actual Muslims care about more?

Essays crying about math and science and I doubt there is a peep about this either.

What an obvious joke. Stop pretending to speak for Muslims and be honest like some of the others attacking Islam and Muslims on here.
lol, your whole argument falls apart. Not one individual here unless they’re gaal is okay with banning madrasa for Islamic studies.

Why are you lying and saying we’re okay with it?

Galool, I want women to be able to wear hijab, learn the Quraan AND get an education as well such as math ect.

I will not let you lie through your teeth you dirty hypocrite.

If you’re an honest individual can you say what I’ve said? Can you say you want Muslim women to wear hijab, learn the deen and learn worldly studies?

Why are you trying to create a narrative of one or the other? Who are you fooling?
This is the problem with the evil misogynistic types. The way they dodge accountability is by lying and slandering Muslim women by saying that if we’re upset about our right to education being taken away that means we’re okay with being r-worded by gaals Authobillah or that we’re okay with our rights to wear hijab to be taken away and we’re okay with the rights of children learning Quraan and Sunnah.

The only way these people can present an argument is by accusing Muslim women who are impacted the most when it comes to hijab ect of falling for the narrative of gaals. They use this as a way to continue the oppression. Note how they say that it’s the liberal ‘arts’ that’s been banned when that’s not the case. All forms of education for women have been banned along with female shop keepers.

Really what is happening is that mentally unstable men are using Muslim women in their ideological battles. The more gaals invade and oppress Muslims, the more these men justify doubly oppressing Muslim women as they believe that being anti-women is being anti-imperialist.

You’re not going to use the oppression of Afghans which also includes women to try and find an excuse as to why Muslim women also need to be doubly punished.

I see right through men like you.
I have never seen someone get angry about people not seeing or responding to a thread. This is a first.

The final boss of 'whataboutism'

Wallahi may Allah curse those that lie and slander.

I’m a Hijabi, I’ve been wearing since I was 8, I’ve had gaals spit at me, I’ve had my hijab ripped from my head and now I’m being told that I’m okay with women like myself being banned from wearing a hijab or crazily enough I’m ok with American troops r-wording women.

How does one reach that stage? Now he’s trying to takfir, but he can’t be a man about it. He is displaying Khawarij behavior in 4K. What he is, only Allah knows as I don’t want to be asked in the DOJ why I called someone Khawarij with no evidence but his behaviors is close to it indeed.
Wallahi may Allah curse those that lie and slander.

I’m a Hijabi, I’ve been wearing since I was 8, I’ve had gaals spit at me, I’ve had my hijab ripped from my head and now I’m being told that I’m okay with women like myself being banned from wearing a hijab or crazily enough I’m ok with American troops r-wording women.

How does one reach that stage? Now he’s trying to takfir, but he can’t be a man about it. He is displaying Khawarij behavior in 4K. What he is, only Allah knows as I don’t want to be asked in the DOJ why I called someone Khawarij with no evidence but his behaviors is close to it indeed.
Now it seems if you don’t reply to this thread, you’re ripe for takfir. If you don’t reply to his thread despite the fact that I’ve commented on the France ban dozens of times and the Denmark one, it means you’re okay with gaals banning hijab and you’re okay with R-word as well! This is the logic that’s being displayed here. Imagine a woman like myself who deeply cares about women that she’s okay with women being r-worded? This is indeed a mental illness.

It’s scary how much of a low IQ you are @Galool.

I was genuinely cracking up, I have never seen so many "Stan" names before in my entire life. I learned about a new one today.

"wHaT aBout hIjab ban In cOuntyRyStan"


When you look at the misogynists on here, as clowns, it becomes a hilarious experience. I even have a game, where I eat a snack, when I see the word "fEmInIst".
I wonder if there are any ramblings about this opression either? No? How convenient. Never miss an opportunity to attack Afghanistan but somehow always miss these?

Again, they wouldn't "see" this oppression and somehow miss it if they were instead banning hijab and Islam in Afghanistan the way they do not see this oppression in several Muslim countries.

Read all the ridiculous rage posting attacking Muslims but conveniently nothing to say about Hijab bans.

Are these all coincidences or intentional?

The pattern is clear anywhere there are practicing Muslims they are ready to attack them. Anywhere Muslims are actually oppressed they have not a word to share. That is what feminists are, a weapon to attack Islam and Muslims. They are happily quiet where Islam is attacked and rage posting essays where Islam is strong.

For Muslim readers your intentions are clear but the good news is your types were exposed long ago and have no impact anymore.

bUt YoU NeVeR sAiD anYthInG aBoUt hIjAb bAn


I can easily dig up more but I’ll leave if here so that everyone can witness your lies and slander.

You can’t be an honest person and make up accusations as you go along without any fear of Allah or the DOJ. Your types are fanatics without any real morality which is why the lies and takfir roll from your tongue with such ease.
bUt YoU NeVeR sAiD anYthInG aBoUt hIjAb bAn

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I can easily dig up more but I’ll leave if here so that everyone can witness your lies and slander.

You can’t be an honest person and make up accusations as you go along without any fear of Allah or the DOJ. Your types are fanatics without any real morality which is why the lies and takfir roll from your tongue with such ease.

He's very dishonest, and incapable of forming a coherent argument, so he resorts to the most extreme whataboutism I have seen in my entire life. You do defend the hijab and so have I. But this oddball is just fixated on 'dhegohadal' and blatant lies.

I am enjoying his spamming though, I am excited to see what other country he will pull up.

Youre laughing about their opression instead of rage posting like you do about Afghanistan? That is telling.

Sure, here is a list of incidents in Russia where Muslim women have been attacked.

Do you have posts ranting about this oppression or is just Afghanista?

WFT, are you mentally ill or simply a liar?

She’s laughing at you and your lies and not about the oppression of women?

I don’t think you’re mentally stable?

You’re either not okay, or you lack serious morals. This behavior of yours isn’t halal. Dishing out lies and hoping it will stick isn’t acceptable behavior. Semi takfiring people and saying they’re okay with a hijab ban isn’t okay.

If you truly fear for you akhira you wouldn’t behave this way, but you’re more interested in winning an internet argument over being honest.
WFT, are you mentally ill or simply a liar?

She’s laughing at you and your lies and not about the oppression of women?

I don’t think you’re mentally stable?

You’re either not okay, or you lack serious morals. This behavior of yours isn’t halal. Dishing out lies and hoping it will stick isn’t acceptable behavior. Semi takfiring people and saying they’re okay with a hijab ban isn’t okay.

If you truly fear for you akhira you wouldn’t behave this way, but you’re more interested in winning an internet argument over being honest.

This is why I am laughing at him. He's making up lies about us, and then he's responding to his own lies.

I have never seen such audacious behaviour before. A MAN, is telling Muslim Hijabis, that we don't defend or want the hijab. And he's actually searching videos, where hijabs are being harassed, as if we want hijabis to be harassed.

I am done feeling sorry for weirdos. Just sit back and enjoy the freakshow.
:russ: It's like you are talking to yourself. You come up with a lie and then you respond to your own lies.
Wallahi, it might be all fun and games for him but he’s showing his ass. He’s showing that he lacks morals and integrity and that’s something I’ve noticed with this types.

They’re quick to lie, they’re quick to make takfir and when they’re proven wrong, they any Athaab or humbleness.

For all of their talk of the Ummah and Islam, their Islamic aqhlaaq is no existent and overall they lack shame.
Wallahi, it might be all fun and games for him but he’s showing his ass. He’s showing that he lacks morals and integrity and that’s something I’ve noticed with this types.

They’re quick to lie, they’re quick to make takfir and when they’re proven wrong, they any Athaab or humbleness.

For all of their talk of the Ummah and Islam, their Islamic aqhlaaq is no existent and overall they lack shame.

He thinks he owns Islam, and probably even the hijab. I wouldn't be surprised if he was wearing the hijab as he scours the internet, looking for videos to post.

This is why I am laughing at him. He's making up lies about us, and then he's responding to his own lies.

I have never seen such audacious behaviour before. A MAN, is telling Muslim Hijabis, that we don't defend or want the hijab. And he's actually searching videos, where hijabs are being harassed, as if we want hijabis to be harassed.

I am done feeling sorry for weirdos. Just sit back and enjoy the freakshow.
Does he not understand that WE wear hijab EVERYDAY when we leave the home??????

Hell is definitely hot.
Youre laughing about their opression instead of rage posting like you do about Afghanistan? That is telling.

Sure, here is a list of incidents in Russia where Muslim women have been attacked.

Do you have posts ranting about this oppression or is just Afghanista?

You are cursed indeed.

What makes you think us Muslim hijabis haven’t been attacked as well? What do YOU know of the attacks that Muslim women face when you leave the house with no real identification of Islam with regards to your attire? I know more about the oppression of hijabis more than you can ever! Like literally.

What a world to live in. I’ve been attacked by gaal men and now I’m being told by a mentally ill takfiri that I’m okay with hijabis like me being attacked.

𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 whilst the hell hole riots was taking place in the UK it was us Muslimas that were too afraid to leave our houses, yet this clown believes we’re okay with other women being attacked.​

I refuse to believe this man is sane.
