Taliban bans the sound of women’s voices


We’re an Ummah. Why the hell are you against Somali women not being educated but you’re clapping for Afghans not letting their women?? Your lack of consistency and principles is even worse in my eyes.

Believe it or not, I want ALL women globally to have the rights that I have. I’m not a hypocrite. Why would I have life in which I’m educated, can make my own money and own bank account and cheer on a life in which women have none of that. Wouldn’t that make me a hypocrite?

My rule in life is that I try to not to live one of cognitive dissonance. That is my motto.
because they are not somalis. i dont apply the exact same standards. they are afghans with their customs even though i dont agree with it. i dont insult them because its not good to insult the islamic rulers.
because they are not somalis. i dont apply the exact same standards. they are afghans with their customs even though i dont agree with it. i dont insult them because its not good to insult the islamic rulers.
You would never in a million years say that if they were abusing the male population and curtailing their rights. Ultimately, you’re a male supremacist who hides behind Islam. You don’t care about women, I do, so don’t expect me to have little empathy like you do. If for example, if peasant poor men were banned from education and literacy would you support this? I highly doubt it and you’d have an array of different reasons. The only times men like you care about ‘rights’ is when it’s the rights of men that are infringed upon which is why your types are a curse upon Muslims.

I see right though men like you. Also, you’re a hypocrite who uses the ‘Ummah’ when it’s convenient. You’ll say Afghan women are different and not your business but you’d want to me to believe in the concept of the ‘Ummah’ when it comes to Afghan male leaders policy.

It’s the end of our conversation.
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