Taliban bans the sound of women’s voices

Does he not understand that WE wear hijab EVERYDAY when we leave the home??????

Hell is definitely hot.

You are cursed indeed.

What makes you think us Muslim hijabs haven’t been attacked as well? What do YOU know of the attacks that Muslim women face when you leave the house with no real identification of Islam?

What a world to live in. I’ve been attacked by gaal men and now I’m being told by a mentally ill takfiri that I’m okay with hijabis like me being attacked.

𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 whilst the hell hole riots was taking place in the UK it was us Muslimas that were too afraid to leave our houses, yet this clown believes we’re okay with other women being attacked.​

I refuse to believe this man is sane.

I have never seen someone making up a complete lie and then responding to themselves, and using videos and pictures about random countries. I don't know why this is so funny to me. If he comes back with another video, I may pass out


On a serious note, to address your very valid statements abayo;

Every. Single. Muslimah. has experienced discrimination because of her hijab. Every day, we leave the house and make a choice to face threats to our life, because we fear Allah SWT. But some random man, who walks around as an anonymous Black man, thinks he can tell us about our faith, and clothing. It's like watching some kind of horror-comedy, I am horrified at the level of LIES and also, very amused at the same time.
I have never seen someone making up a complete lie and then responding to themselves, and using videos and pictures about random countries. I don't know why this is so funny to me. If he comes back with another video, I may pass out

Nah sis, I’m angry at this liar. I grew up in a very racist area in the 90s and 2000s and have had people spit on my hijab, had people trying to pull my hijab off and this recent riot triggered very bad memories for me but what do we have? Misogynistic Muslim men who will use the plight of Muslim women at the hands of gaals to justify oppressing Afghan women even more. These are the low IQ narcs running around in our community due to the likes DH and others.

Believe me, that man couldn’t care less about Muslim women and he is using this shtick as a way to justify futher oppression.

If we can all acknowledge that Afghan women have been r-worded and brutalized by occupation, why the hell would you then justify to add to their plight and make lives even more difficult for them by refusing them education and work?

My point is a simple one and he knows it, but he can’t justify his stance without lying about me.
You can continue your silly little rants back and forth but the reality of the situation is:

These feminists will only attack practicing Muslims.

They will pipe up and attack Afghanistan and any practicing Muslim who violates their feminist tenants but have nothing to say about Muslims including Muslim women actually being oppressed in the world.

They would be happily silent about Afghanistan and their silly rage posts would cease to be non-existent like it is about actual oppression in neighbouring central asian countries they conveniently "never heard about". They would be as nonchalant about Afghanistan had it been hijab banned like the others.

Notice their clear patterns and relegate their feminist rage posting to the garbage and realize it is just a form of attacking Islam and Muslims.

Keep this in mind and you will see their patterns clearly.

They do not speak for Muslim women or they would have seen their real oppression.

They are similiar to the cia op "women, life, freedom" in Iran. Liberal feminists attacking Islam and Muslims.

That is all it is.
Nah sis, I’m angry at this liar. I grew up in a very racist area in the 90s and 2000s and have had people spit on my hijab, had people trying to pull my hijab off and this recent riot triggered very bad memories for me but what do we have? Misogynistic Muslim men who will use the plight of Muslim women at the hands of gaals to justify oppressing Afghan women even more. These are the low IQ narcs running around in our community due to the likes DH and others.

Believe me, that man couldn’t care less about Muslim women and he is using this shtick as a way to justify futher oppression.

If we can all acknowledge that Afghan women have been r-worded and brutalized by occupation, why the hell would you then justify to add to their plight and make lives even more difficult for them by refusing them education and work?

My point is a simple one and he knows it, but he can’t justify his stance without lying about me.

This liar is probably angry that he can't do this to Somali women. I think that's what fuels this bizarre behaviour. Admiration of the Afghani Talibans, and at the same time, resentment that he can't do this to us.
You can continue your silly little rants back and forth but the reality of the situation is:

These feminists will only attack practicing Muslims.

They will pipe up and attack Afghanistan and any practicing Muslim who violates their feminist tenants but have nothing to say about Muslims including Muslim women actually being oppressed in the world.

They would be happily silent about Afghanistan and their silly rage posts would cease to be non-existent like it is about actual oppression in neighbouring central asian countries they conveniently "never heard about". They would be as nonchalant about Afghanistan had it been hijab banned like the others.

Notice their clear patterns and relegate their feminist rage posting to the garbage and realize it is just a form of attacking Islam and Muslims.

Keep this in mind and you will see their patterns clearly.

They do not speak for Muslim women or they would have seen their real oppression.

They are similiar to the cia op "women, life, freedom" in Iran. Liberal feminists attacking Islam and Muslims.

That is all it is.

So, not only are you a liar, you have confirmed the low IQ accusations, by calling on the attention of a certain security agency, that would be very interested in reading your opinions on certain matters.

We were being so nice to you by not calling you what you are. But you did it to yourself.

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You can continue your silly little rants back and forth but the reality of the situation is:

These feminists will only attack practicing Muslims.

They will pipe up and attack Afghanistan and any practicing Muslim who violates their feminist tenants but have nothing to say about Muslims including Muslim women actually being oppressed in the world.

They would be happily silent about Afghanistan and their silly rage posts would cease to be non-existent like it is about actual oppression in neighbouring central asian countries they conveniently "never heard about". They would be as nonchalant about Afghanistan had it been hijab banned like the others.

Notice their clear patterns and relegate their feminist rage posting to the garbage and realize it is just a form of attacking Islam and Muslims.

Keep this in mind and you will see their patterns clearly.

They do not speak for Muslim women or they would have seen their real oppression.

They are similiar to the cia op "women, life, freedom" in Iran. Liberal feminists attacking Islam and Muslims.

That is all it is.
Galool, why did you lie and say I’ve never spoke about the hijab when I showed you evidence? Hence why do you persist with your lie? Do you lie to continue with an argument on this forum with no real fear of Allah?

Galool @ me and make Takfir like you’re clearly angling to if you’re a man and you truly believe what you’re saying.

You’ve shown the whole forum you’re a liar.
Doqonka literally invited attention on himself, that everyone was sparing from him.
I want to know why a man who behaves as though he’s practicing and cares about the deen engages in blatant lying.

@Galool cannot @ me since he’s hiding from the truth.

You made big accusations Galool.

1. You said I never made comments About hijab/abaya ban.

2. you said I’m okay with hijabis being abused despite being a hijabi Muslim woman.

3. You insinuated I’m gaal and that I’m happy with the ending of hijab and hate Islam.

I want to know how you can say that.
I want to know why a man who behaves as though he’s practicing and cares about the deen engages in blatant lying.

@Galool cannot @ me since he’s hiding from the truth.

You made big accusations Galool.

1. You said I never made comments About hijab/abaya ban.

2. you said I’m okay with hijabis being abused despite being a hijabi Muslim woman.

3. You insinuated I’m gaal and that I’m happy with the ending of hijab and hate Islam.

I want to know how you can say that.

The truth is not the only thing he will be hiding from.

the iea will continue in its progress while you get giddy over the 100th grazing skirmish.
No place in which 50% of its citizens are barred from education and money will prosper. The prophet s.a.w sermon was clear, treat women well.

Remember Muslim women are part of this Ummah.

So shut up please


No place in which 50% of its citizens are barred from education and money will prosper. The prophet s.a.w sermon was clear, treat women well.

Remember Muslim women are part of this Ummah.

So shut up please
so far afghanistan over 90% infront of somalis. they are not occupied by kenya, ethiopia, burundian amisom, kenyan amisom, ethiopian amisom, ugandan amisom.
so far afghanistan over 90% infront of somalis. they are not occupied by kenya, ethiopia, burundian amisom, kenyan amisom, ethiopian amisom, ugandan amisom.

:russ: So, instead of trying to fix issues created by Somali men, you are one of them, you are trying to live through the Taliban.

Yet you will probably call yourself a 'leader'.

I don't think your Taliban heroes, would be impressed with you, but you don't even clock what is wrong here.
that wasnt statements from the official taliban minsitries. but as usual youre spewing youre neo-feminist mumbo jumbo. they are noble people who fought the crusaders.

Btw, Dilly from five pillars also interviewed them directly and they made it clear they have no intentions of opening schools any time soon.

I don’t know why you lie when there have been actual interviews in which they make it clear that the intentions of opening a school and education for women isn’t on the cards.

Reer do not insult our intelligence. If you’re okay with this set up for women, just say it, but don’t accuse us of being liars when there are dozens of proof and the new interview with a Muslim interviewer who is also practicing asked that question and they made it clear they don’t want to open schools.

Wallahi the biggest issue with your types is the lies. Fear Allah and be honest.


:russ: So, instead of trying to fix issues created by Somali men, you are one of them, you are trying to live through the Taliban.

Yet you will probably call yourself a 'leader'.

If you went to the Taliban, speaking like this, they would laugh in your face.
i was not born in somalia and dont live in somalia. i am not part of the problem. go tell that to the reer somalia. i am actually more liberal thank you would think. but i dont like the neo feminist virus.

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Btw, Dilly from five pillars also interviewed them directly and they made it clear they have no intentions of opening schools any time soon.

I don’t know why you lie when there have been actual interviews in which they make it clear that the intentions of opening a school and education for women isn’t on the cards.

Reer do not insult our intelligence. If you’re okay with this set up for women, just say it, but don’t accuse us of liars when there are dozens of proof and the new interview with a Muslim interviewer who is also practicing asked that question and they made it clear they don’t want to open schools.

Wallahi the biggest issue with your types is the lies. Fear Allah and be honest.
like i said. he shared it and he didnt make an official statement.
so far afghanistan over 90% infront of somalis. they are not occupied by kenya, ethiopia, burundian amisom, kenyan amisom, ethiopian amisom, ugandan amisom.
So you acknowledge that women are indeed not allowed education and you’re okay with that?

Why do you expect any sane women to? Your own mother wouldn’t be ok with that, so what do you want from me?