Taliban performs humiliation ritual on USA

50 percent of women being PHds is not world conquering. it would be racial sucide. it would be South Korea. let women pursue phds if they really want it but your average person on their own is not going to pursue that level of education.

South Korea has a population crisis because of misogyny, not because of education. But I'm sure you know this already.

Anyway, since you are so worried about child-birth rates. You think having an education, stops women from birthing babies? Or from being married? It does not. Plenty of women are educated and have families. There are 24 hours in a day.

Jews are the highest educated group, out of all religious groups. And they are also the wealthiest, most organised and so forth. They also score highly on IQ tests.

My point is; Muslims should push for life-long education, which would not stop them from learning a martial art, a trade and so forth.

Omar del Sur

ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุณู„ู > ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุฎู„ู
also I should mention. I saw a study- and I have it somewhere- from like 1973 that showed that college graduates were coming out significantly more atheistic. I maybe should specify- it's not really I'm anti-education but I think the universities are brainwashing people to become atheists and Marxists. if that wasn't the case, I think I'd feel way differently.
also I should mention. I saw a study- and I have it somewhere- from like 1973 that showed that college graduates were coming out significantly more atheistic. I maybe should specify- it's not really I'm anti-education but I think the universities are brainwashing people to become atheists and Marxists. if that wasn't the case, I think I'd feel way differently.

You want to know what drives people away from Islam, more than any atheist lecturer? Muslim men, who make Islam seem like a caveman religion. But nobody wants to have that discussion.
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Omar del Sur

ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุณู„ู > ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุฎู„ู
South Korea has a population crisis because of misogyny, not because of education. But I'm sure you know this already.

Anyway, since you are so worried about child-birth rates. You think having an education, stops women from birthing babies? Or from being married? It does not. Plenty of women are educated and have families. There are 24 hours in a day.

Jews are the highest educated group, out of all religious groups. And they are also the wealthiest, most organised and so forth. They also score highly on IQ tests.

My point is; Muslims should push for life-long education, which would not stop them from learning a martial art, a trade and so forth.

Are you really going to deny the correlation between women's education rates and birth rates? It's pretty obvious, well-known and proven. The honest thing would be to say to hell with birth rates and take the stance that whatever race we're eliminating deserves to die off.

Jews are as you say. And they are approaching racial suicide. Due to intermixing and low birth (edit: I should specify- I mean the ones in the US).

The reality that more women's education correlates with lowering the birth rate is just a scientific fact. It's not something I made up and just a reality independent of what we say.

But I think women should be able to pursue phds if they want to. I accept the correlation I mentioned but that doesn't justify simply shutting down women's education. All I would do is not really encourage or discourage it past a certain level and leave it open for those who really want it.
Are you really going to deny the correlation between women's education rates and birth rates? It's pretty obvious, well-known and proven. The honest thing would be to say to hell with birth rates and take the stance that whatever race we're eliminating deserves to die off.

Jews are as you say. And they are approaching racial suicide. Due to intermixing and low birth (edit: I should specify- I mean the ones in the US).

The reality that more women's education correlates with lowering the birth rate is just a scientific fact. It's not something I made up and just a reality independent of what we say.

But I think women should be able to pursue phds if they want to. I accept the correlation I mentioned but that doesn't justify simply shutting down women's education. All I would do is not really encourage or discourage it past a certain level and leave it open for those who really want it.

I genuinely don't care about birthrates in a world, that mistreats women. I do hope misogynist ethnic groups cease to exist. It's only right, poetic really.

I want women to be treated well, as Islam promised us, but Muslim men refuse to deliver. So, let them die off.

Omar del Sur

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@ puntite queen.... I genuinely think you're an interesting user and I do think you're an intelligent person even if we disagree at times. I think positively towards you and I hope it's mutual. That being said, I didn't read your last post and I don't want to argue. but it's nothing personal and I think you have an interesting viewpoint.
If the US wanted to win they could drop a nuke on them and they would surrender. Worked on Japan. US is unbeatable if they go full power.
How embarrassing. How do these people pay taxes and look at themselves in the mirror. Pathetic! I equate this to some guy posting you your wife's onlyfans videos with him as the guest star and charging you a fee.


Why are they blaming Biden-Harris? when it was Donald Trump that made deal with them via Doha, to pull out troops and they had to comply with it, to ensure peace continued.

iI you ever feel useless, remember it took 20 years, 3 trillion dollars, and 4 US presidents to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.

This is hilariously ironic. It exemplifies how moronic the war on terror was and still is.

It reminds me of something the leader of the Union of Islamic Courts said:

Before the US backed ethopian army dismantled the ICU , in this 2006 interview you can see one of the leaders say

''We are perpared to work with them. But without even talking with us for a single moment all we are getting is threats .... What crime have we commited? We are running our country we have created peace and stability in our country. We have never threathened the US. Messages are constantly coming that they will work with other countries to conquer Somalia by force. Our answer is force does not work' if you over power someone that does not mean that somebody will sleep or go away for good''

The ICU did not force things. Nor did they antagonise world powers or the US.
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Iโ€™m noticing a lot of Americans are starting to speak positively about them online and how theyโ€™ve travelled there on a holiday without a problem.

I guess itโ€™s like after the Vietnam war where they started to respect them.
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How embarrassing. How do these people pay taxes and look at themselves in the mirror. Pathetic! I equate this to some guy posting you your wife's onlyfans videos with him as the guest star and charging you a fee.

Can someone essentially explain why this is embarrassing? The USA produces tons of material all the time, after they ww2 they left material literally scattered all over the world because they didnโ€™t need it back. If they needed more tanks they would make more tanks. Letting afghans have equipment will only, mark my words, induce the afghans into buying replacement parts for this material from the Americans, netting the Americans more money.
Somali minds canโ€™t comprehend Yankee moves and it makes me weep for our nation.

Omar del Sur

ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุณู„ู > ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุฎู„ู
Can someone essentially explain why this is embarrassing? The USA produces tons of material all the time, after they ww2 they left material literally scattered all over the world because they didnโ€™t need it back. If they needed more tanks they would make more tanks. Letting afghans have equipment will only, mark my words, induce the afghans into buying replacement parts for this material from the Americans, netting the Americans more money.
Somali minds canโ€™t comprehend Yankee moves and it makes me weep for our nation.

yankee art of war: when you flee the country and your enemy takes your weapons- you win ๐Ÿ˜Ž


โ™šSargon of Adalโ™š
btw in case anyone thinks I'm waffling here- I've heard wildly different things as to the girl's/women's education topic as far as what's going on there and it's very confusing.

:snoop: :snoop:

Nigguhs here glazing the taliban? they did the same car bombings that al kebab are doing right now back home.

Omar del Sur

ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุณู„ู > ุนู„ู… ุงู„ุฎู„ู
Yeah I wouldnโ€™t expect the Al Qaeda fan boy to understand winning a military conflict

when have I ever made a post supporting that group? I don't think I've ever even made a post talking about group, much less supporting them. I am not a supporter of that group.

Also even Wikipedia says the US lost in Afghanistan. Does that mean Wikipedia supports Al Qaeda? To take any position other than that the US lost that war would be like the history equivalent of flat earth.
also, educating women when it comes to the dฤซn is from the sunnah. Prophet Muhammad ๏ทบ set aside time specifically to educate women on the dฤซn. I don't believe Islam is against the education of women. I don't know of anything in Quran and Sunnah against educating women. But there is much in Quran and Sunnah that encourages Muslims to seek knowledge and seeking knowledge is obligatory on both men and women. but of course the obligatory knowledge is things like tawheed. I think it's a particularity of modern times that ordinary people are given college educations. I don't think it's obligatory in a religious sense to go to college but I don't think it's prohibited either.
Ignorance is frowned upon in Islam. Knowledge that could be useful in times of need would be asking Allah for guidance either trough istakhara prayer or asking God for knowledge directly.

