Somali clans are named in that book.
Darood propganda claiming Walashma dynasty ruling from Saylac were Hillbilly Ogaden...From the Futuh Al Habasha(Doubt you even read it) we are not even sure if the ruling dynasty was Somali,they could be Ethio semites similiar to Hararis/Harla.This why I hate when Qabilist ppl learn about a little history then they try to twist everything into something that pleases them.No difference between them and AA's who claim to be black hebrews.....
Forget about Walashma Dynasty fam.Your whole clan didn't even participate in the Imam's wars.It was Harti,Habar Magadle Isaaq,Marehan and Garre.You are the only one with an Agenda bud. I couldn't care less if Walashma were even MidgaanIt's only practical for idiots to hijack and distort Somali history.
Yeah because its common for people to post info on the content of Futah Al habash without even reading it, Yeah you make alot of sense bro.
One problem Futah Al Habash is not the only source for Adal.
The Wilinwili/ Walashma are and were members of the Ogaden clan, as their modern descendants make clear and as their genealogy sheds some light upon as well:
The Walashma dynasty was founded by Sultan ʿUmar DunyaHuz "Walashma" (ʿUmar DunyaHuz Aḥmed Mahammad Ḥamid Yūsuf Barkanti Saʿad Muddan Muqābul Ogādēn Absame Kūmade Kablalaḥ Dārōd Ismaʿīl Jaberti).
The emboldened "Ogaden" would make them members of the Ogaden subclan of the Darod
In most sources, the dynasty is always referred to as Walashma. However, the descendants of the Walashma dynasty today prefer the term Wilinwiili Dynasty, after the nickname of ʿUmar DunyaHuz. Somali historians, on the other hand, favor Ogaden Sultanate.
The dynasty claims descent from Aqeel Ibn Abi Talib through Ismai'l Ibn Al-Jaberti; this is essentially the genealogy of the entire Somali Darod clan.
Now do us all a favor take your qabiliste cuqdaad filled comments elsewhere.
Yeah sure let us forget about them, when you were the one that brought them up trying to accuse me of qabil revisionism.Forget about Walashma Dynasty fam.Your whole clan didn't even participate in the Imam's wars.It was Harti,Habar Magadle Isaaq,Marehan and Garre.You are the only one with an Agenda bud. I couldn't care less if Walashma were even Midgaan
Ogaden ruling from Saylac is historical? Wallah your smoking something strong
"On the left was the Somali tribe of Harti, from the people of Mait; a people not given to yielding. There were three-hundred of them, famous among the infantry as stolid swordsmen."
I'm not sure how accurate that info is since Sheikh Ishaaq is buried there...
secondly you don't have no proof from the futuh that walashma were even Somali add that with Ogaden not even being mentioned because obviously they were either somewhere else or were new comers to the region(Maybe from Puntland).You can trick these gullible people but you won't trick me bud.You have no proof of what you are saying
The only reference for info on that website is some world encyclopedia. [Q
So nah I'm good with what the futuh said and what every major scholar on the field are saying which walashma dynasty were south ethio Semites so take your Darood nonsense somewhere else.You Darood originate from the deserts of puntland not the fertile lands which Isaaq Gudabursi now have.Know your place hillbilly Ogaden
All you niggaz talking bout qabil and the somali history. I dont even know the name of my great grandfather.
@GeelJiire is talking about a dream he had while smoking weed laced with some next level shit.Claiming Ogaden ruling the Muslim Horn from Saylac without any historical proof from the only authentic and first hand source on this topic which is the Futuh Al Habasha