Because the afar tribe, Oromo tribe and even the habashi claimed Ahmed Gurey and they are trying to prove he is not Somali that is all. I had to defend our history.
Marexan were gaal :siilaanyolaugh:
Also Axmed Gurey wanted to chop this Tedrows nigga head off for killing the messenger Imam Axmed sent to him.He called him a "treacherous Somali"
Habar Magaadle(Garxajis & HA)savages been robbing the muzzies on the road to Berbera & Saylac.We were not paying Zakat either.Smart niggas hedge their bets, Goita Bahal if we lose Garaad Bahal if we win
Let's not forget Habar Magaadle
Caku Somali
thank god we don't know gureys clan lets keep it that way
Habar Magaadle(Garxajis & HA)savages been robbing the muzzies on the road to Berbera & Saylac.We were not paying Zakat either.
The Imam put our pagan asses in place tho
It is Zelia first and Somali language is one of oldest lower Cushitic languages & best documented Cushitic language and people of Harla that you are talking about them are extincted people and Prince Nur Prince of Harar who ordered to abolish the tribe used in Harar. I know that every one in horn like to claim Ahmed Gurey from Oromo to afar but he was Somali and his widow married his nephew the heir who was marehan tribe According to Somali tribal tradition that we practice till today ( that widows marry brother/cousin of dead husband)
Plus today Harar are mixed of all ethnic groups from Arab, Indian to Somalis which lost their tribal lineage.
Tbh I don't care what qaabil he was but I doubt he was even Somali as their no proof supporting such a claim.
Whether a Harla,Afar,Arab or Turk.He United Muslim Horners to face the Amxaaro raw meat eaters and subdued them.He was a Spartacus figure to all Muslims in the Horn!
Langaab Hararis have no say on Somali politics....Shouldn't you be worried about the Oromo who make up 99% of Harar nowword but its f'd up when half of somalia is occupied
Langaab Hararis have no say on Somali politics....Shouldn't you be worried about the Oromo who make up 99% of Harar now
na oromos been islamiszed and we got state recognition with only 10k population we trying to be capital of somalia again
Abyssinia was located in the Gondar region, the coastal part in present Eritrea was a vassal state for the Umayyad Arabs then later the Ottoman Turks and Egypt until the late 18th century, the Western region alongside with eastern Sudan was led by the Beja kingdoms, the eastern region (knowm as Danakil or Afar triangle) was led by the Afar sultanates and the Highland Eritrea was ruled by the local tribal (Saho and Tigrinya) cheftains.
People tend to confuse between Abyssinia (1200s - 1900s) and modern Ethiopia (1900s - present) so modern Eritrean territories was never part of Abyssinia nor Ethiopia until 1960 when Haile Selassie occupied the region.
I remember reading an ebook about Saylac and Djibouti where there was a conflict between Issa, Issac, Afar and Oromo tribes and how ethnic Somali agro-pastrolist pushed back ethnic groups which suggest that they may have lived there Will post it as soon as I find it.
Loool where did I derail? You are the one who turned it into tribal thread
The clear culprits of rewriting Somali history was the Kacaan government and their revisionist aims, screw the Kacaan regime truly a dark chapter in our ethnic group's history.