Ibn Batuta writing in 1331 says the towns people are black and their land people extended all the way to Muqdisho. He complains about the stench of camels being slaughtered in the streets. Who do you think they were getting the camels fromand why is the majority of the town black Somalis a few centuries before the collapse of Adal?I assume all the Arabs were in hiding in when Ibn Batuta came.
ولهذا المسجد ( جامع دمشق المعروف بجامع بني امية ) ثلاث صوامع إحداها بشرقيه وهي من بناء الروم وبابها داخل المسجد وبأسفلها مطهرة وبيوت للوضوء يغتسل فيه المعتكفون والملتزمون للمسجد ويتوضئون والصومعة الثانية بغربية وهي من بناء الروم والصومعة الثالثة بشماله وهي من بناء المسلمين وعدد المؤذنين به سبعون مؤذنا وفي شرقي المسجد صومعة كبيرة فيها صهريج ماء وهي لطائفة زيالعة السودان .
As you can see, Ibn Battuta in 14th century says that the Zayala’a ( people of Zeila ) are a group of the Sudan ( blacks ) and not Arabs, and that the Zayala’a ( students of Zeila ) in the Damascus Mosque had a section called the Zayala’a section / corner.This mosque ( the Damascus Mosque, known as the Umayyad Mosque ) has three chambers, one of which is to the east and is built by the Romans, and its door is inside the mosque, and its bottom is purified and houses for ablution in which those who seclude themselves to the mosque wash and perform ablution. The second chamber is to the west and is built by the Romans, and the third chamber is to the north and is built by Muslims. The number of muezzins in it is seventy muezzins. To the east of the mosque is a large chamber containing a water tank, which belongs to the Zaila’a a sect of the Sudan ( blacks ) .