The Bachelor duke


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I just completed reading a biography of the son of the woman in my profile- Duchess of Devonshire 5th. He was the 6th Duke of Devonshire after his dad, the 5th duke died in 1811. His mother died earlier in 1806 when he was 16. He was the most eligible duke of his times. Mothers of single daughters were fighting ferociously for him. It is like marrying Prince William in our times. Funny enough this young duke and his mother are a direct relative of Princess Diana. Just like Diana was Lady Diana spencer- She was Lady Georgiana Spencer.

The life of this duke surprised me. It was a life filled with travels of Europe countries, endless parties, architectures of his many castles, and collecting of arts. He died at age 68 in 1858. I am surprised because he died single. I can't claim he was gay because in those days- usually it was very hard to catch someone on the act. So, i guess i consider him asexual? There is hint here and there but not substantial. He loved arts. He loved older woman company. And most alarmingly he and his cousin in their college graduation wore drag queen gowns with diamonds. His female cousins commented feeling uneasy. The male cousin and co cross dresser, went and married a rich woman and had many children. But not my dear cute duke. :( WHY??????

I feel so deprived of meeting a young duchess, a romance, his bio children. Apparently, he lived his life in confidence with his bachelorhood. He was an extremely generous and kind duke- as it is not surprise-- The Spencer genes are just naturally kind. But still i would have loved for him to fall in love, marry and have young dukes. It was NOT to be.

Overall, in the book- my sense is- he was a blessed man. He loved his servants and maids more than aristocracies. He had two sisters who married very well and had children. One of them had 11 children. One of these many children of his sisters became openly gay. And another daughter, the duke's niece, was made to marry his cousin from the his dads side, who will inherit his dukedom because he never had children. Thus this duke ateeeee by making his niece the 7th duchess of Devonshire! Ateeee! And because he was so generous, blessed, and loved by the poor people in his community- he died at 68 in his sleep soundly.

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