The biggest difference between Farmaajo and Xasan Sheekh


Hardwork kulaha šŸ¤£, the only thing farmajo contributed was eritrean trained troops and it is well known what his intentions were for them starting from the .5 clans he intended to dominate them.
Soldiers are paid their salaries and captured deserters have to face military courts.
Farmaajo built the SNA from scratch :fittytousand:


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
f*ck madobe and Deni for picking Hassan sheikh they set Somalia progress back 5 years by picking him

if farmajo was not an option then they should have picked anyone else but HSM


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
I keep saying that there is no difference between all these calooles from Hassan sheikh to Deni to madobe

They care and work for their calools
No progress development thinking leaders


Yes. Farmaajo thought he had the same power as Barre, but could only control Mogdishu.
Even that is not true, towards the second half of his term non district forces were banned from having any presence less than half a kilometre away from villa somalia šŸ’€


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Hardwork kulaha šŸ¤£, the only thing farmajo contributed was eritrean trained troops and it is well known what his intentions were for them starting from the .5 clans he intended to dominate them.
Soldiers are paid their salaries and captured deserters have to face military courts.
As much as I like farmaajo, This is 100% true. The thing about Farmaajo is he was power boon hungry like afweyne too big for his boots , and made dumb decisions which made his government weaker in general. You donā€™t see Hassanā€™s PM rebelling against him. Mx are stupid to try and gain foothold in hawiye city, would like to see a hawiye with the same mindset as cheese, they would be more successful.
so basically farmaajo is a socialist that did a lot of public projects but hsm is a capitalist that is bringing investments and mega projects to his tol, and is loved by his international benefactors. iā€™m sorry i have to go with the capitalist we are too poor to do socialist projects


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
so basically farmaajo is a socialist that did a lot of public projects but hsm is a capitalist that is bringing investments and mega projects to his tol, and is loved by his international benefactors. iā€™m sorry i have to go with the capitalist we are too poor to do socialist projects
Socialist most of his term because of tuug looting the whole countries treasury right before any new president came. 2nd air port with Somali airline and some other stuff hsm is doing follows farmaajoā€™s vision.

Somalia is currently Revachol owned by a coalition government under Hassan, Farmaajo tried getting rid of halane, EUNFAVR, and ATMIS alongside training hundreds of pilots in various countries.

HSM unites Somalia more. So thereā€™s that.
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Socialist most of his term because of tuug looting the whole countries treasury right before any new president came. 2nd air port with Somali airline and some other stuff hsm is doing follows his vision.

Somalia is currently Revachol owned by a coalition government under Hassan, Farmaajo tried getting rid of halane, EUNFAVR, and ATMIS alongside training hundreds of pilots in various countries.

HSM unites Somalia more. So thereā€™s that.
Disco elysium reference lol