The biggest lie/disinformation against Somalia is the banana myth

Hodan from HR

Be Kind Online.
Staff Member
Is it only me or banana tastes good only with somali baris iyo basto.

I once tried banana with pakistani biryani..


For years now the biggest disinformation and a lie spread against Somalis is that Somalis eat banana with every meal. This is not only a lie but a well choreographed disinformation which has been peddled over a period of time and every Tom, Dick and Harry is repeating it Like this pro BLM xalimo who hardly knows anything about Somalia.

well the truth is every meal does not include banana and not every person eats banana with their meal. That is mostly a southern way of eating and even then not all meals. I for instance never eat banana with a meal not even once in my life team and you can never be much as Somali as me, a true kacaanist, traditionalist, secularist and nationalist. A true son of the soil.

So stop being part in spreading the disinformation.
First and foremost , welcome back sxb, I cannot believe that the legend @Mad-MullaH has returned, I had believed you were in exile or went straight away to retirement, your presence is indeed a good news to us oldies , you have missed out on many things and let's hope you can catch up with the events that took place during your absence.
Let's also pray @CaliTedesse gets revived too, it's time oldies throw their canes away and remind the youngsters oldies are coming back kkkkk
This thread is yet again a classical tier, a top notch thread that deserves to be trending , reading your several thesis on zoomaaali behaviours were never disappointing .

This is exactly why we need to start raising awareness , addressing this fallacy, confronting the ridiculous misinformation and refuting the claims made about regular Somalis instead of reading repetitive useless shit like clowns diagnosed with Autistim.
For years I have been observing this issue and it troubles me that the misconception is becoming a common stereotype on a global scale , this will make anyone with a spine angry green like Mr Hulk , I'm glad that I'm not the only one who hates banana with every meal , I have been ridiculed , mocked and labelled as an Ethio sympathizer for not eating this starch fruit with bariis or whatever cuisine.

I have noticed this once I arrived in South Africa and it's also trending among the Diasporans , it's not that common in Somalia or elsewhere it's new , just like how Niqaabs and Jalaabiib got introduced after the civil war , its like that , sxb Im going hto disagree with you on there , not that all Southerners eat moos with everything , infact many find it disgusting and least appetising , people would retch when eating it with a meal , despite being born to a family that owned large plantation of bananas, we would sell the entire harvest to Kismayo and there they get exported to MENA countries and Italy.
I would only ear after leaving Dugsi but would never put it on malawax, canjeero, baasto, suqaar ari, nor bariis
We used to roast bananas similar to plantains and that way it was kind of nice.

It was the Kacaanist regime that introduced the concept of eating it with everything , only those in xamar and up north adopted this.
We Southerners especially those who grew it saw it as cash crops and not a meal .

We also grew maize, yam, potatoes , mangos, papays , guavas, several crops used as a substinence and we loved eating them .
But not moos
It saddens me that many here will most likely disagree with me
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