The cartels that is destroying Somalia

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The FGS is a fully Hawiye entity, this is why any and all corruption charges will be aimed at Hawiye politicians. All monies coming from foreign entities to "Somalia" are controlled by Hawiye. No Darood official has any power in the FGS while the president is Hawiye.
Lesson time

There's this thing called democracy where the power is usually divided up between ;
  • the Executive Branch which consists of the head of state President HSM (Hawiye), head of government Prime Minister Omar Ali Sharmarke (Darood) and the rest of the cabinet aka the Ministers that are appointed by PM Sharmarke The cabinet follows the 4.5 system with about 5 Hawiye Ministers, 5 Rahanweyn Ministers, 5 Darood Ministers, 5 Dir Ministers and rest minority clans
There are also State Ministers who are appointed by PM Sharmarke. Actually everybody in the Cabinet are appointed by the PM.​
  • The Parliament which is headed by House Speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari (Rahanweyn). It is structured around the 4.5 system and the Parliament elect the President and Prime Minister
  • The Judiciary aka Constitutional Court aka Supreme Court aka all that

:jcoleno:Hawiye Cartel Group indeed

This goes to @Canuck as she also struggles to understand this at times
I have no issue with canuck. Come on me a qabilist? I don't believe in that qabil garbage.

Sis he will blame and accuse the whole world of qabilist instead of facing or debunking the reports. Or even admitting that SFG is corrupted.
Lesson time

There's this thing called democracy where the power is usually divided up between ;
  • the Executive Branch which consists of the head of state President HSM (Hawiye), head of government Prime Minister Omar Ali Sharmarke (Darood) and the rest of the cabinet aka the Ministers that are appointed by PM Sharmarke The cabinet follows the 4.5 system with about 5 Hawiye Ministers, 5 Rahanweyn Ministers, 5 Darood Ministers, 5 Dir Ministers and rest minority clans
There are also State Ministers who are appointed by PM Sharmarke. Actually everybody in the Cabinet are appointed by the PM.​
  • The Parliament which is headed by House Speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari (Rahanweyn). It is structured around the 4.5 system and the Parliament elect the President and Prime Minister
  • The Judiciary aka Constitutional Court aka Supreme Court aka all that

:jcoleno:Hawiye Cartel Group indeed

This goes to @Canuck as she also struggles to understand this at times

Those people are powerless for example HSM had changed two MP in first 2 years to have full control.
Those people are powerless for example HSM had changed two MP in first 2 years to have full control.

Are you sure you event meant MP? Because changing two MPs in a 4.5 system with 275 MPs makes literally no difference. And HSM doesn't choose who get to be an MP
If you're talking about Prime Minister which I suspect you are, then you're wrong again.
First off HSM doesn't have the power to change the Prime Minister, and if he could why would he change a Darood Prime Minister with another Darood Prime Minister since all the Prime Minister in the Government have been Darood.

Only the Parliament has the power to kick out and while HSM can appoint a new prime minister that the Parliament approves of. HSM can say "Hey could you consider a new one?" but he can't do it himself.

It's called Separation of Power and I talked about it in my Lesson Time post. HSM doesn't have absolute power and other members of the Federal Government aren't powerless

Are you sure you event meant MP? Because changing two MPs in a 4.5 system with 275 MPs makes literally no difference. And HSM doesn't choose who get to be an MP
If you're talking about Prime Minister which I suspect you are, then you're wrong again.
First off HSM doesn't have the power to change the Prime Minister, and if he could why would he change a Darood Prime Minister with another Darood Prime Minister since all the Prime Minister in the Government have been Darood.

Only the Parliament has the power to kick out and while HSM can appoint a new prime minister that the Parliament approves of. HSM can say "Hey could you consider a new one?" but he can't do it himself.

It's called Separation of Power and I talked about it in my Lesson Time post. HSM doesn't have absolute power and other members of the Federal Government aren't powerless

That's in ideal world not Somalia and HSM paid off the MP, choosing Darood PM was for International C, no more or less.
Look fam, we don't think they aren't corrupt and the difference is that we don't pretend that the corruption is something clan exclusive and belonging to a single clan while all others are just innocent lambs looking on their country being robbed.
I hear you bro, we should make an effort to highlight it all.
The FGS is a fully Hawiye entity, this is why any and all corruption charges will be aimed at Hawiye politicians. All monies coming from foreign entities to "Somalia" are controlled by Hawiye. No Darood official has any power in the FGS while the president is Hawiye.
The federal government IS unfortunately controlled by specific individuals from one major clan. It's difficult to mention this, without being accused of badmouthing that clan, but at the same time, care should be made to not paint an entire people, with the same brush, as we know only a few individuals close to HSM actually benefit from the corruption, whilst for example, innocent haiwye girls (amongst others) are sold off by HSM and his people. There should be a space here for ALL forms of discussion on corruption, as corruption in ANY region affects and impacts that lives of EVERYONE no matter where they are from, in the form of reputation etc. This issue is literally the only thing holding us back, so we must find a way to discuss it openly and rationally. I still haven't read that pdf yet as i'm quite busy at the moment, but putting "hawiye" in there seems personal, something which can actually derail the ENTIRE process of discussing the concept of corruption. The tracing of the actual steps and patterns within the process of corruption deserves much attention on its own merit. Very meticulous just from skimming the first few pages.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
DW my nigga ill do the bad mouthing for you. Sometimes you got to put the truth out. In the words of the Great Sheikh Dabcasar, "Hawiye waa dugaag". Theese people monopolise the government and run it like a business. They happy to steal from the needy, something they learned in 92-94 when they stole the food aid and let their own starve.They also oppose all forms of progress, they will do whatever it takes to curtail it. This is obvious when we look at what happened to PM Abdiweli and PM Farmaajo. They chased these great leaders because they were a threat to their cash flows. Somalia can't have good things because of these (specific individuals (HAWIYE LOL) from one major clan.

Bring back my nigga Farmaajo. Farmaajo for President 2016-2038.
DW my nigga ill do the bad mouthing for you. Sometimes you got to put the truth out. In the words of the Great Sheikh Dabcasar, "Hawiye waa dugaag". Theese people monopolise the government and run it like a business. They happy to steal from the needy, something they learned in 92-94 when they stole the food aid and let their own starve.They also oppose all forms of progress, they will do whatever it takes to curtail it. This is obvious when we look at what happened to PM Abdiweli and PM Farmaajo. They chased these great leaders because they were a threat to their cash flows. Somalia can't have good things because of these (specific individuals (HAWIYE LOL) from one major clan.

Bring back my nigga Farmaajo. Farmaajo for President 2016-2038.

My nigga we in this together :win: :wow:
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