Timo Jareer and proud
2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
sufis are not shaficis. lol your nuts they have their own ulama.

Yes we are shafici. Sufi is a way of practising Islam it's not a branch nor a school of thought.

sufis are not shaficis. lol your nuts they have their own ulama.
let me guess you've gone through the UK's wahhabi brainwashingListen the only Bit of ‘sufi’ I respect is the 4 letters in the name of sheikh abdirahman Cali Sufi. The best Quran Recitor IMo.
That being said, all you mugs need to get ur balls and brains together, edeb ma lihiideene, the only way is the Quran and sunnah and follow the example of the pious predecessors (salaf’s).
It’s a shame that in this day and age some niggas can’t use their own maskaxs and bandwagon, despite drastically slowing down the wagon due to being overweight (which is another curse) yalll to lazy to wash ur ass properly bro.
Listen It’s my duty as a real nigga and being the same race as u to instill common sense & to karbash all the belt hiding big belly babies like @Abdalla who don’t understand simple concepts in the religion. In big 2019 and u still mentioning ‘Sufi’
I ll leave u the wise words famous poem,
nigga go seek knowledge,
reduce your Polyphagia that u may flourish,
U ain’t got no courage,
I’m nin culus the stoppage.
I don’t have a clue what u talking about I follow the salafs which means I’m a salafi kale, come here I just wana talk to you, lifts up my macawiis and finds a thick suun ima give u the Karbaash of your life u will feel the lash.let me guess you've gone through the UK's wahhabi brainwashing
you do know that sufis follow the Quran and the sunnah and the "salafs"
but don't follow the new bidia innovated sect recently formulated by the young nation Saudi Arabia called salafis(big difference from the salafs)![]()
theres a difference in following the salafs and the salafi/salafist ideology and sectI don’t have a clue what u talking about I follow the salafs which means I’m a salafi kale, come here I just wana talk to you, lifts up my macawiis and finds a thick suun ima give u the Karbaash of your life u will feel the lash.![]()
What an evil man, trying to discourage shirk amongst the Ummah. Keep spreading your lies, saaxiib.
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How do you follow the sunnah if you don't follow the Prophet. Could you please expand on that point.You are Trying to go after sufis because of this fake notion of grave worship they dot worship graves they honor the imams
You don't even follow Islam you follow abdulwahab we follow the prophet and the sunnah
And don't even try to say you follow salaf because the prophet said follow the sunnah not him or the sahaba
dont @ me you fucking wahabi you take small texts from the quran to justify youre barbarity you fucking wahabi al shabab dogs will not see the day of light in somalia fucking killersHow do you follow the sunnah if you don't follow the Prophet. Could you please expand on that point.
With regards to following the Sahaba, it is mentioned in the Qur'an
وَالسّٰبِقُوۡنَ الۡاَوَّلُوۡنَ مِنَ الۡمُهٰجِرِيۡنَ وَالۡاَنۡصَارِ وَالَّذِيۡنَ اتَّبَعُوۡهُمۡ بِاِحۡسَانٍ ۙ رَّضِىَ اللّٰهُ عَنۡهُمۡ وَرَضُوۡا عَنۡه
And of those who led the way - the first of the Emigrants (Muhajirun) and the Helpers (Ansar), and those who followed them in the best possible manner - Allah is well-pleased with them and they are well-pleased with Allah. ( Surah 9 Verse 100)
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dont even bother educating them sahib sufi is a the closest to the real islam then anything elseThis thread is qashiin bismillah. So much lies about Sufi Islam it is disgusting.
First of all, we Sufis are NOT GRAVE WORSHIPERS. We don't worship graves at all.
Second of all, Sufi is not a separate branch of Islam, I am Sufi yet I am also Sunni and Shafrici. It's a way of practicing Islam and not a branch or school of thought.
Third of all, we don't worship anybody other then Allah. Where did that myth come from? The whole point of Sufisum is to get a closer connection with Allah throughout meditation and repeated prayer. Worship anything other them Allah is Haram and against Sufi Islam.
This thread is qashiin bismillah. So much lies about Sufi Islam it is disgusting.
First of all, we Sufis are NOT GRAVE WORSHIPERS. We don't worship graves at all.
Second of all, Sufi is not a separate branch of Islam, I am Sufi yet I am also Sunni and Shafrici. It's a way of practicing Islam and not a branch or school of thought.
Third of all, we don't worship anybody other then Allah. Where did that myth come from? The whole point of Sufisum is to get a closer connection with Allah throughout meditation and repeated prayer. Worship anything other them Allah is Haram and against Sufi Islam.
I correct your mistake and all of a sudden I'm a "fucking wahabi" who doesn't follow the sunnah of the Prophet. When have I said I'm a follower of ibn Abd al-Wahhab. Stop making such assumptions. Classic red herring fallacydont @ me you fucking wahabi you take small texts from the quran to justify youre barbarity you fucking wahabi al shabab dogs will not see the day of light in somalia fucking killers
you follow a man you donnt even follow the prophet or the sunnah
and that surah you gave me didnt even tell you to follow the sahaba just about the ones who did at the time of the sahaba
i read the hadith so what?I correct your mistake and all of a sudden I'm a "fucking wahabi" who doesn't follow the sunnah of the Prophet. When have I said I'm a follower of ibn Abd al-Wahhab. Stop making such assumptions. Classic red herring fallacy
With regards to the ayah I referenced, you're either ignorant of its tafsir or you're just being intellectually dishonest.
The Qur'an and sunnah are the main sources of evidence in Islam. So I don't see why you have a problem with me quoting from it.
Thanks bro. I just hate it when people think we do that you know? Especially Somalis since most of our families where sufi less then 50 years ago. It's extremely disrespectful to our ancestors.dont even bother educating them sahib sufi is a the closest to the real islam then anything else
these wahabi al shabab isis dogs only blow people up and kill them no need to explain anything walalo
me too sahib am sunni shafii i dont diffrentiatie between the two for me sufism is the closes to islam then anything else
slalam alaikum may allah's blessings be with you
I agree. I am Muslim before anything of course. Sufi is just a way of practicing. Other then meditation and extra prayers, I follow everything exactly the same as other Sunni MuslimsSxb the only problem I have is the label. I have come across Shias who worship normally. But when I hear Shia I think of a dude stabbing himself in Iraq because a Saxaabas grandson died long ago or in Sufis case a guy in a dress spinning around.
Drop all labels, we are Muslims following Quran and Sunnah.
If you commit shirk, you do it on your own and not under a label.
Ibn Abdul Wahhab believed that only him and his followers were Muslim.
Do you agree with Ibn Abdul Wahhab?
you keep equating sufis to grave worship when most sunnis dont do that thats just wahabi propoganda,A lot of my family say they're Sufi and they define it as "being spiritually elevated" and going to the masjid frequently and praying non-stop. However, I've come across too many self-proclaiming Muslims on the internet who use the Sufi label as a sort of "chilled back" version of Islam that involves intentionally misinterpreting Islam to fit their hipster agenda and let's not forget the grave-worshipping folks whom try to justify their paganistic behaviors using the label as well. Can you blame me of being skeptical of the movement? It comes across as a very disingenuous and corrupted form of Islam.