The development of cities in the Somali Region


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
For reference Jigjiga in 1936.


The ugliest eyesores in most Somali settlements are the "houses" that were built for no regard for town-planning or any other building or architectural standards. This is what Somalis deserve for the historic and present attitude towards Artisanal groups. If we respected Artisanal skills, people would have some building knowledge and respect for their dwellings. Instead we see these insults towards architecture.

Looks like slum dwellings:

Screenshot 2022-09-26 at 01.36.53.png

Once there is enough money, these 'houses' all need to be knocked down. The biggest issue will be fitting these houses in the same place in a suitable manner. Perhaps they'll have to design row-houses.

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Wardheer has red soil, apparently that means it's fertile and has good drainage. They can grow crops like Bananas and Sugar Cane and other crops that need a lot of nutrients. People can become totally food sufficient over there, depending on the water situation of course.
All these red soil locations need to pivot away from overly relying on livestock and start taking advantage of that red blessed soil.
The ugliest eyesores in most Somali settlements are the "houses" that were built for no regard for town-planning or any other building or architectural standards. This is what Somalis deserve for the historic and present attitude towards Artisanal groups. If we respected Artisanal skills, people would have some building knowledge and respect for their dwellings. Instead we see these insults towards architecture.

Looks like slum dwellings:

View attachment 239187

Once there is enough money, these 'houses' all need to be knocked down. The biggest issue will be fitting these houses in the same place in a suitable manner. Perhaps they'll have to design row-houses.

True, I hate those slum like dwellings, an eye sore overcrowded etc, should be all demolished in all somali cities and rebuild it in a standard planned way like you suggested.


Wardheer, the main town in Ciid. One of the most important places in terms of livestock production and trade. A historically very important place.

Wardheer has now been connected to the national grid so it has 24hrs uninterrupted electricity. The Qabridaharre road is also in progress and should be finished soon. Once the Awaare road gets built, Wardheer will book like no tomorrow.

Ogadenia will soon end up having the most economically vibrant and well developed cities in the Horn if the current development trend continues.
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I like Gode. When i was there under TPLF there were no asphalt streets in it only jidcad and all the employees were Amhara. It has changed under President Cagjar. I wish it remained the capital of DDS due to its proximity to Hiiraan.



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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Qabri Dahare is getting built out. It is being prepared to become a major urban center of eastern DDS. It now has an airport and is a university town/education hub.



Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Scenic mountains, greenery, city planning place looks amazing
From what I have been told by Jigjiga natives, it is close to having the perfect climate. It is almost never warmer than 82F/28C. It can get somewhat cold in jiilaal (around this time) with over night temps sometimes going below 40.

