The Disturbing Racism in Shi'ism

tbh i haven't studied shi'i books I would prefer a shi'i scholar to explain these things to me instead of getting a biased opinion
ive seen the same videos about how sunni Muslims are racist because having white and light skin in some ahaadeeth are "praised" or we will have bright faces in jannah
what does this mean? do you have a racist hadith to share with us from Saheeh Bukhari?
No, i do not know of any hadith that are in sahih bukhari that are racist. What that gif was trying to get at was how there are racist sunni scholars (and i mean huge scholars that many many muslims look up to), and how using the fact that there are racist hadith in shia sources to somehow show they are "deviant" isn't really a strong argument.

Omar del Sur

No, i do not know of any hadith that are in sahih bukhari that are racist. What that gif was trying to get at was how there are racist sunni scholars (and i mean huge scholars that many many muslims look up to), and how using the fact that there are racist hadith in shia sources to somehow show they are "deviant" isn't really a strong argument.

Yes it is, having a racist quote from the historian Ibn Khaldun is nowhere near the same thing as having racism in your main hadith book.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

Shia sympathizers, how is your view on the racism in shi'ism?

If slandering the chastity of mother Aisha (who happens to be the wife of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) is no big deal to you

is the view that blacks are "a distorted creation" also no big deal to you? Do you support the Shia view on blacks?
Rather trust a Shi’a than a Wahabi Kharijite.


I put Books to the Test of Life
@Xoxoxo You deny the purest Arabs were dark skinned and got replaced despite the hadiths, now read these backed by historical sources, first of all learn your Deen before you speak so ignorantly, I've sent the paintings of early Arab armies, all depict brown skinned people

The Ummayads saw themselves as superior, they massacred the family of the prophet SAW and discriminated non Arabs and Allah SWT says in the Quran he will always replace bad people for new good people
Now what happened??

The Abbasids arrived with a general from Khurasan leading great armies of Persians and central Asians, they conquered from east Khurasan to Kufa in modern day Iraq, the Abbasids later started massacring the Quraysh and the lands of the Arabs began to get filled with non Arab central Asians and Persians, there are many famous Persian families that assimilated now the 2 largest haplos are J1 and J2 both Persian

Also during conquests they everything in the captured territory is Ghaniima so millions of slaves, and when freed they take the masters tribe, and they had many European ones
do you have sources for this brother need to look into it, I know the replacement and original arabs and children of shem where black, but the time period of replacement and Abbasid stuff.