The effects of Ethiopian illegal immigrants in SL

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Rapes On Rise In Somaliland, Gov’t official says

HARGEISA—- Rape cases in Somaliland are on increase according to the ministry of labor and social affairs.

The Director General of Somaliland ministry of labor, Mohamed Farah Hersi has announced that an upsurge of rape in the country has increased in the last six months.

The DG has revealed that 162 rape cases took place in the capital, Hargeisa for the past six months in what rights activists and medical officials have expressed their concern over the alarm rape of rape in Somaliland.

The DG has made the revelations in a briefing of Somaliland’s house of national assembly yesterday which saw the chairing of first deputy speaker.

Mr. Mohamed has appealed for the lawmakers to act and form law that will prevent the rape to increase in Somaliland. Knife-wielding young men follow women along the dusty streets of Hargeisa, the capital of the region, dragging them inside buildings to rape and rob them. Children are among the victims.

Rape is now rampant in Somaliland where victims are attacked at homes, streets or anywhere in Somaliland.

This years statistics when it comes to the rape cases committed in the capital only, it is more terrifying where each and every month the number of victims that have been raped is on the increase according to the report released by gov’t ministry.
The number of street children in Hargeisa, capital of secessionist Somaliland, is on the rise as more Ethiopian children cross the border in search of a better life.

The immigrant children are adding to the burden of local street children, most of whom have been forced on to the streets by drought and insecurity within Somaliland and further south, in Somalia.

“You can see old women accompanying about 20 children, of different ages, crossing the border into Somaliland from Ethiopia. These women may be their grandmothers, aunts or mothers,” Khadar Nour, chairman of the Hargeisa Child Protection Network (HCPN), told IRIN.

"The children, who are mainly from the Oromo [region of Ethiopia], beg in the streets of Hargeisa with their mothers," Nour said. Some work as shoe shiners, sending their earnings to relatives in Ethiopia.

Hargeisa is also a popular transit point for those seeking to travel further. “About 100 to 200 immigrant children cross the border from Ethiopia into Somaliland [annually] on their way to [the self-declared autonomous region of] Puntland, or to Yemen,” he said.

Poverty and family break-ups have also fuelled the rise in numbers. There are about 3,000 children, most of them boys between five and 18, living on Hargeisa's streets.

Crime threat

With the rising numbers, officials are concerned about an upsurge in crime. “They [the street children] are becoming a threat to the town's stability,” said Nour.

“When they grow up, they still find themselves living in difficult conditions; it is for this reason that they grab mobile phones."

Consequently, a number of the children are now in conflict with the law. In August, Nour said, a 16-year-old was sentenced to death in a Berbera regional court after being found guilty of murder.

"The grown-up street children have become the new gangsters," Mohamed Ismail Hirsi, Hargeisa's Central Police Station commander, told IRIN.

"In the last 72 hours, we have arrested more than 30 street children who have committed crimes such as stealing mobile phones in different parts of the town."

In the past two years, some 5,000 knives and other weapons, which are commonly used in robberies, have been recovered from the street children, prompting calls for more focused interventions.

"People say good words in workshops, but few interventions for street children have been [implemented]," said Nour of HCPN, which recently started providing food and education support for the children.
The number of street children in Hargeisa, capital of secessionist Somaliland, is on the rise as more Ethiopian children cross the border in search of a better life.

The immigrant children are adding to the burden of local street children, most of whom have been forced on to the streets by drought and insecurity within Somaliland and further south, in Somalia.

“You can see old women accompanying about 20 children, of different ages, crossing the border into Somaliland from Ethiopia. These women may be their grandmothers, aunts or mothers,” Khadar Nour, chairman of the Hargeisa Child Protection Network (HCPN), told IRIN.

"The children, who are mainly from the Oromo [region of Ethiopia], beg in the streets of Hargeisa with their mothers," Nour said. Some work as shoe shiners, sending their earnings to relatives in Ethiopia.

Hargeisa is also a popular transit point for those seeking to travel further. “About 100 to 200 immigrant children cross the border from Ethiopia into Somaliland [annually] on their way to [the self-declared autonomous region of] Puntland, or to Yemen,” he said.

Poverty and family break-ups have also fuelled the rise in numbers. There are about 3,000 children, most of them boys between five and 18, living on Hargeisa's streets.

Crime threat

With the rising numbers, officials are concerned about an upsurge in crime. “They [the street children] are becoming a threat to the town's stability,” said Nour.

“When they grow up, they still find themselves living in difficult conditions; it is for this reason that they grab mobile phones."

Consequently, a number of the children are now in conflict with the law. In August, Nour said, a 16-year-old was sentenced to death in a Berbera regional court after being found guilty of murder.

"The grown-up street children have become the new gangsters," Mohamed Ismail Hirsi, Hargeisa's Central Police Station commander, told IRIN.

"In the last 72 hours, we have arrested more than 30 street children who have committed crimes such as stealing mobile phones in different parts of the town."

In the past two years, some 5,000 knives and other weapons, which are commonly used in robberies, have been recovered from the street children, prompting calls for more focused interventions.

"People say good words in workshops, but few interventions for street children have been [implemented]," said Nour of HCPN, which recently started providing food and education support for the children.

Read this article and you will find the answer @AceofSom


Feel my D in her abs call me Abdi
Whenever we want to post something related to Somaliland this guy will derail with his qabyalist antics.
We? As in walanweyns?

If you weren't cuqdad ridden rats with a second agenda.I wouldn't mind.


Read this article and you will find the answer @AceofSom

These people are fleeing persecution just like Somalis did 2 decades ago. Of course you will get some who indulge in crime, its no different to the Somali kids who are shooting each other in Canada, their parents sought a safe haven few decades too.


Feel my D in her abs call me Abdi
You are the one that got triggered by what I wrote. You will always get triggered if we talk about Somaliland so who is the one with cuqdad?
Triggered? It is my land Ofcourse I care about it you focking retarded moron.

Don't speak on Somaliland matters as it does not concern a dhabacayo such as yourself.Stick to snitching to the Americans like the lapdog you are
These people are fleeing persecution just like Somalis did 2 decades ago. Of course you will get some who indulge in crime, its no different to the Somali kids who are shooting each other in Canada, their parents sought a safe haven few decades too.

And Somalis got deported when they do that in west like in the other thread
Triggered? It is my land Ofcourse I care about it you focking retarded moron.

Don't speak on Somaliland matters as it does not concern a dhabacayo such as yourself.Stick to snitching to the Americans like the lapdog you are
Somali are the people and Somalia is the land. Anyways, keep getting triggered while I get popcorn. :umad:
This is an old article, nearly a year old. These rapes are no doubt mostly carried out by young Somali men, usually in groups. It is a problem that has got worse over time and one that the SL gov have tried to tackle by addressing the lax traditional way that rape is dealt with in Somali communities. Using this heartbreaking, extremely serious issue to make cheap points about immigration is Donald Trump/Ukip/MarineLePen level shamefulness.
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These people are fleeing persecution just like Somalis did 2 decades ago. Of course you will get some who indulge in crime, its no different to the Somali kids who are shooting each other in Canada, their parents sought a safe haven few decades too.

These Oromo are economic migrants not refugees and their protest had just started 11 months ago and as you know they have been living in north Somalia for past 10 years. Even UN refused to recognize them as refugees. Plus lack of jobs in SL led them to crime life. However, these reports came from the police not me. Something else comparing Somalia where 5 millions people suffer from hunger and in food risk to USA is naive and simple mind.


These Oromo are economic migrants not refugees and their protest had just started 11 months ago and as you know they have been living in north Somalia for past 10 years. Even UN refused to recognize them as refugees. Plus lack of jobs in SL led them to crime life. However, these reports came from the police not me. Something else comparing Somalia where 5 millions people suffer from hunger and in food risk to USA is naive and simple mind.

Their a persecuted people, the Ethiopian regime has been killing and marginalizing them, they have ever right to come to Somalia, just like Somalis have sought protection in every other country in the world.
I don't see the problem, Somalia has enough land to feed the entire East Africa, we should become like the Israel, especially after what we Somalis have went through.

Furthermore I still haven't found a valid point in your argument other then fear to suggest their a threat to Somalia/Somalis.


This is an old article, nearly a year old. These rapes are no doubt mostly carried out by young Somali men, usually in groups. It is a problem that has got worse over time and one that the SL gov have tried to tackle by addressing the lax traditional way that rape is dealt with in Somali communities. Using this heartbreaking, extremely serious issue to make cheap points about immigration is Donald Trump/Ukip/MarineLePen level shamefulness.
Shaqola'aan wallahi, She's got way tooooooooooooo much time on her hands.
Their a persecuted people, the Ethiopian regime has been killing and marginalizing them, they have ever right to come to Somalia, just like Somalis have sought protection in every other country in the world.
I don't see the problem, Somalia has enough land to feed the entire East Africa, we should become like the Israel, especially after what we Somalis have went through.

Furthermore I still haven't found a valid point in your argument other the fear to suggest their a threat to Somalia/Somalis.

First of all, you had to feed your own people then you accept economic migrants from other countries, but in whole Somalia from north to south we have 5 millions people who suffer from hunger. It is logic thing to look after own people first. Second the Oromo have more choices like Kenya and Sudan who have better economic than Somalia. Charity should start at home
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