First of all, you had to feed your own people then you accept economic migrants from other countries, but in whole Somalia from north to south we have 5 millions people who suffer from hunger. It is logic thing to look after own people first. Second the Oromo have more choices like Kenya and Sudan who have better economic than Somalia. Charity should start at home
I don't see anyone feeding us, this 5 million figure is used by aid agencies to scheme money from Western donors. Secondly the Oromo refugees fend for themselves, they don't live on government handouts, they do odd jobs that Somalis don't want to do, thus they contribute to the economy.
What I find funny, is a Somali who has this sort of sentiment. When millions of Somalis ran away into Kenya and Ethiopia seeking shelter, those countries didn't close their close borders. Somalis should be the last people on earth to have this sort of sentiment.
Next time try to fall in love with real person instead of Dirac, although from your picture I can see that you fall in love with cake not Dirac.
No they live from begging and crimes, if you read the articles you would know that facts.
lmaaaaoooooooooooooo, thanks for the advice I'll bear that in mindNext time try to fall in love with real person instead of Dirac, although from your picture I can see that you fall in love with cake not Dirac.
Their refugees what do you expect them to do, live in luxury houses.
What you say about this, Somalis coming to the US and starting gangs
Rise of Somali Gangs Plagues Minneapolis
lmaaaaoooooooooooooo, thanks for the advice I'll bear that in mind![]()
Uncalled for and unnecessary.
No they are not refugees because the UN refused to recognize them as refugees but as economic migrants. About Somalis gangs in MN that's American government's job and legal system. My concern for Somalia here.
Adna take care of your kids. intaad somalispot ku jirtid go improve your somali and english saaqidad yahayGood girl
No one cares whether the UN recognizing them or not, the UN is already a corrupt institution, which supports the Ethiopian regime.
Oromo refugees are welcomed, and deserve same rights as anyone. We are Somalis and Muslims knowing for our hospital, fear and bigotry isn't what we need.
Adna take care of your kids. intaad somalispot ku jirtid go improve your somali and english saaqidad yahay
One incident shouldn't be taken as the basis for all. Furthermore, just because they do something that's necessary, so should we?
Theirs a fine line between racism and loving your country.
kkkkkk look at this old heffa. naa heedhe wax ma kuu sheega intaad aniga igu mashquulisid orad caruurtaada ka fakar you lowlife. habeen iyo maalin sspot ayay ku jirta wax la fahmayn soo qoraysa naa orad farta dhexa isgeli bahalyahayd nolosha ka dacdayAnd stay away from the dessert section in open buffets and you will fall in love with real man not Dirac or underwear bye and good luck